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The ACT at Maui High 11th grade

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Presentation on theme: "The ACT at Maui High 11th grade"— Presentation transcript:

1 The ACT at Maui High 11th grade
You CAN go to college!

2 The what, when, where, how, and why
GENERAL TEST DETAILS The what, when, where, how, and why DONE

3 WHEN is the ACT at MHS? Tuesday, February 27, 2018

4 How LONG is the test? DONE

5 WHAT do you need to bring with you?
#2 pencils (at least two; sharpened) Photo ID Approved calculator Your phone IS NOT allowed Check out website to see if your calculator is okay. It’s YOUR responsibility: ml Sweater / Jacket (maybe in air conditioned room) DONE

6 WHERE is the test taking place?
At Maui High You will be given a specific room where to report to. Note: You may or may not know the teacher or other students in the class. Verify tDONE his info

7 Is EVERYONE taking the test?
NO Freshmen – None Sophomores – None Juniors – the actual ACT TEST Seniors – None DONE

8 How MANY SECTIONS are there and what are they?
FIVE In order… English Math Reading Science Essay Writing DONE

9 What is the SCORE range? 1 - 36

10 WHY is the ACT important?
Used for… College admissions Placement in courses Scholarships

11 Do we need more examples?


13 Should you guess if you’re not 100% sure of the answer ?
ABSOLUTELY!!! Answer every question. No penalty for wrong answers

14 How should you PACE yourself?
BUDGET YOUR TIME! Don’t spend too much time on any one question. Quickly determine how long a question will take to answer, and then decide whether to work on it now, return to it later, or guess.

15 You’ll save time by not having to read the directions during the test.
How should you prepare? Take a PRACTICE TEST. Know the directions and question types ahead of time. You’ll save time by not having to read the directions during the test.

16 Test prep Links (also on
ACT Test Prep ACT Test Study Guide ACT Math Cheat Sheets A Quick Guide to Basic Parts of Speech SPARK Notes Test Prep: Punctuation

17 The next morning: EAT BREAKFAST and arrive to your testing room early.
Should you stay up all night the night before studying doing last-minute studying for the test? NO! Get a good night’s sleep. The next morning: EAT BREAKFAST and arrive to your testing room early.

18 Other Test-Taking Strategies
Difficult questions are worth the same points as easy questions. ANSWER EVERY QUESTION. Use PROCESS OF ELIMINATION: eliminate wrong answers. When all else fails…GUESS!!! Mark up the test booklet. Be precise in marking your answer document. Fill in correct oval completely. Erase completely if changing answer.

19 Presented by Social Studies Teachers
The READING TEST Presented by Social Studies Teachers

20 Logistics of Reading Test
# of Questions 40 questions Time 35 minutes DONE

21 What does the Reading Test of the ACT consist of?
4 Passages Prose Fiction Social Science Humanities Science Always in this order 10 questions per passage

22 4 Passages Know what type of passage is EASIEST for you. Do that one FIRST. Prose Fiction: excerpts from short stories and novels Social Science: history, economics, psychology, political science Humanities: art, music, architecture, dance Science: biology, chemistry, physics

23 2 Types of Questions Referring Reasoning

24 2 Types of Questions Which one – Referring or Reasoning?
Students take stated/implied information and answer complex questions REASONING

25 Information is clearly stated in the passage
2 Types of Questions Information is clearly stated in the passage REFERRING

26 Skills Identifying and interpreting details Finding main ideas
Comparing and contrasting Understanding cause and effect Identifying generalizations Understanding the meaning of words from context Understanding the sequence of events Making conclusions about voice and method

27 Example Passage

28 Example Questions

29 Strategies Quickly skim the reading to get a general sense of the passage. Sometimes you need to read the entire passage to answer the questions. Answer the questions that refer to specific words or sentences first. Make sure to read around the sentences to understand the context.

30 Strategies Move on to the questions that require you to actually read the paragraphs. When reading Science and Social Studies passages, focus on MAIN IDEAS. usually expressed in the first or last sentences of paragraphs don’t get bogged down by details

31 Strategies For Literature and Humanities/Arts passages, focus on DEVELOPMENT / VOICE OF THE NARRATIVE. Mark the Text regarding the main ideas as you read. circle key terms underline definitions, descriptions, details, evidence, etc. Look back to the passage for reference as you answer questions.

32 Any Questions?

33 HW: Prepare for next week’s Practice ENGLISH ACT Test:
TO DO: Review and study before the Practice ACT English Test that you’ll be taking in your English classes next week. Check out the links on the Maui High website.

34 Please… Turn off your phones. Take out your #2 pencils. Turn your desks forward. Use the answer document to record your answers (not the booklet). NO TALKING throughout the DURATION of the exam. 5 minute warning.

35 Scoring Time

Presented by English Teachers

37 Logistics of English Test
# of Questions 75 questions Time 45 minutes DONE

38 What does the English Test of the ACT consist of?
5 Essays with underlined words or phrases You will be asked whether the underlined portion is correct as written or whether one of the three alternatives listed would be better.

