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IECQ solution what is it ?

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1 IECQ solution what is it ?
IEC e-Learning module Module 31 – unit 02 IECQ solution what is it ? © IEC 2017

2 IECQ solution what is it ?
IEC e-Learning module Module 31 – unit 02 IECQ solution what is it ? Welcome to the IEC e-learning course. This is Unit 2 of Module 31. The title of this unit is: IECQ solution – what is it ? © IEC 2017

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4 Biggest world trade sector
Electrotechnical World trade in electronics & electrical devices: 17.7%  USD 2,893 trillion Raw energy: 11.1%  USD 1,822 trillion Electrical and electronic devices now form the biggest trade sector in the world. In 2015 they represented 17,7% of total trade value, according to UN Com trade statistics. This is a larger percentage than for raw energy and larger than that covering the world trade in vehicles. Vehicles: 8.0%  USD 1,314 trillion IEC e-Learning module M /20

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6 “made in the world” Electrotechnical goods
Economies are highly interdependent Electrical & electronic goods are “made in the world” Today, electronic and electrical materials, parts and subassemblies transit through multiple countries before being assembled in one location, shipped somewhere else and then consumed. Such products are generally no longer the result of industrial manufacturing in a single country. More often than not, electrotechnical devices are “made in the world”. In fact, today without prior importation, there is no exportation. Without import  there is no export IEC e-Learning module M /20

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8 Supply Chain Business-to-business Confidence = demonstrate ability to
consistently supply to the specification or standard Today, the production of electrical and electronic goods involves hundreds and sometimes thousands of individual parts, components and sub-assemblies, as well as the application of special treatments, coating, actions and processes. In order to make their products, manufacturers work with multiple suppliers from around the world, in a supplier-customer relationship. This business-to-business relationship works because of confidence established between the two parties. This confidence is based on a demonstrated ability to supply consistently according to the needs of the customer. Proof of that ability is provided through supplier qualification audits. How  supplier qualification audit IEC e-Learning module M /20

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10 Supplier Qualification Audit
A business necessity But is Time consuming & costly Distracts from real business Inconsistent, random results Single qualification Systematic approach Qualifying suppliers is indispensable. Conducting and undergoing audits is a business necessity. But if manufacturers need to conduct multiple audits on multiple suppliers, and if suppliers need to be audited by multiple customers, then the process becomes very costly for all involved and can be both time-consuming and resource-heavy. It also distracts the attention of each industry player from its core business activities. For all of these reasons the electronics industry decided to create a more efficient qualification method. It was determined that a single qualification approach, conducted systematically by an appropriate body, was a much more efficient method than conducting multiple individual audits in a random and miscellaneous manner. As early as the 1970s, the IEC was asked to establish the IECQ, a world wide supplier qualification scheme for the electronics industry. Consistent qualification Specialised auditing body  IECQ IEC e-Learning module M /20

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12 IECQ System IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components
Worldwide approval & certification covering the supply of Electronic components Associated materials Assemblies, including modules And processes But what is the IECQ ? The IECQ is an international conformity assessment system operated under the IEC. IECQ stands for the IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components. IECQ is a worldwide approval and certification system covering the supply of electronic components and associated materials, assemblies, including modules, and processes. It uses quality assessment specifications that are based on International Standards. Quality assessment according to international standards IEC e-Learning module M /20

13 IECQ System IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components
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14 IECQ System IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components
Assurance & cost-cutting Eliminates manufacturers’ need to audit suppliers IECQ covers  Design, manufacture, assembly & The IECQ is all about assurance and cost-cutting. Electrical and electronic products often comprise hundreds of individual parts consisting of components and sub-assemblies. Manufacturers of electronic goods want to be assured that the electronic parts used in their products are of the required quality and reliability. To eliminate the need to perform quality auditing of suppliers, and to minimize incoming inspection costs, manufacturers can choose component suppliers who hold IECQ product certifications for their components. As a supply chain management tool, IECQ covers the design, manufacture, assembly and distribution of electronic component parts and related materials and processes. distribution of electrical components, parts & related materials & processes IEC e-Learning module M /20

15 IECQ System IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components
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16 IECQ System IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components
A membership and rules-based international organization The members write the rules and they abide by the rules The IECQ is a membership and rules-based organization. The members write the rules and must abide by those rules. There is one member body per country. The IECQ is open to all qualifying certification bodies. One Member Body per country Open to all qualifying CBs IEC e-Learning module M /20

