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Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Competences for Liberal Arts Outlines of the presentation : 1. Stake and Definitions 2. Subject.

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Presentation on theme: "Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Competences for Liberal Arts Outlines of the presentation : 1. Stake and Definitions 2. Subject."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Competences for Liberal Arts Outlines of the presentation : 1. Stake and Definitions 2. Subject specific competences (in History) 3. Generic competences 4. Why hire a Liberal Arts Major ? 5. Competences in History curriculum

2 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Competences for Liberal Arts 1. Stake and definition 1.1. An important academic and political issue A crucial problem in many European countries because of the massive influx of students in this field : how they may be employed ? How can they use their competences for employability

3 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Competences for Liberal Arts 1. Stake and definition 1.2. Definition of competences : One can speak of competences only in a professional context. To be competent in a specific professional field is to be able to apply learning outcomes, by developing the adapted abilities or capacities so as to be efficient in the profession. = a well-thought-out know how, which implies to master knowledge and skills in relation with the professional context Two kinds of competences (both are academics) : -Subject specific competences : they allow to be efficient in the related academic disciplines. -Generic competences : they allow to be efficient in all professional situations.

4 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Competences for Liberal Arts 1. Stake and definition 1.3 Education in Liberal arts has a great advantage : It develops a lot of generic competences, either - Instrumental competences - Interpersonal competences - Systemic competences

5 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Competences for Liberal Arts 2. Subject specific competences 2.1. Awareness : -A critical awareness of the relationship between current events or processes and the past. -Awareness of the differences in historiographical outlooks in various periods and contexts. -Awareness of and respect for points of view deriving from other national or cultural backgrounds. -Awareness of the on-going nature of historical research and debate -Awareness of the issues and themes of present day historiographical debate. -Awareness of methods and issues of different branches of historical research (economic, social, cultural, gender related..). -Awareness of and ability to use tolls of other human and social sciences (anthropology, archaeology, sociology, philosophy etc…)

6 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Competences for Liberal Arts 2. Subject specific competences 2.2. Knowledge : Detailed knowledge of one or more specific period of the human past. Knowledge of and ability to use information retrieval tools Knowledge of and ability to use the specific tools necessary to study any kind of documents Knowledge of ancient languages Knowledge of local and national history Knowledge of European history in a comparative perspective Knowledge of the history of European integration Knowledge of world history Knowledge of didactics of history

7 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Competences for Liberal Arts 2. Subject specific competences 2.3. Abilities : Ability to communicate in ones own language and foreign languages using the terminology and techniques accepted in the historiographical profession (oral and written communication) Ability to read historiographical texts or original documents in ones own language and foreign languages. Ability to use computer and internet resources and techniques elaborating historical or related data (statistics, database, archives, cartography etc…) Ability to define research topics suitable to contribute to historiographical knowledge and debate Ability to identify and use appropriately sources of information for research project Ability to organise complex historical information in coherent form Ability to comment, annotate or edit texts and documents according the canons of the discipline Ability to give narrative form ti research results according to the canons of the discipline

8 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Competences for Liberal Arts 3. Generic competences 3.1. Instrumental competences -Capacity for analysis and synthesis -Capacity for organisation and planning -Basic general knowledge -Grounding in basic knowledge of the profession -Elementary computing skills -Languages -Information management skills (ability to retrieve and analyse information from different sources) -Problem solving -Decision-making

9 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Competences for Liberal Arts 3. Generic competences 3.2. Interpersonal competences Critical and self-critical abilities Teamwork Interpersonal skills Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team Ability to communicate with experts of other fields Appreciation of diversity and multiculturality (understanding of cultures and customs of other countries) Ability to work in an international context Ethical commitment

10 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Competences for Liberal Arts 3. Generic competences 3.3. systemic competences Capacity for applying knowledge in practice Research skills Capacity to learn Capacity to adapt to new situations Capacity for creating new ideas (creativity) Leadership Ability to work autonomously Project design and management Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit Concern for quality

11 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Competences for Liberal Arts 4. Why hire a Liberal Arts Major ? The good way of defining competences for social and human sciences = to be able to give answers to this basic question

12 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Competences for Liberal Arts 4. Why hire a Liberal Arts Major ? 4.1. Five reasons : Liberal art majors are passionate, self-motivated learners Liberal art majors are tolerant, culturally-aware and globally knowledgeable Liberal art majors possess good communication skills Liberal art majors are not limited by specialization Liberal art majors needs sphere of activity to deepen and develop their competencies

