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Water and Life.

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Presentation on theme: "Water and Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water and Life

2 About ______________ of your blood is made of water.
Three- fourths

3 Water lilies stems are ______________ which allows them to survive in water.

4 Water in the dark zone is ______________ than water in the light zone.

5 After digestion, nutrients reach all parts of your body through your _____________.

6 The deepest place in the world is the
A. Mississippi River delta B. Marianas Trench C. light zone D. dark zone Marianas Trench

7 Flipperlike feet adapt a duck for life in the ________.

8 One of the human boy’s adaptations to its environment is:
A. the need to drink water B. wearing flippers while swimming C. its digestive system D. lungs for breathing air D. lungs for breathing

9 Plants lose water through their ______________.

10 A mussel has a soft body protected by a hard _________.

11 A. light zone Plankton live in the: A. light zone B. dark zone
C. reef area D. entire ocean A. light zone

12 Some animals in the desert:
A. take in as much water as ocean animals B. get water from the sun C. get water from the food they eat. D. take in large amounts of water. C. get water from what they eat

13 __________ makes up most of all living things.

14 Most fish in the ocean are found in the _________ ___________?
light zone

15 The rainbow trout absorbs oxygen from water through its __________.

16 ________ ________ - the sunlit waters of the ocean.
light zone

17 __________ - an undersea ridge built by coral polyps.

18 ____________ - helps things survive in their surroundings.

19 ________ ________ - ocean waters where sunlight cannot reach.
dark zone

20 a. ___________ b. ___________ c. ___________
Fill in the blanks: adaptations lungs legs fins land water a. ___________ b. ___________ c. ___________ f. _______ d. _______ e. _______ g. __gills__

21 Write out the answer: Explain how water is essential for human life.
The human body is made up of two- thirds water. The human brain and blood is made up of three-fourths water. Water helps food digest in the stomach so that nutrients can be carried throughout the body. Our saliva and tears are made out of mostly water.

22 Describe how a fish is adapted for life in water.
Write out the answer: Describe how a fish is adapted for life in water. Fish have gills that allow them to get oxygen out of water. They have a sleek body that allows them to slice through the water. Fish also have a tail fin that moves from side to side to help them through the water and skin that gives off mucus so it is easier to slide through the water.

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