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Ulrike Romatschke University of Washington, University of Vienna

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1 Regional, Seasonal, and Diurnal Variations of Convection in the Himalayan Region
Ulrike Romatschke University of Washington, University of Vienna Socorro Medina, Robert A. Houze Jr. University of Washington 13th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, August 2008, Whistler, BC, Canada

2 Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna
Objectives Use 3D reflectivity structure of precipitating systems to document Regional variability Role of topography Seasonal variability Pre-monsoon vs. monsoon Diurnal variability Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna

3 Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna
Data Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) Precipitation Radar (PR) 3D reflectivity 1999 – 2006 Pre-monsoon: May Monsoon: June – September NCEP reanalysis Large-scale environment Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna

4 Classification of radar echoes within convective systems
Deep Convective Cores Convective 40 dBZ echo  10 km (vertical) Wide Convective Cores Convective 40 dBZ area  km² (horizontal) Broad Stratiform Echoes Stratiform area  km² (horizontal) Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna

5 Deep Convective Cores

6 Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna
Deep Convective Cores Pre-monsoon (May) Monsoon (Jun-Sep) Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna

7 Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna
Pre-monsoon Monsoon Specific Humidity Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna

8 Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna
Deep Convective Cores Monsoon Diurnal Cycle Mean Solar Time Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna

9 Wide Convective Cores

10 Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna
Wide Convective Cores Pre-monsoon (May) Monsoon (Jun-Sep) Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna

11 Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna
Wide Convective Cores Monsoon Rain Climatology Monsoon Wide Convective Cores Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna

12 Land Wide Convective Cores
00 – 12 MST Monsoon Diurnal Cycle Early Morning Evening Mean Solar Time 12 – 00 MST Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna

13 Wind composites for Wide Convective Cores at the Himalayan foothills
1200 UTC (~ 1730 MST) 0000 UTC (~ 0530 MST) Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna

14 Broad Stratiform Echoes

15 Broad Stratiform Echoes
Monsoon Rain Climatology Monsoon Broad Stratiform Echoes Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna

16 Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna
Conclusions Monsoon rainfall patterns strongly influenced by convective systems of the following types Rain maximum over Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal Convective systems with Broad Stratiform Echoes Rain maximum over Himalayan foothills Convective systems with Wide Convective Cores occurring late night/early morning Severe convection maximum in northwestern indentation region Convective systems with Deep Convective Cores Ulrike Romatschke, University of Washington, University of Vienna 16

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