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Chapter One Review =8&ved=0CAcQjRxqFQoTCOao96Wrk8gCFdI7iAodbY0ABw&

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1 Chapter One Review =8&ved=0CAcQjRxqFQoTCOao96Wrk8gCFdI7iAodbY0ABw& &psig=AFQjCNEaXcFYhBzNuCPyT5GEI2GjbObt6g&ust=

2 Governor General – Represents queen
Prime Minister - Head of Government Parliament – Group of representatives who govern the country House of Commons – All MP’s Senate – Not an elected body – Upper house Executive Branch – Make/apply decisions Legislative Branch – Make/amend laws Cabinet – Propose laws and administer government policy Cabinet – selected by prime minister and officially appointed by gov. general – ministers (approximately 40 members of the ruling party)

3 Anyone Else? Backbenchers – members of the governing party who aren’t in the Cabinet (less important MPs Sergeant-at-Arms – performs ceremonial duties (mace), in charge of security for House of Commons and Parliament buildings Opposition – any member of parliament NOT in the winning party Shadow Cabinet – role is to criticize cabinet Question Period – 30 min where the opposition can question in H of C

4 Other important terms…
In Camera – a private Cabinet meeting Caucus – a private meeting among party MPs Patronage – act of rewarding a party member for loyalty or support Party Whip– “team manager” of the party. Residual Powers– ‘left-over’ power after the rest has been given out to other authorities. Lobbyist – activist or protester.

5 We are the MP’s who do not belong to the party in power.
Who am I? We are the MP’s who do not belong to the party in power.

6 We are the MP’s who do not belong to the party in power.
Who am I? We are the MP’s who do not belong to the party in power. The opposition

7 Who am I? I am a private meeting that a party will have before a debate in the HOC.

8 Who am I? I am a private meeting that a party will have before a debate in the HOC. Caucus

9 We are the elected representatives in the HOC
Who am I? We are the elected representatives in the HOC

10 We are the elected representatives in the HOC
Who am I? We are the elected representatives in the HOC MP’s (members of parliament)

11 We are NOT cabinet members or leaders of a party…
Who am I? We are NOT cabinet members or leaders of a party…

12 We are NOT cabinet members or leaders of a party…
Who am I? We are NOT cabinet members or leaders of a party… Backbenchers

13 I am the queen’s representative in Canada
Who am I? I am the queen’s representative in Canada

14 I am the queen’s representative in Canada.
Who am I? I am the queen’s representative in Canada. Governor General

15 We work in the upper house, and get our job through patronage.
Who am I? We work in the upper house, and get our job through patronage.

16 Who am I? We work in the upper house, and get our job through patronage. Members of the Senate

17 I am a branch of government that makes and amends laws.
Who am I? I am a branch of government that makes and amends laws.

18 I am a branch of government that makes and amends laws.
Who am I? I am a branch of government that makes and amends laws. Legislative Branch

19 Who am I? I am the ‘team manager’ of my party. I make sure all members vote…and vote the same!

20 Who am I? I am the ‘team manager’ of my party. I make sure all members vote…and vote the same! Party whip

21 I am the left over power retained by the government.
Who am I? I am the left over power retained by the government.

22 I am the left over power retained by the government.
Who am I? I am the left over power retained by the government. Residual Power

23 Who am I? I hold ultimate power.

24 Who am I? I hold ultimate power. The Queen

25 Who am I? I am a type of government where the monarch’s powers lie within Canada’s constitution.

26 Constitutional Monarchy
Who am I? I am a type of government where the monarch’s powers lie within Canada’s constitution. Constitutional Monarchy

27 Who am I? The lower house.

28 Who am I? The lower house. The House of Commons

29 Who am I? I am in charge of security for the House of Commons and Parliament buildings.

30 Who am I? I am charge of security for the House of Commons and Parliament buildings. Sergeant-at-Arms

31 Bill  Law This stage is where most of the debating happens.
Who am I? Bill  Law This stage is where most of the debating happens.

32 This stage is where most of the debating happens.
Who am I? Bill  Law This stage is where most of the debating happens. 2nd Reading

33 Who am I? Bill  Law This stage is when the public can make the biggest influence.

34 This stage is when the public can make the biggest influence.
Who am I? Bill  Law This stage is when the public can make the biggest influence. Committee stage

35 Who am I? Bill  Law This stage is when the bill is introduced. It’s just a formality

36 This stage is when the bill is introduced. It’s just a formality
Who am I? Bill  Law This stage is when the bill is introduced. It’s just a formality 1st reading

37 Who am I? Bill  Law This happens after the bill has passed through the HOC and the Senate.

38 This happens after the bill has passed through the HOC and the Senate.
Who am I? Bill  Law This happens after the bill has passed through the HOC and the Senate. Governor General signs it!

39 You are the teacher now! Get a partner
Decide who will be partner 1 and partner 2 You will take turns TEACHING your partner about certain topics we’ve learnt about in Ch.9

40 Partner 1 Tell your partner how a bill becomes a law!
Go through all the main steps. Try NOT to use your notes if you can 

41 Partner 2 Explain to your partner: What the constitution is
Why it’s significant to Canada’s government Why it’s significant to Canada’s independence Why it’s significant to Canadian’s rights and freedoms.

42 Partner 1 Tell your partner:
What the legislative branch of the federal government is. What the executive branch of the federal government is. Why they are both important!

43 Partner 2 Tell your partner what the three levels of government are and two things each of them are responsible for.

44 Both partners – fill in the blanks
Prime Minister Governor General Lieutenant Governor Legislature Senate MP (member of parliament) pg. 241.

45 Make a chart that looks like this:
BINGO Make a chart that looks like this: B I N G O X

46 Insert the following terms anywhere on the card in pen:
Governor General Head of State Parliament Senate House of Commons Executive Branch Legislative Branch Judicial Branch Back Bencher Speaker of the House Question Period Party Whip Caucus Monarchy Constitution Representative Democracy Residual Powers Sergeant-at-Arms

47 ** you won’t know them all!**
Test Time Move your desks apart No talking Complete the vocabulary crossword when you are finished. You many receive one extra mark on your exam if you complete 10 questions! ** you won’t know them all!**

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