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Jeopardy Misc. Chapter 3 Chapter 2

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1 Jeopardy -1 100 200 300 400 400 500 500 Misc. Chapter 3 Chapter 2

2 Credits That’s all folks. Exit

3 Chapter 1 - $100 The EU is made up of how many nations?

4 Chapter 1- $100 25

5 Chapter 1 - $200 CAFTA stands for_______________?

6 Chapter 1 - $200 Central American Free Trade Association

7 Chapter 1- $300 _______occurs when the local government seizes the foreign-owned assets of the MNC without adequate compensation.

8 Chapter 1- $300 Expropriation

9 Chapter 1- $400 Name the “four tigers”.

10 Chapter 1 - $400 Singapore Hong Kong Taiwan South Korea

11 Chapter 1- $500 The method for adapting to political risk in which the operation might modify the name, style, etc. to suit local taste.

12 Chapter 1 - $500 What is Localization?

13 Chapter 2 - $100 Payments that raise significant questions of appropriate behavior either in the host nation or in other nations are called ________________.

14 Chapter 2 $100 What are Questionable Payments?

15 Chapter 2 $200 This is a term to describe a moral standard that could be accepted by all cultures.

16 Chapter 2 $200 What is moral universalism?

17 Chapter 2 $300 This is an ethical approach when a company would apply the morality used in its own home country.

18 Chapter 2 $300 What is ethnocentrism?

19 Chapter 2 $400 This is one standard from the SA8000 that was mentioned in our text or slides.

20 Chapter 2 $400 Do not use child or forced labor.
Provide a safe work environment. Respect worker’s rights to unionize. Do not regularly require more than 48-hour work weeks. Pay wages sufficient to meet workers’ basic needs.

21 Chapter 2 $500 Name one ethical behavior and social responsibility guideline developed by MNCs?

22 Chapter 2 $500 Develop worldwide codes of ethics.
Consider ethical issues in strategy development. Given major, unsolvable, ethical problems, consider withdrawl from the problem market. Develop periodic “ethical impact” statements

23 Chapter 3 $100 This is a sense of awareness and honest caring about another individual’s culture.

24 Chapter 3 $100 What is Cultural Sensitivity?

25 Chapter 3 $200 Relating to the GLOBE dimensions this deals with the extent to which a society encourages and rewards people for being fair, generous, caring and kind.

26 Chapter 3 $200 What is Humane Orientation?

27 Chapter 3 $300 This value dimension from Hofstede is the level of acceptance by a society of unequal distributions of power in institutions.

28 Chapter 3 $300 What is Power Distance?

29 Chapter 3 $400 The first step towards cultural sensitivity is for the international manger to ___________________________.

30 Chapter 3 $400 What is Understand his/her own culture?

31 Chapter 3 $500 ______is having a working knowledge of the cultural variables affecting management decisions.

32 Chapter 3 $500 What is Cultural Savvy?

33 Misc. $100 Kinship systems relate most closely to ______________.

34 Misc $100 Family relationships

35 Misc. $200 According to Hofstede’s value dimensions, this refers to the tendency of people to look after themselves and their immediate family only and neglect the needs of society.

36 Misc. $200 What is Individualism?

37 Misc. $300 A company subscribing to ethical relativism would take the approach to morality appropriate in ______________________.

38 Misc. $300 What is the host country?

39 Misc $500 In Trompenaar’s value dimensions, the universalistic approach is characterized by __________

40 Misc $500 Rules and systems, without consideration for individual circumstances

41 Misc $400 The modern Western system of ________ is technically illegal in Moslem nations.

42 Misc. $400 Banking

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