17 IECQ System IEC e-Learning module M /20

18 IECQ System 12 participating countries Members
Denmark China France Germany Austria Australia Netherlands United Kingdom United States Japan Republic of Korea Russian Federation As of the 2nd quarter of 2016, 12 countries were participating in the IECQ. Follow the link to see current membership: IEC e-Learning module M /20

19 IECQ System . IEC e-Learning module M /20

20 IECQ System Principles IECQ is non-profit
IECQ is neutral and transparent IECQ is market driven IECQ does not do any conformity assessment (CA) itself (not testing, not auditing, not certification, etc) The principles under which the IECQ operates combine to create confidence, credibility and value. The first principle is that the IECQ, like the IEC itself, is a non-profit organization. The IECQ is neutral and has no bias towards or against any party. It is rules-based and transparent, with those rules being freely available. It is market-driven and only creates services that the market asks it to create. The IECQ does not perform conformity assessment itself. Rather, it creates an international framework in which commercial certification bodies can operate. IECQ creates an international framework in which commercial CA organizations operate IEC e-Learning module M /20

21 IECQ System IEC e-Learning module M /20

22 IECQ System Certification Services Process Type assessment testing
IECQ AP scheme X IECQ AC scheme X X IECQ AQP scheme X X IECQ LED scheme X X The IECQ provides a wide range of certification services in different sectors, but all are based on two fundamental schemes: the IECQ Approved Process scheme, or IECQ AP scheme, and the IECQ Approved Component scheme, or IECQ AC scheme. The other services provided essentially involve application of these two base schemes, either alone or in combination, to address specific sectorial needs. At the time this e-learning unit was created, the other IECQ CA schemes included the Automotive Qualification Programme, or IECQ AQP, the IECQ scheme for LED Lighting, or IECQ LED; the IECQ Avionic & Defence High Performance scheme, or IECQ ADHP; the IECQ Counterfeit Avoidance Programme, or IECQ CAP; and the IECQ Hazardous Substances Process Management scheme, or IECQ HSPM. IECQ ADHP scheme X IECQ CAP scheme X IECQ HSPM scheme X IEC e-Learning module M /20

23 IECQ System Certification Services IECQ AP – Approved Process Scheme
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24 IECQ System Certification Services IECQ AP – Approved Process Scheme
Certification of sub-processes for component manufacture The process of component manufacture can, itself, be certified IECQ Approved Process Certification may be applied to any process affecting conformity or compliance of electronic components, related assemblies or services. The IECQ AP permits companies and organizations to certify their specialized services or processes. If a supplier provides sub-parts, piece parts, specialized materials or services such as surface coatings, electroplating or even packaging, the processes that manage those services can be certified. Such services may be provided to the manufacturers of finished components. Those component manufacturers can then, if they wish, obtain certification of the finished electronic components using the IECQ Approved Component Scheme. The two-dimensional approach of the IECQ Approved Process and IECQ Approved Component schemes recognizes the diverse infrastructure of the electronic components industry and makes it possible for an entire electronic component manufacturing capacity to be assessed in its totality. Finished components, themselves, can also be certified using IECQ AC IECQ AP & IECQ AC are complementary IEC e-Learning module M /20

25 IECQ System Certification Services IEC e-Learning module M /20

26 IECQ System Certification Services IECQ AC – Approved Component Scheme
Certification of components, products, materials & assemblies To technical standards & specifications, including client specifications By laboratory testing & other verification criteria, including regular surveillance IECQ Approved Component Certification may be applied to electronic components, products, related materials and assemblies for which either a technical standard or specification exists. Client specifications are also accepted for use in the IECQ System. Manufacturers and suppliers holding IECQ Approved Components Certification demonstrate to the international marketplace that through testing and other verification criteria, their organization and facilities comply with the requirements of the IECQ System and the relevant declared technical standards and specifications for their scope of activity. Products and related materials and assemblies produced within the defined scope of activity covered by the IECQ AC certificate are recognized as IECQ certified. They can then be released with a Declaration of Conformity and purchased with the confidence that they have been produced using manufacturing processes which have been successfully assessed and are under constant surveillance by an independent, internationally accepted IECQ certification body. By independent, recognised CBs IEC e-Learning module M /20

27 IECQ System Certification Services IEC e-Learning module M /20

28 IECQ System Certification Services IECQ AQP – Automotive Qualification
Programme Certification of automotive products & production processes Standardized testing Comparable results The automotive industry relies on component manufacturers located throughout the world. Each component manufacturer uses different tests, different standards and different report formats for its own reliability testing. The IECQ Automotive Qualification Programme is based on the IECQ Approved Component scheme, but the automotive industry has tuned the programme according to its specific needs. The IECQ AQP standardizes the testing and processes of component manufacturers to ensure reliability and comparability. As a result, automotive manufacturers can compare the performance of components from different suppliers and can depend on the delivery of consistent quality. The IECQ AQP ensures that the sampling, test processes, test results and production controls of component manufacturers are regularly monitored and verified by an impartial third-party certification body. The cars we drive every day depend on the IECQ services. Regular surveillance By independent, recognised CBs IEC e-Learning module M /20