13 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Competences for Liberal Arts 4. Why hire a Liberal Arts Major ? 4.2. Main competences to be outlined in Liberal Arts : -Foreign languages (not only to speak but also to understand the cultures) ; all communication skills. -Ability to develop creative solutions to problems -Ability to think outside the lines, and to consider the bigger picture -Ability to think abstractly -Capacity of self and continuous learning for deepening and developing knowledge and skills. -Ability to gather resources and perform research independently -Willingness to take on the unfamiliar, the culturally different -Awareness of cultural and global issues -Ethical commitment ; tolerance, respect the opinions of others -Analyzing situations for cause and effect correlation -Ability to consider multiple perspectives -Ability to adapt to new situations and to open to new opportunities -Ability to question and challenge

14 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Competences for Liberal Arts 5. Competences in curricula Competences represent a dynamic combination of knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities. Fostering competences is the object of educational programmes. Competences will be formed in various course units and assessed at different stages. When designing a curriculum in liberal arts, this aspect must be always kept in mind.

15 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Competences for Liberal Arts 5. Competences in curricula Some concrete examples in History : How to elaborate a course unit (or module) Correlation between competences and teaching/learning activities Competences and cycle level

16 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 5.1.How to elaborate a course unit Unit course n° xxxx : Intercultural communication and multicultural societies Programme of study : Master in History. Progression : 3 rd semester Type of course : core ; Level : advanced. Contact hours : 2 / week Number of credits/workload : 5 (125 h ) Name of the teacher : X Competences to be developed (and assessed ) : 1.Awareness of diversity and multi culturality 2.Ability to work in multicultural contexts 3.Ability to understand and appreciate original documents produced by a foreign culture 4.Ability to a sound and personal judgment about complex problems 5.Capacity for analysis and synthesis 6.Oral and written communication in native language.

17 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 5.1.How to elaborate a course unit Learning outcomes Teaching/lear- ning activities WorkloadAssessment Understanding of acculturation phenomena Passage from ethnocentrism to ethnorelativism Lecture n° 1 : Acculturation processes 2 h Oral review of a book or a paper from the bibliography Participation to the debate (5%) Workshop n° 1 Study of a document (text by Levi Strauss) 2 h Bibliography 6 h Documentary (film) and debate 2 h

18 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 5.2. Competences correlated to teaching/learning activities Competence Detailed knowledge of a specific period of the past Teaching method Lectures, Group works, site visits Learning activities Attending lectures, reading assigned bibliography, participation in discussion groups, using e-learning materials, reading and contextualising documents relative to the period Way of assessment Written and/or oral examinations, assessment of presentations, participation in discussion groups or exercise course.

19 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 5.3. Competences and cycle level Type of studiesDescription of achievements : History courses for students of other subject areas 1. A critical view of the human past 2. Understanding of and respect for viewpoints moulded by different historical backgrounds 3. A general idea of the diachronic framework of major historical periods or events 4. Direct contact with original sources and texts produced by professional research in history The student is able to develop a historical perspective on reality History as relevant part of a degree in other subjects 5. General knowledge of the methodologies, tools and issues of at least two of the broad chronological periods, as well as significant diachronic themes 6. Ability to complete in oral and written form a circumscribed piece of research, according to the canons of the discipline

20 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 5.3. Competences and cycle level Type of studiesDescription of achievements : First cycle in History 6. General knowledge of the methodologies, tools and issues of all the broad chronological periods. 7. Specific knowledge of at least one of the broad periods or of a diachronic theme 8. Be aware oh how historical interests and problems change with time, and how historiographical debates are linked to political and cultural concern of each epoch 9.Ability to present in oral and written form a medium length piece of research according to the canons of the discipline with bibliographical information, primary sources

21 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 5.3. Competences and cycle level Type of studiesDescription of achievements : Second cycle in History 10. Specific, ample, detailed and up to date knowledge of at least of the broad periods, including different methodological approaches and historiographical orientations relating to it 11. Familiarity with comparative methods and connected disciplines 12. Ability to plan, carry out and present in oral and written form a research based contribution to historiographical knowledge, bearing on a significant problem, according to the canons of the discipline

22 Jean-Luc Lamboley, promoteur de Bologne, Prishtina June 2007 Some questions ?... Thank you for your attention

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