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Intel's Public Policy Plan for the Internet of Things

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1 Intel's Public Policy Plan for the Internet of Things
What and Why The Internet of Things(IoT) is the network of devices and technologies that by some means is embedded with technology that allows them to have network connectivity and exchange data. There is currently a huge demand in the markets for the IoT. Intel is looking to supply this demand for IoT technologies; however, IoT devices are currently not very secure at all nor do they have policy to ensure the are not misused. With a 50 billion IoT devices predicted to be connected by 2020, Inter has come up a proposed a public policy plan to ensure that this can happen. Their first goal would be to set a common interface for seamless connectivity between devices and the cloud. The next goal would be then for high-speed broadband to allow these devices to work seamlessly. The third goal that Intel wants to strive for is the ensured security of all IoT devices that provides trust with personal and industrial use, as well as allowing for privacy and efficiency. All of these are more of sub-goals though. Most of all intel wants to develop an IoT ecosystem, so that the most simple of tasks can be preformed with IoT devices. Pros Progression and stability in the economy. Applications in many fields such as; mobile, home, medical, industry, and emergency. Efficiency though a common system and interface. Improved quality of living. Cons Requirement for high-speed broadband to live in the IoT ecosystem. Multitude privacy and security risks involved with so many connected devices. Dependability on technology. How would it be Enforced If they want to accomplish their plan by 2020, Intel’s plan would include lots of federal funding along side a sort of federal supervision. A large amount of the enforcement would be done through private-public deals between government and industry. The most of it, however, would be done though market demand. If the demand for IoT devices is to become as popular as predicted, it will push the development of the proper technology and systems needed.

2 http://www. intel. com/content/www/us/en/policy/policy-iot-framework

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