29 IECQ System Certification Services IEC e-Learning module M /20

30 IECQ System Certification Services IECQ LED – LED Lighting Scheme
Certification of LED lighting components, sub-assemblies & production processes Standardized testing Comparable results Creation of the IECQ LED lighting scheme was requested by the LED lighting industry because their products initially failed to live up to the claims of long life being made for them, and were therefore not providing the energy savings and lifetime cost savings as advertised. The LED lighting industry solicited the help of the IECQ to improve the quality, reliability and endurance of their products and therefore to realize the promise of LED lighting and help maintain the industry’s reputation. IECQ LED is based on the IECQ Approved Component scheme, but the LED lighting industry has tuned the scheme according to its specific needs. The IECQ LED standardizes the testing and production processes of component manufacturers to ensure reliability and comparability. As a result, manufacturers of LED lighting fixtures can compare the performance of components and sub-assemblies from different suppliers and can depend on the delivery of consistent quality. IECQ LED ensures that the sampling, test processes, test results and production controls of component manufacturers are regularly monitored and verified by an impartial third-party certification body. The LED lighting we use in our homes depends on the IECQ services. Regular surveillance By independent, recognised CBs IEC e-Learning module M /20

31 IECQ System Certification Services IEC e-Learning module M /20

32 IECQ System Certification Services
IECQ ADHP – Avionic, Defence & High Performance Scheme Certification of avionics & defence suppliers & production processes Assessments and regular surveys Assessments of ECMP The IECQ Avionics, Defence and High Performance scheme is designed to evaluate commercial, military, aerospace and avionics equipment manufacturers and related organizations. The scheme is based on the IECQ Approved Process scheme, but the avionics and defence industries have tuned the scheme according to their specific needs. IECQ ADHP assesses and regularly surveys the production processes and electronic component management plans, or ECMPs in these industries according to international standards. Such plans are used to develop, document, and implement processes for managing the selection and use of electronic components in avionics equipment. The aircraft we use to fly around the world depend on the IECQ services. According to international standards By independent, recognised CBs IEC e-Learning module M /20

33 IECQ System Certification Services IEC e-Learning module M /20

34 IECQ System Certification Services IECQ CAP – Counterfeit Avoidance
Programme Certification of counterfeit avoidance processes For equipment manufacturers and their subcontractors Assessments and regular surveys Over the past few decades, a significant number of counterfeit electronic parts have entered the supply chain, posing performance, reliability and safety risks. Counterfeit electronic components often use cheap raw materials, are assembled poorly and lack testing and dye qualification by the original manufacturer or related third parties. Counterfeit electronic components also include parts which have been removed from discarded devices, cleaned and re-labelled and then presented to the market as new components. Depending on their application, counterfeit electronic components can be very dangerous. The IECQ Counterfeit Avoidance Programme is based on the IECQ Approved Process scheme, but tuned to the specific needs of electronic component counterfeit avoidance. According to international standards By independent, recognised CBs IEC e-Learning module M /20

35 IECQ System Certification Services IEC e-Learning module M /20

36 IECQ System Certification Services
IECQ HSPM – Hazardous Substances Process Management Scheme Certification of supply chain & complete fabrication process, including warehousing & dispatch Not just testing finished product, but control of potential HS entry points into the fabrication process A number of key regulations govern production of electronic components, such as RoHS - Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment, WEEE - Waste Electrical and the Electronic Equipment, and REACH - Registration Evaluation Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. To comply with these and other regulations, electronic component manufacturers can largely avoid multiple testing and audits by obtaining IEC HSPM certification. The management of hazardous substances needs to extend beyond simply testing the component itself. It involves the complete production process, from product design and purchasing to production lines, warehouses and dispatch. The presence of hazardous substances at any one stage of the fabrication process can contaminate the final product. The IECQ Hazardous Substance Process Management scheme is based on the IECQ Approved Process scheme, but tuned to the specific needs of hazardous substance management in electronic components. IEC e-Learning module M /20

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38 Qualification Audit A business necessity IECQ
serving the electronics industry since the 1970s IECQ has been serving the worldwide electronic industry since the 1970s. IEC e-Learning module M /20

39 IECQ solution what is it ?
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40 IECQ solution what is it ?
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