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Equality Analysis Assessments

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1 Equality Analysis Assessments

2 Today is; Overview of our legal duties of Public Sector Duties which require us to undertake this work Covers everything we do – policies, service re-design, leaflets etc…. Protected characteristics ‘race, sex, transgender, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion/belief & pregnancy’ & local demographics.

3 What are they ? Must publish information on the effect that its policies and practices have had on people who share a protected characteristic Demonstrate how it furthered aims of the of general duty (eliminate discrimination, advance opportunity, foster good relations) Evidence of the analysis they have undertaken & the information they considered Details of the engagement.

4 History of equality analysis assessments
Many policies, procedures, service delivery & redesign failed to meet requirements of certain groups or excluded them Lawrence Enquiry ‘processes & attitudes which disadvantage particular groups’ Discrimination becomes inbuilt into our systems and policies Death by indifference report 2008 From impact assessments to ‘analysis of the effects on equality’.

5 Why do we need equality analysis assessments ?
Death rates for men from colorectal cancer nearly 10% higher than women Discuss the above statistic – what could be the possible causes of this ?? Data analysis….DNA rates, how are they referred? At what point ? would conclude that the current system is less effective for males than females & identify causes & reduce these health inequalities.

6 Reasonable Adjustments & Positive Discrimination
The law states that we must ensure we consider adjustments for disabled people. What examples can you think of for reasonable adjustments ?

7 As a service provider/employer we must ;
Where relevant we must demonstrate that we have consulted with groups. Involvement for people with disabilities – more favourable treatment Where are we going to start ????????

8 Equality Analysis Assessments
Step 1 – mapping exercise Step 2 – screen policies for relevance (initial analysis on equality) Policies & Resources – Key Resources. 10c (policies) & 18 (18d-1 leaflets)

9 Screening for relevance
Look at any data – statistics, complaints, concerns, DNA rates Eligibility criteria which disadvantage groups Access to services being reduced/denied Look at the wording/layout Promote positive relations Involvement & consultation… the start !!

10 Discussion Point Read the data sheet
How could this effect your service & policies ? Could you need to look at making changes ? What other evidence could you consider ?

11 Screening for relevance
Read the policy – can you identify any potential positive or negative impacts ?

12 Screening for relevance
If any relevance you would undertake a full equality analysis assessment If policy has been amended to reduce adverse impact – include this in your document control If no relevance complete initial equality analysis assessment & indicate no impacts

Determine if the policy has an adverse impact Further data gathering & consulting Investigate why ? Eliminate or justify

14 Step 4 Ensure mechanisms for regular EA’s Allocate responsibilities for re-assessment Step 5 Publication – compile all the analysis & final decisions – sign off Publicity

15 Service Delivery No aspect of individual’s association with any group should prevent them from accessing healthcare services; Service Impact assessments Clinic/ward impact assessments Non clinical impact assessments List of all policies & protocols – signed off

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