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Higher Level Structures

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1 Higher Level Structures
Why bother? Higher level structures make your work more complex and, if used correctly, will help you achieve more marks and therefore a higher grade in both your speaking and writing exams. It is best to learn a few higher level structures so you can vary your language. Even if you only learn one higher level structure, it will make your work more complex. The GCSE mark scheme clearly awards more marks for work which is complex and which has a variety of structures.

2 Higher Level Structures
Avant de…. Before….-ing

3 Higher Level Structures
‘Avant de’ means ‘before….-ing’ ‘Avant de’ can be used in any context. Let’s take a look at some English sentences to see how it is used: Before having dinner, I always wash my hands. Before going out with my friends, I always finish my homework. Before doing an exam, I revise lots. Before sleeping , I read a bit of my favourite book.

4 Higher Level Structures
So how do you use ‘avant de’? Avant de + INFINITIVE ‘Avant de’ is always followed by an INFINITIVE NOTE: de becomes d’ before a vowel e.g. de + aller = d’aller

5 Higher Level Structures
So what is an INFINITIVE? An infinitive is a particular form of the verb (meaning To……… e.g. Jouer = To play) An infinitive is the verb you will find in the dictionary An infinitive must end in –ER, -RE or -IR

6 Higher Level Structures
Some examples of INFINITIVES Visiter To visit Voir To see Faire To do / make Jouer To play Aller To go Prendre To take Dormir To sleep Dîner To have dinner Se marier To get married Se coucher To go to bed

7 Higher Level Structures
‘Avant de’ can be used in any context Can you translate the following sentences into English?

8 Higher Level Structures
LIFESTYLE Health / Relationships & Choices Avant de faire de l’exercice, je m’étire toujours. Before doing exercise, I always stretch. Avant de manger, ma famille prie toujours. Before eating, my family always prays. Avant de me marier, je voudrais voyager autour du monde. Before getting married, I would like to travel all over the world. Avant d’avoir des enfants, je voudrais me marier. Before having children, I would like to get married.

9 Higher Level Structures
2. LEISURE Free Time & Media / Holidays Avant de sortir avec mes copines, je finis toujours mes devoirs. Before going out with my friends, I always finish my homework. Avant d’aller chez ma copine, je téléphone toujours à mes parents. Before going to my friend’s house, I always phone my parents. Avant de se coucher, normalement elle boit un chocolat chaud. Before going to bed, she normally drinks a hot chocolate. Avant de dormir, j’aime lire un peu de mon livre préféré. Before sleeping, I like reading a bit of my favourite book.

10 Higher Level Structures
3. HOME & ENVIRONMENT Home & Local Area / Environment Avant de recevoir mon argent de poche, je dois ranger ma chambre. Before receiving my pocket money, I have to tidy my room. Avant de dîner, je me lave les mains. Before having dinner, I wash my hands. Avant de sortir de sa chambre, il éteint la lumière. Before leaving his bedroom, he turns off the light. Avant de sortir du supermarché, nous mettons toujours les journaux dans le sac de recyclage. Before leaving the supermarket, we always put the newspapers in the recycling bin.

11 Higher Level Structures
4. WORK & EDUCATION School & Future Plans / Current & Future Jobs Avant de faire un examen, je révise beaucoup. Before doing an exam, I revise lots. Avant d’aller à l’école, je me douche et je m’habille. Before going to school, I have a shower and I get dressed. Avant de prendre l’autobus à l’école, je retrouve mes amies. Before catching the bus to school, I meet my mates. Avant d’aller à l’université, elle va prendre une année sabbatique. Before going to university, she is going to take a gap year.

12 Higher Level Structures
Do you think you will be able to use ‘avant de’ confidently? Be creative and think of your own sentences.

13 Higher Level Structures
Let’s recap Avant de…. Before….-ing Avant de is always followed by an INFINITIVE


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