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Halswell School.

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Presentation on theme: "Halswell School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Halswell School

2 About our school Decile 10 School size 4 learning teams
Leadership Structure 150 years old

3 Our rebuild journey Sept 2010 serious quake damage
Temporary move to Halswell Residential College Full rebuild announced Sept 2012 Building started Sept 2013 (check with BT) Y5-8 Learning Centres opened June Y0-4 Learning Centres opened August 2014 Hall, library, admin, arts suite due to open early 2015

4 Our new school explain layout of new school

5 Our Learning Centres Each Learning centre is a T6 with each half a T3
NE Learning Centre has different layout wet room break out spaces teacher workroom blue room

6 Design considerations
choice of architect acoustics sound system in LC break out spaces and ability to close these off toilets - unisex furniture - trial first. Gather student feedback. Buy less than you think you’ll need Storage - allow plenty Including staff and students in the decision making process e.g. staff meetings with architect, Y7/8 student inquiry groups - landscaping, interior design, playgrounds, furniture

7 PD Considerations Vital! Addressing staff concerns Transitioning staff
Pedagogy Team building Open to learning conversations Freedom to trial vital! Especially important when transitioning an existing staff PD included: addressing staff concerns pedagogy for 21st Century learning and best use of MLE. Collaborative planning and teaching. ICT, SDL team building - team agreements open to Learning conversations Staff given opportunities and freedom to trial new approaches e.g. SDL. We are still trialling!

8 Graduate Profile A Halswell graduate is equipped for success in the 21st century. A Halswell graduate... is an enthusiastic and self directed learner can apply what they have learned to real life situations can think critically, communicate effectively, and work collaboratively. is confident and respectful in dealing with a wide range of interpersonal relationships is a divergent thinker: inquisitive, creative and open minded is a proactive, future focussed, globally aware citizen confidently interacts with a variety of tools including ICTs to support their learning possesses core academic skills and the ability to access, synthesize and apply new knowledge. possesses the personal qualities needed to be a self-assured, responsible and empathic young person who acts with integrity knows that learning involves taking risks, making mistakes and accessing support when needed These attributes are developed from Year 0-8 through our ACTIVE curriculum and our school values and therefore students are inspired to: imagine, believe, create and succeed. This was one of the first things we worked on as part of our staff PD and gave us a shared vision and a guide for making decisions Staff, student, community feedback contributed

9 Learning at Halswell

10 Our Professional Learning
Concepts: Agency, Ubiquity and Connectedness Agency : Increased Ownership, Choice and the Power to Act. Both Students and Adults Ubiquity : Anywhere and Anytime learning, Google Docs/Technology has had a massive influence on when, where and how students learn. e.g working/collaborating on writing tasks at home at night with others. Connectedness : Through technology specifically we are now globally connected with whomever we want to be connected with. E.g. skype session with a meteorologist.

11 Our Professional Learning
Effective Practice and Increasing Student Ownership

12 Self Directed Learning
In 2014 our PD focussed on SDL as a means of increasing student agency. Halswell School SDL definition and progressions

13 Planning for Teaching and Learning
If all our learners from the team were together in one space, with all the teachers what could a lesson/ series of lessons look like ? e.g. maths, writing What would the teachers be doing? What would the learners be doing? How will you utilise teacher strengths to benefit all learners and learning styles? How will you utilise space and digital tools to support learning?

14 Working in Collaborative Teams
procedures expectations for students- behaviour, work standards expectations for teachers - meetings, planning “when your blood boils” ! iLink to Learning Team Agreements: Ahuriri & Huritini , Orongomai, Otawhito, Otumatua

15 Moving in considerations
Timing Setting up Staff wellbeing work loads Consider these issues carefully and plan for them

16 If you want to know more about our journey...
link to blog:

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