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Progression to Sixth Form Mr Smith Mr O’Mahony

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1 Progression to Sixth Form Mr Smith Mr O’Mahony
Year 11 Assembly Progression to Sixth Form Mr Smith Mr O’Mahony

2 IAG Information, Advice and Guidance
We provide every student in Year 11 a one-to-one IAG meeting with a member of the Year 11 team; the Sixth Form team or a member of SLT. This is to help guide you to make the best choice of subjects in Sixth Form. It is to help you to apply for courses for which you will be qualified. It is to help you pick choices that will help you achieve your future goals. It is an opportunity for you to ask questions. Each session will last for 15 minutes and you will leave your lessons for this meeting. You will all receive a letter confirming the time and place of the meeting. Please keep this with you/ask your tutor to sign your planner so you may leave your lesson.

3 Sixth Form Team visit Year 11 PSHE
In order to give you further information about the Sixth Form application process, Results’ Day and Enrolment in August, a member of the Sixth Form team will visit your PSHE lessons over a 2 week period from 19th February until 2nd March. An opportunity for you to ask questions. An opportunity for you to find out about doing research.

4 Sixth Form Application Deadline
You need to complete the Sixth Form application on the school website by Friday, 2nd March. You can first access the application form on line from 23rd February. We have not allowed access to the application form until this date so that all students have their IAG session before they make their choices. IAG teachers will record what choices they have advised you to make. Students whose choices differ significantly – especially if they choose courses for which they will not be qualified – will not receive an offer until AFTER they have been re-interviewed by Mr Smith.

5 Make a sensible application…
Pick courses for which you are confident you will be qualified. Do NOT pick courses for which you will not achieve the required entry grades. NO student is allowed to study a course at Level 3 unless they have achieved ALL the entry criteria. If you are not sure that you will achieve the entry requirements, then pick a course in which you are more confident. If you achieve the required grades for the other course, you can change to that course on Results’ Day. If you pick a course for which you are not qualified, you will not be able to enrol on GCSE Results’ Day, you will have to return the following day and then some courses may already be full!

6 Sixth Form Study Pathways
Students will then be allocated to a Sixth Form Study Pathway, which is determined by their GCSE results. The pathways are: Pathway Name Average GCSE Point Score Subject Choices Mastering 6.4 and above 4 A Levels/BTECs Secure 4 A Levels/BTECs (Maximum 3 Facilitating Subjects) Developing 5 – 5.4 4 A Levels/BTECs (Maximum 2 Facilitating subjects) Emerging 4 – 4.9 3 A Levels/BTECs (Maximum 1 Facilitating subject)

7 Facilitating Subjects
English Literature Facilitating Core Mathematics Further Mathematics Biology Core/Science Chemistry Physics Geography Humanity History French MFL German Spanish (2019)

8 Specialist Subjects Psychology Specialist Science Business Studies
Humanity Drama Creative Economics English Lang. & Lit. Core Law Media Studies Music Politics Religious Studies Sociology Computer Science Tech Art Graphics Creative/Tech Photography

9 Vocational Subjects BTEC Performing Arts Vocational Creative BTEC Art
BTEC Enterprise Humanity BTEC IT Tech BTEC Media Studies BTEC Sport BTEC Medical Science Science

10 How do I calculate my GCSE Average Point Score?
GCSE Grade Point Score 9 – 1 9 - 1 A* 8.5 A 7 B 5.5 C 4 D 3 E 2 F 1.5 G 1 Work out the numeric value of your GCSE grades. Add the numeric values together and divide the answer by the number of GCSEs taken.

11 Example Student calculation:
GCSE Results English Language 6 English Literature 5 Mathematics 5 Science 5,5 History 7 French 6 Art 7 Media Studies A Economics A Total GCSE Points 60 Average GCSE Point Score 60/10 = 6.0

12 What pathway can this student follow?
Pathway Name Average GCSE Point Score Subject Choices Mastering 6.4 and above 4 A Levels/BTECs Secure 4 A Levels/BTECs (Maximum 3 Facilitating Subjects) Developing 5 – 5.4 4 A Levels/BTECs (Maximum 2 Facilitating subjects) Emerging 4 – 4.9 3 A Levels/BTECs (Maximum 1 Facilitating subject) This student can access the Secure Pathway with a score of 6.0

13 Subject Specific Entry Requirements
KS5 Subject Descriptor Sector En GCSE min grade Ma GCSE min grade Subject Specific min grade English Literature Facilitating Core 6 4 English 6, 6 Mathematics 7 Maths Further Mathematics 8 Biology Core/Science 5 Science 6 6 Chemistry Physics Geography Humanity History

14 Key dates Mock Results afternoon: Friday 2nd February 2018 (period 5)
You must return your SIMS data request form to your tutor to receive your results!! Final Progress reports (predicted grades): Monday 5th Feb Parents evening: Tuesday 6th February 2018 (3.30 –6.30) IAG's: 5th –23rd February 2018 (week before and after February half term) Sixth form application deadline: Friday 2nd March 2018 Work experience deadline: Friday 23rd March 2018 2 Forms available on Moodle & KS4 resource centre

15 Progress reports - Learning conversations
Identify 3 learning targets for 3 most at risk subjects Agree your targets with your subject teachers – TALK TO THEM!!!!!! Seek their advise! The purpose is to talk to your teachers so you can work towards improving your grades. Record it all in your planner – this will be explained in form time.

16 General advice If you are unsure about any part of the progression process, speak to your tutor, subject teachers, the sixth form team or a member of the Year Team. The sixth form is not a rite of passage – a lot of competition. Each student is discussed in detail prior to enrolment. Alternative progression routes (other colleges or apprenticeships) – seek careers advice from Ms Farmah or your Year Team. Discuss your intended progression pathway during your IAG session. 12 weeks of lessons left after this week – make the most of your time. Exercise, eat well and sleep well. Stress is normal, everyone will feel it and we can help. Use your time during lunch and after school wisely – attend revision sessions. Listen to your teachers advice and guidance!!

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