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Lesson 13 Page 13 Grade 6 Cycle 1 (Fall) Set 4.

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1 Lesson 13 Page 13 Grade 6 Cycle 1 (Fall) Set 4

2 Predict Pre dict Attain At tain Vary Var y Contrast Con trast
Directions: Practice saying the vocabulary words of the week. Break the words into parts if you have trouble saying it (hint – the red font) Predict Attain Vary Contrast Pre dict At tain Var y Con trast

3 Predict Example: The fortune teller predicts the future.
Definition: Say something will happen Synonym: Foresee Example: The fortune teller predicts the future.

4 Attain Example: She attained all A’s on her report card.
Grade 6 Cycle 1 Set 4 Lessons Attain Definition: Earn something you worked for Synonym: achieve Example: She attained all A’s on her report card.

5 Vary This word looks and sounds like “very” but it isn’t the same. Definition: How a thing changes Synonym: differ Example: He was tired of eating cornflakes every morning, so he varied it by adding banana slices.

6 Contrast Definition: A difference between things Synonym: difference Example: The contrast between these fish is that one is green and the rest are orange.

7 Lesson 14 Page 14 Grade 6 Cycle 1 (Fall) Set 4

8 What does _________ mean?
Partner Pow-Wow Directions: Work with a partner. Take turns quizzing yourself with the definitions. If you can’t remember it, use your notes to help you. What does _________ mean? Predict Attain Vary Contrast Grade 7 Cycle 1 (Fall)

9 Predict The individual paid the fortune teller the money.
Definition: Say something will happen Predict The individual paid the fortune teller the money. Then, the fortune teller predicted his future. What did the fortune teller predict?

10 I predict that _______ because _______.
Definition: Say something will happen What would you predict? I predict that _______ because _______.

11 Vary Definition: How a thing changes He varied his breakfast from day to day depending on his appetite. What did he change?

12 Is this something that varies?
2. Vary Definition: How a thing changes Is this something that varies? The __________ varies from day to day.

13 Grade 6 Cycle 1 Set 4 Lessons 13 - 16
Sentence Mash-Up You have a stack of sentences. Your job is to place the sentence with the correct word. Predict Vary Consent Individual Compare Persuade Emerge Symbol Grade 7 Cycle 1 (Fall)

14 Lesson 15 Page 15 Grade 6 Cycle 1 (Fall) Set 4

15 What does _________ mean?
Partner Pow-Wow Directions: Work with a partner. Take turns quizzing yourself with the definitions. If you can’t remember it, use your notes to help you. What does _________ mean? Predict Attain Vary Contrast Grade 7 Cycle 1 (Fall)

16 Attain She attained all A’s on her report card.
Definition: Earn something you worked for Attain She attained all A’s on her report card. Good grades established her as a successful student What did the girl attain?

17 1. Attain What did the person work hard to attain?
Definition: Earn something you worked for 1. Attain What did the person work hard to attain? The person worked hard to attain _____________.

18 Definition: A difference between things.
Contrast The main contrast between these fish is that one is green and the rest are orange. What is the main difference?

19 What is one contrast between the two men.
Grade 6 Cycle 1 Set 4 Lessons Definition: List what is different between things. What is one contrast between the two men. A B One contrast between the men is_____________________.

20 Grade 6 Cycle 1 Set 4 Lessons 13 - 16
Sentence Mash-Up You have a stack of sentences. Your job is to place the sentence with the correct word. Attain Contrast Establish Point of view Alter Credible Elaborate Publish She accumulated a lot of boyfriends. He accumulates Nike shoes with all his money. The fever confirmed she is sick and should go home. We confirmed the size of the table using a tape measure. A short speech will precede dinner this evening. Along the path, you will see that the roses precede the holly bush. The crowd filtered into the stadium. The cars filtered onto the freeway. She adjusted her hair to make it fancier. Can you adjust the sound on the TV? The earthquake generated a tsunami. His new picture generated a lot of likes on Instagram. I do not want to lug a hefty suitcase in the airport. No one could eat that hefty burrito! The hip hop performance was superb. The new Harry Potter ride is superb. Grade 7 Cycle 1 (Fall)

21 Lesson 16 Review Grade 6 Cycle 1 (Fall) Set 4

22 Grade 6 Cycle 1 Set 4 Lessons 13 - 16
Definition Dash: Your job is to state as many definitions as you can out loud with a partner without looking at the answers. You might need to study before you compete. Word Definition Predict Say something will happen Attain Earn something you worked for Vary How a thing changes Contrast A difference between things Word Definition Symbol A sign that stands for something Emerge To come out Credible Trusted and believable Alter Change something Word Definition Consent Say yes to something Establish Set up to last Individual A single (just 1) person or thing Point of view Opinion or attitude about something Word Definition Persuade Convince someone to do something Elaborate Giving lots more details Compare Find what is the same or different Publish Put out for the public Grade 7 Cycle 1 (Fall)

23 Grade 6 Cycle 1 Set 4 Lessons 13 - 16
Jeopardy We are going to play jeopardy as a review for our vocabulary test. You will need to: Memorize definitions Make a sentence with the vocabulary words Answer questions about sentences and stories with the vocabulary words.

24 Definitions Part I Tell Us That Word Story Writing Family Time Fill in the Blanks What does persuade mean? Convince someone to do something Find what is the same or different Compare I give lots of details in my story. Elaborate I convince my parent’s to buy me stuff. Persuade I (compare/vary) the dog and cat to see what is the same or different. What does symbol mean? A sign that stands for something else Trusted and believable Credible I put out the book and now everyone can buy it. Publish A difference between my sister and I is our height Contrast The artist (attained/elaborated) on his design by adding more colors and lines. Elaborated What does consent mean? Say yes to something A single (just 1) person or thing Individual I must use trustworthy sources in my essays. I said yes to my brother using my X-box. Consent Spiderman ______ from the building Emerged What does contrast and emerge mean? A difference between things/come out Earn something you work for and change something Attain and alter Click Me For Daily Double I have my own single bedroom in my house. I _____ that it will be hot tomorrow. predict Click me for the Daily Double To put out for the public and how a thing changes Publish and vary I read the story from the main characters’ perspective. My mom changes our clothes when they don’t fit us well. Alters My _____ on politics _____ with my friend’, so we always argue. Point of view/contrasts $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

25 Click me to return to game
Grade 6 Cycle 1 Set 4 Lessons How much will you wager? In the novel, the author used the red door as a representation of looming dangers! CLICK ME FOR THE ANSWER SYMBOL Click me to return to game

26 Click me to return to game
How much will you wager? State all the definitions for these words: Attain Vary Establish Point of view CLICK ME FOR THE ANSWER Earn something you work for, how a thing changes, set up to last, opinion or attitude about something Click me to return to game

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