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St. Petersberg July 5, 2001.

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1 St. Petersberg July 5, 2001

2 Thanks to Alexander Kurzhanski and Alexander Fradkov
for inviting me to NOLCOS and RUSSIA ….. the home of my ancestors


4 OUTLINE Definition of a firm linear system Switching theorem Application Outline of Switching Theorem’s proof

5 FIRMNESS For a linear system S with coefficient matrix triple {An£ n, Bn£ m, Cq£ n}, let R be the largest (A, B) – controllability subspace in kernel C . Call S firm if the zero subspace is the only A – invariant subspace contained in R. Thus S = {A, B, C} is firm if (Q, A) is an observable pair, Q being any matrix with kernel Q = R. Every linear system with left-invertible transfer matrix is firm. Any unobservable eigenvalue of a firm system must be one of the system’s transmission zeros. Thus a firm, detectable system whose transmission zeros are all unstable, must be observable.

6 Suppose {Fp: p 2 P } is a closed bounded subset of matrices in Rm£n
SWITCHING THEOREM Suppose {Fp: p 2 P } is a closed bounded subset of matrices in Rm£n with the property that for each p 2 P, {A+BFp, B, C} is the coefficient triple of a firm, detectable system. Then for each positive number tD, there is a bounded output-injection function p a Kp which, for any piecewise constant switching signal s : [0, 1 ) ! P whose discontinuities are separated by at least tD time units, exponentially stabilizes the matrix A+Ks C+BFs tD t1 t2 t3 s = p1 s = p2 s = p3

7 Suppose {Fp: p 2 P } is a closed bounded subset of matrices in Rm£n
SWITCHING THEOREM Suppose {Fp: p 2 P } is a closed bounded subset of matrices in Rm£n with the property that for each p 2 P, {A+BFp, B, C} is the coefficient triple of a firm, detectable system. Then for each positive number tD, there is a bounded output-injection function p a Kp which, for any piecewise constant switching signal s : [0, 1 ) ! P whose discontinuities are separated by at least tD time units, exponentially stabilizes the matrix A+Ks C+BFs Why is this theorem useful? Why is it true?

8 P The Underlying Problem
Given a SISO process P with open-loop control input u, disturbance input d, and sensed output y. Devise a controller, which achieves “input-to-state” stability with respect to d. d P u y

9 d The Underlying Problem
Given a SISO process P with open-loop control input u, disturbance input d, and sensed output y. Devise a controller, which achieves “input-to-state” stability with respect to d. d nominal transfer functions + n1 or n2 + + u y + d norm bounded unmodelled dynamics

Take as given candidate controller transfer functions, k1 and k2 , designed so that for each p 2 {1, 2}, kp at least stabilizes the loop nominal transfer function p np kp with stability margin l. Here l is a design parameter.

11 || || + - y y1 e1 m1 d E S s y || || + - y y2 e2 m2 u P Cs

12 || || + - y y1 e1 m1 d E S s y || || + - y y2 e2 m2 u P Cs

13 || || + - y y1 e1 m1 d E S s y u P || || + - y y2 e2 m2 Cs Multi-estimator E is a two-input stable linear system with stability margin l, designed so that for each p 2 {1, 2}, yp would be an asymptotically correct estimate of y, if d were zero and candidate nominal process transfer function np were P’s transfer function.

14 E S P Cs - s - Piecewise-constant switching
|| || + - y y1 e1 m1 d E S s y u P || || + - y y2 e2 m2 Cs Piecewise-constant switching signal taking values in {1, 2}.

15 || || + - y y1 e1 m1 d E S s y || || + - y y2 e2 m2 u P Multi-controller Cs designed in such a way so that for each fixed s = p 2 {1, 2}, Cp realizes candidate controller transfer function kp and is detectable with stability margin l Cs type 1 AC 2n-dim and stable. (fC, AC) n-dim, stable, observable type 2

16 E S P Cs - s - type 1 type 2 y y1 e1 m1 d y y u y2 e2 m2 || || + || ||
|| || + E S s y P y u y2 - e2 m2 || || + Cs type 1 type 2

17 y y1 - e1 m1 d || || + E S s y P y u y2 - e2 m2 + Cs type 1 type 2

18 E S P Cs Design parameter: Dwell-time tD > 0.
y Switching logic S sets s (t) to the index of the smallest mi(t), provided tD time units have elapsed since the last time s’s value was changed. Otherwise, S does nothing. y1 - e1 m1 d || || + E S s y y u P y2 - e2 m2 || || + Cs type 1 type 2

19 E S P Cs ASSUME n1 is P’s nominal transfer function - s - type 1
d || || + E S s y P y u y2 - e2 m2 || || + Cs type 1 type 2

20 . s(t)=2, t 2 [tj, tj+1) tD tj+1 tj
m2(T) · m1(T), T=tj and T 2 [tj +tD, tj+1)

21 . s(t)=2, t 2 [tj, tj+1) tD tj+1 tj
m2(T) · m1(T), T=tj and T 2 [tj +tD, tj+1) . tD tj+1 tj e2l T||e2||2T · e2l T||e1||2T, T=tj and T 2 [tj +tD, tj+1) ||e2||T · ||e1||T, T=tj and T 2 [tj +tD, tj+1)

22 . s(t)=2, t 2 [tj, tj+1) tD tj+1 tj
For T 2 [tj, tj+1) define signal ||e2||T · ||e1||T, T=tj and T 2 [tj +tD, tj+1)

