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HBF Managers’ Toolbox Talk

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1 HBF Managers’ Toolbox Talk

2 Instructions for use The attached slides can be developed/ bespoke for your use by adding & deleting as appropriate. If the toolbox talk is used please ensure records of attendance are forwarded to the HBF H&S committee. The slides can be used as either a PowerPoint presentation or printed and used as a flip chart.

3 Housekeeping matters HBF Slips, trips & falls statistics
Slips, trips & falls accounted for 32% of all RIDDORs recorded by HBF During RIDDOR reportable accidents attributed to slips, trips & falls: 45 major injuries 199 over three day injuries 4 involve members of the public HSE advise over 50% slips, trips & falls due to housekeeping issues


5 Housekeeping Housekeeping is about keeping site in good order
Walkways & access routes Access into/ out of plots Access onto/ off scaffold Waste management Materials storage We need your consistent support and application to remove issues & potential accidents

6 The most common cause …. “Access obstructed with materials or waste, cables strewn around the floor, footpaths aren’t properly stoned or levelled, and simple things like steps into site cabins” Dave Jordan HSE Construction Inspector HSE 2007 campaign indicated almost 1 in 3 sites & 1 in 4 contractors inspected were below acceptable standards

7 Management Control Housekeeping “ the general conditions of the workplace and the control of materials within it to avoid risks to the workforce” For example: Plot access made difficult unnecessarily (H&S issue). Poor presentation to buyers/ visitors etc, material damage & possible pollution (wind blown waste)

8 It does not happen overnight
Housekeeping standards change over time. Too often as soon as a “good” standard is achieved they are allowed to decline We need a consistent good standard of housekeeping throughout our developments

9 Pedestrian Management
Vehicle & pedestrian segregation is a high risk in the construction industry and is an HSE Priority topic. “Every construction site shall be organised in such a way that, so far as is reasonably practicable, pedestrians and vehicles can move safely and without risks to health” Reg 36 CDM regs Pedestrian & Vehicle management must be planned & managed throughout the project

10 Pedestrian Management
Good & regular communication & co-ordination required to ensure effective pedestrian management We need to know what your planning i.e. deliveries, craneage etc We need to tell you how pedestrian/ vehicle routes will change Ensure pedestrian routes are clear of stored materials & trip hazards, and remain so. Does the stone that we have laid provide a trip free walkway of adequate width ? Contractors need to agree storage locations away from pedestrian routes & reinstate barriers once plot “loaded out”

11 Don't let poor housekeeping trip you up
Plot Access Plot access will be used by all entering the unit. Good access is beneficial for all Simple stone ramps to the threshold will remove a potential trip hazard Provide good access & prevent the need for operatives to improvise Bricks, blocks & pallets are not suitable means of plot access Don't let poor housekeeping trip you up

12 Plot Access: Planning Site Manager: address the location/ construction of plot access at oversight. Will enable Scaffolder to erect scaffold, ladder access & loading bays to avoid conflict. Site Manager: Selection/ compaction of stone in the access/ ramp need consideration so that the ramp itself does not create a hazard Scaffolder: Seek confirmation from Site Manager where every plot access to be located prior to erection of scaffold

13 Plot access: In Use Keep Plot access clear of both waste & stored material Trades need to clear waste DAILY and keep storage outside plots away from Plot access Ensure scaffold adjusted to provide unhindered access Principal Contractor responsible to provide safe access & egress to/ from plots We expect you to use the access provided or advise on defects for rectification

14 Ladder Access: Planning
Site Manager: address layout of ladder access with Contracts Manager during planning & updating of CPHSP Scaffolder: Seek instruction from Site Manager where ladder access to be located prior to erection Ladder: In conflict with plot access & scaffold tubes Scaffolding: Numerous defects

15 Ladder: Trip hazards at bottom of ladder from poor planning
Ladder Access: Use Keep stored material & waste away from bottom of ladders Ladder: Trip hazards at bottom of ladder from poor planning Ladder: Poor housekeeping leaves broken/ twisted ankle waiting to happen

16 Loading Bays Loading bays are high risk areas from falling objects and the access/ movement of Forklift trucks. Keep loading bays away from ladder access & plot access Loading bay poorly sited: access below Housekeeping: Appalling

17 Loading Bays: Planning
Site Manager: address layout of loading bays with Contracts Manager during planning & updating of strategy plan Site Manager: address interface between pedestrian route & forklift access to loading bay when planning layout Scaffolder: Seek instruction from Site Manager where every loading bay to be located prior to erection

18 Materials Control & Storage: Use
Remove waste from storage as it is produced (consider skip near storage areas?) Control incoming deliveries to match production & available space Surplus materials to be returned to storage area(s) not left around site Restock surplus materials returned from site in good order

19 Waste Management: Planning
An untidy site is both a dangerous site & a poor quality site. Poor waste management makes a site dangerous & affects profitability & productivity All work areas are to be left clean of any rubbish into mini skips on a daily basis How many operatives are put at risk by this standard of housekeeping ?

20 Waste Management: In practice
Use the skips provided for the RIGHT material Hazardous waste: Mini skip/bin usually in compound for mastic, Solvents, aerosols, chemicals, diesel & oil Plasterboard waste: Either plasterboard bag or yellow plasterboard skip Just because it has waste in does not mean it is suitable for your waste!

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