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2-1 C h a p t e r Five 外国语学院英语系 团队成员:杨晓 黎慧 戴雷 2015年11月 CV—How?

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Presentation on theme: "2-1 C h a p t e r Five 外国语学院英语系 团队成员:杨晓 黎慧 戴雷 2015年11月 CV—How?"— Presentation transcript:

1 2-1 C h a p t e r Five 外国语学院英语系 团队成员:杨晓 黎慧 戴雷 2015年11月 CV—How?

2 Work Experience Include full time, part time and voluntary work and work placements Generally list in reverse chronological order (most recent first)… …. or, group into “related” and “other” work experience Show dates you were there and your job title Show the employer/organisation name, broad location and if helpful, the nature of their business

3 Work Experience Avoid giving a list of mundane duties e.g. tidying shop floor, photocopying. Focus on the skills you used and your achievements Use positive language If you have had several similar jobs, you can group these together to avoid repetition of duties Consider using bullet points rather than lengthy paragraphs

4 Example of Work Experience:
September 2009 – present Recruitment administrator (part-time) – NHS Trust, London Drafting letters ensuring clarity, accuracy and clear presentation Organising interview schedules and liaising with external agencies regarding work permits and criminal record checks Communicating effectively both face to face and on the telephone Accurately maintaining office information systems

5 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000
Sample experience (CV): TEACHING EXPERIENCE Teaching Associate, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 9/0x - 5/0x Taught computer-aided drafting and materials testing laboratory to 300 undergraduate students. Teaching Assistant, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 5/9x - 5/0x Taught soil mechanics laboratory to 500 third-year students. Graded examinations for a materials science course for mechanical engineers. Assistant Lecturer, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 9/9x - 2/9x Taught fluid mechanics, structural design, geotechnical design and surveying field classes to over 500 undergraduate students. Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000

6 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000
Sample experience (CV): OTHER EXPERIENCE The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, Fall 200x – Spring 200x Maintained the Advanced Constitutive Modeling Laboratory. Performed conventional triaxial and truly triaxial tests and inventory control. Civil Engineering Department, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, September 200x – August 200x Maintained the software and systems for the Geomechanics and Earthquake Computer Laboratory. John von Newman Computer Center (JvNCC), Princeton, New Jersey, June 199x – July 200x Maintained a variety of computer systems and software for 50+ staff. Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000

7 Skills profile Skills-based and combination CVs will have separate skills sections Chronological CVs need to include references to skills throughout the CV i.e. in all or some of the education, work experience, interests sections Include skills which are relevant and of interest to the job/employer/sector Always provide evidence for skills Make links between your skills and the job – show how you are a good match with the job requirements

8 Identifying relevant skills
This can be determined through: The job description The person specification The job advert The organisation’s website Occupational research e.g. accountancy Sector research e.g. finance

9 Providing evidence for skills
This is essential. A list of skills is not persuasive or convincing. Involves two elements - giving an example (broad or specific) of when you have used the skill - defining the skill in a way that is relevant to the job or employer concerned

10 Defining skills e.g. communication
Speaking (oral), writing, presenting Expressing ideas clearly Effective listening, questioning and clarifying Different writing styles e.g. brief and concise compared to developing a rationale Gathering, analysing and organising information in a logical sequence Adapting language and complexity of information to the audience Awareness of body language, tone and pace

11 Presenting a skill in a CV
Good communication skills, both oral and written, gained from delivering clear presentations and producing well-structured academic assignments whilst at university. Whilst working as a retail sales assistant, I demonstrated my ability to listen effectively and to give customers information in a clear and appropriate way. Department of Student Services

12 Interests and Achievements
Optional. Don’t include this section for the sake of it. Think about what the information adds to your CV – what are you trying to get across?; how will it help to persuade an employer to interview me? Avoid using the heading “hobbies” Avoid a simple list Only include things which you are happy to be questioned about in an interview Convey your skills, attributes and/or personal development

13 Interests and Achievements
Committee Member of the University Computing Society With other committee members, I organised a fundraising event and three careers evenings with presentations from alumni and employers.

14 References Often used only in the final stages of selection
Provide the contact details of your referees ( name, address, job title, telephone no. and address) rather than a “standard” reference letter It is usual to provide two referees – one academic and the other preferably work related Out of courtesy, always check with referees first If you prefer not to include details on your CV, you can say “References available on request”

15 Copyright 2008 – Pacific Community Resources
Any Questions??? Copyright 2008 – Pacific Community Resources

16 Thank You

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