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Government Intervention

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Presentation on theme: "Government Intervention"— Presentation transcript:

1 Government Intervention

2 Why would the government step in to control the prices of goods and services? Would economists think that controlling prices is good idea?

3 Causes The government wants to protect groups that have a hard time dealing with price increases. Keep prices higher or lower than what would be equilibrium.

4 EFFECT Disruption of the market Distort the allocation of resources
Does not work. Can work if used for a short period of time.

5 PRICE CEILING: (Creates a Shortage)
A MAXIMUM price set by the government that consumers are required to pay for a good or service. Prevents prices from getting too high, enabling consumers to buy essential goods or services they wouldn’t be able to afford at the equilibrium price Example: Rent control

6 Persistent Shortage Demand will increase as price decreases
Result – suppliers don’t want to produce more b/c they can’t set their own prices.


8 PRICE FLOOR: (Creates a Surplus)
A MINIMUM price set by the government that consumers are required to pay for a good or service. Pushes price up, ensuring that producers receive a benefit for providing a good or service Example: Minimum wage

9 Persistent surplus Because price is above equilibrium (law of Demand) tells us that we demand less as price goes up Result: Sell at low prices or government buys the surplus

10 PRICE FLOOR Price Floor Qd Qs Surplus

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