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Managing the Client’s Social Media

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1 Managing the Client’s Social Media
WisDOT Zoo Interchange Social Media Midwest ITE 2017

2 HNTB’s current social channels
2,120 page likes 37,930 followers Jen --- Here’s where we are today. We are currently using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Instagram is the newest channel. Our path started almost two years ago when Andrew first built these channels. Then, since I came on board, we’ve worked to formalize our path a bit further, organize our content and try to optimize each of these channels individually.

3 Zoo Interchange overview
$1.7B project cost 340,000 vehicles/day Junction of I-94, I-894 and I-41/US 45; 9 miles of freeway 6 local access interchanges Major Stakeholders impacts: Milwaukee County Zoo MRMC (Milwaukee Regional Medical Center) MCRP (Milwaukee Co Research Park) Wisconsin State Fair Park Milwaukee County Facilities Mayfair Mall Regional Stakeholder impacts Local Stakeholder impacts TMP/PI (Traffic Management Plan/Public Information) consultant support Milwaukee, WI

4 Zoo Interchange Public Information
Resident Outreach Business Outreach Special Events Multiple Tools to Inform Print materials Website – One-on-One meetings blasts Facebook and Twitter News Media

5 Zoo Interchange social channels
9,100 page likes Progress pictures Time-Lapse videos Closure information Opening information General information Adjacent Project information

6 Zoo Interchange social rules
Social Media Content Approval Zoo Interchange Leadership Post Regularly Goal is twice/day Post Consistently All closure information Keep language the same Respond Quickly Reduces arguments Reduces false information Respond Factually “I’ll get back to you” is ok Respond Respectfully Zoo Interchange Project Management WisDOT Public Info Social Media content Does it need approval? Yes: Pictures Videos Handouts Sensitive Content No: Approved Schedule Project Facts

7 Social strategy aligns with HNTB Vision
Integrity Technical excellence Respect for others Continual development of all employees Commitment to our professions

8 Questions? Tim Vik Work Zone Traffic Engineer
On-site at Zoo Interchange Office HNTB Corporation

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