23 E S P Cs ASSUME n1 is P’s nominal transfer function - s -
y y1 - e1 m1 d || || + E S s y P y u y2 - e2 m2 || || + Cs Multi-estimator E is a two-input stable linear system with the property that y1 would be an asymptotically correct estimate of y, if d and d were both zero. type 1 d e1 + h1(s) u h2(s) d(s) type 2

24 E S P Cs - s - type 1 d e1 type 2 u y y1 e1 m1 d y y u y2 e2 m2 d(s)
|| || + E S s y u P y y2 - e2 m2 || || + Cs type 1 d e1 + h1(s) u h2(s) d(s) type 2

25 E S P Cs For each p 2 {1, 2}, (c, A +BFp) is detectable.
Want to stabilize A+BFs by output injection using cx = e_2 –e_1. y y1 - e1 For each p 2 {1,2} there is an hp which stabilizes A+BFp+hpc. m1 d || || + For tD sufficiently large, A+BFs+hs c is exponentially stable. E S s y y u P y2 - e2 m2 || || + Cs d e1 + h1(s) u h2(s) d(s)

26 E S P Cs For each p 2 {1, 2}, (c, A +BFp) is detectable.
Want to stabilize A+BFs by output injection using cx = e_2 –e_1. y y1 - Each {A+BFp, B,c} is firm. e1 m1 d || || + Switching Theorem applies. E S s For any tD > 0, no matter how small, there is a ks which stabilizes A+BFs+ks c. y u P y The matrix M + A+BFs + ks(1-yT )c is also stable because yT is L1. y2 - e2 m2 || || + Cs d e1 + h1(s) u h2(s) d(s)

27 E S P Cs - s The matrix M + A+BFs + ks(1-yT )c is stable. - d e1 u y
|| || + E S s y P y u The matrix M + A+BFs + ks(1-yT )c is stable. y2 - e2 m2 || || + Cs d e1 + h1(s) u h2(s) d(s)

28 E S P Cs - s - The matrix M + A+BFs + ks(1-yT )c is stable. d e1 u y
|| || + E S s y P y u y2 - e2 m2 || || + The matrix M + A+BFs + ks(1-yT )c is stable. Cs d e1 + h1(s) u h2(s) d(s)

29 E S P Cs - s - (1-yT)e2 y stable e1 u d e1 u y y1 e1 m1 d y y u y2 e2
|| || + E S s y y u P y2 - e2 m2 || || + Cs (1-yT)e2 y stable e1 u d e1 + h1(s) u h2(s) d(s)

30 E S P Cs - s - (1-yT)e2 y stable e1 d u y y1 e1 m1 d y y u y2 e2 m2
|| || + E S s y y u P y2 - e2 m2 || || + Cs (1-yT)e2 y stable e1 + d h1(s) + u h2(s) d(s)

31 E S P Cs - s - (1-yT)e2 y stable e1 d u y y1 e1 m1 d y y u y2 e2 m2 1
|| || + E S s y y u P y2 - e2 m2 || || + Cs (1-yT)e2 y e1 1 stable + d h1(s) + u h2(s) d(s)

32 Suppose {Fp: p 2 P } is a closed bounded subset of matrices in Rm£n
SWITCHING THEOREM Suppose {Fp: p 2 P } is a closed bounded subset of matrices in Rm£n with the property that for each p 2 P, {A+BFp, B, C} is the coefficient triple of a firm, detectable system. Then for each positive number tD, there is a bounded output-injection function p a Kp which, for any piecewise constant switching signal s : [0, 1 ) ! P whose discontinuities are separated by at least tD time units, exponentially stabilizes the matrix A+Ks C+BFs Why is this theorem useful? Why is it true?

33 Suppose {Fp: p 2 P } is a closed bounded subset of matrices in Rm£n
SWITCHING THEOREM Suppose {Fp: p 2 P } is a closed bounded subset of matrices in Rm£n with the property that for each p 2 P, {A+BFp, B, C} is the coefficient triple of a firm, detectable system. Then for each positive number tD, there is a bounded output-injection function p a Kp which, for any piecewise constant switching signal s : [0, 1 ) ! P whose discontinuities are separated by at least tD time units, exponentially stabilizes the matrix A+Ks C+BFs Why is this theorem useful? Why is it true?

34 Let {(C, Ap), p 2 P} be a closed, bounded set of observable matrix pairs. Then for
any tD > 0, there exists and output injection Kp which exponentially stabilizes As +KsC for any piecewise constant switching signal s:[0,1)! P with dwell time no smaller than tD. NOT TRUE with only detectability – consider the case C = 0. Let {Ap, p 2 P} be a closed, bounded set of constant n £ n matrices. Suppose each Ap is stable and let Tp and lp be positive numbers for which Let tD be any number satisfying tD > Tp, p 2 P. Then for any piecewise constant switching signal s:[0,1)! P with dwell time no smaller than tD, As is exponentially stable. Let (C, A) be a fixed, constant, observable matrix pair. For each positive number T there exists a positive number l and a constant output-injection matrix K for which |e(A+KC)t| · e-l (t-T), t ¸ 0



37 CONCLUDING REMARKS Stated switching theorem. Outlined its proof. Sketched how to use it in analysis of a switched adaptive control system. More or less clear that theorem can be restated in terms of LMIs. Extension to interesting class of nonlinear systems likely.

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