39 Example Passage

40 Example Question

41 What does the English Test of the ACT consist of?
5 Essays with underlined words or phrases Questions about overall organization and style or how the writing could be revised. This is a test of: Punctuation Grammar / Usage Sentence structure Rhetorical skills

42 Strategies Read answer choices carefully to identify subtle differences between them. Focus on underlined portions of sentences Read from the beginning until you get to an underlined selection, work that question, then resume reading until the next underlined selection. Often, the shortest choice is the answer because questions often test for redundancy, verbosity, and irrelevance. Trust your ear – if it sounds weird, it’s probably wrong. Come up with your own answer before looking at the answer choices.

43 Strategies Be careful on question stems that say “not” or “except.”

44 Strategies Look for the “best” answer among the choices offered.
Re-read each sentence with your answers to see if the sentence makes sense. Be aware of connotations.

45 Strategies Know the type of questions: Usage / Mechanics
Rhetorical Skills

46 Any Questions?

47 HW: Prepare for next week’s Practice MATH ACT Test:
TO DO: Review and study before the Practice ACT Math Test that you’ll be taking in your Math classes next week. Check out the links on the Maui High website.

48 Please… Turn off your phones. Take out your #2 pencils. Turn your desks forward. Use the answer document to record your answers (not the booklet). NO TALKING throughout the DURATION of the exam. 5 minute warning.

49 Scoring Time

50 Logistics of Writing Test
# of Questions 1 prompt Time 40 minutes

51 How is the Writing Test scored?
On your ability to… formulate an opinion maintain focus on your topic thoroughly defend your opinion using reason and supporting ideas organize your ideas in a logical way use language clearly & effectively

52 How should you divide up your time?
1. Prep work (5–10 minutes) Marked the Text of the prompt Box the numbers, if any. Circle the verbs and define in the margin. Underline the subject. Brainstorm your ideas, organized them, and write your thesis statement. Create a graphic organizer. 2. Essay writing (15–20 minutes) 3. Editing (1–5 minutes) if you have time.

53 What does a 5-paragraph essay look like?
Opening Paragraph Three Supporting Paragraphs Closing Paragraph

54 Opening Paragraph How many sentences should the Opening Paragraph be?
Other details: Starts broad and then gradually narrows to the thesis. In other words: Begin with a general statement about the subject (you can restate the question in your own words, showing your understanding of the topic). Then start discussing your position. End the opening paragraph with your thesis statement.

55 Three Supporting Paragraphs
How many sentences should your THREE Supporting Paragraphs be? 5-8 sentences EACH Other details: One counter-argument paragraph and two additional supporting paragraphs. Discuss one example in each paragraph. Make sure to explain how each example supports your argument. Go beyond superficial statements. End each supporting paragraph with a statement directly explaining how this example supports your thesis.

56 Closing Paragraph How many sentences should your Closing Paragraph be?
3-5 sentences EACH Other details: Your closing paragraph can either start with a restatement of your thesis and then broaden, or begin with a broad summary and end with a restatement of your thesis. Summarize your arguments. Feel free to include one last thought-provoking comment to show that you understand the topic.

57 Directions for ACT Writing Test
Teacher: Distribute “ACT Writing Prompt: Intelligent Machines” handout. STUDENTS: You may write on your handout. be sure to MARK THE TEXT of the prompt Box the numbers, if any. Circle the verbs and define in the margin. Underline the subject. Plan your essay on the space provided: create a graphic organizer

58 Please… Turn off your phones. Take out your #2 pencils and a piece of filler paper. Turn your desks forward. Use the paper to record your answers. NO TALKING throughout the DURATION of the exam. 5 minute warning.

59 Presented by Math Teachers
The MATH TEST Presented by Math Teachers

60 Logistics of Math Test Time # of Questions 60 questions 60 minutes

61 What does the Math Test of the ACT consist of?
Mostly Algebra and Geometry questions Only 4 out of 60 questions are from trigonometry

62 What do you need to know? NO FORMULAS ARE GIVEN.
Basic math terms, principles, and formulas. NO FORMULAS ARE GIVEN.

63 Strategies Questions tend to get more difficult near the end of the test. Go through the questions in TWO passes: Pass ONE – questions that are easier/faster for you Pass TWO – tackle questions that will take more time for you to complete

64 Strategies When in doubt, try multiple strategies: Look at the answers and plug them in (start with the middle answer). Substitute numbers for variables. Reason out the answer by viewing the question as a logic puzzle rather than a math problem. Make sure you understand exactly what each question is asking.

65 Strategies For Geometry problems, look at the diagram for clues.
If there is no diagram, SKETCH ONE. Use the calculator to perform quick/simple calculations.

66 Any Questions?

67 HW: Prepare for next week’s Practice SCIENCE ACT Test:
TO DO: Review and study before the Practice ACT Science Test that you’ll be taking in your Science classes next week. Check out the links on the Maui High website.

68 Please… Turn off your phones. Take out your #2 pencils. Turn your desks forward. Use the answer document to record your answers (not the booklet). NO TALKING throughout the DURATION of the exam. 5 minute warning.

69 Scoring Time

70 Presented by Science Teachers
The SCIENCE TEST Presented by Science Teachers

71 Logistics of Science Test
# of Questions 40 questions Time 35 minutes DONE

72 What does the Science Test of the ACT consist of?
Involves: Biology Chemistry Earth/Space Science Physics

73 Science Test also involves…
Interpreting data representation (graphics and tables) Understanding research summaries Identifying conflicting viewpoints

74 Tips CANNOT use calculators
Only a few questions require knowledge of scientific facts (approx. 3 out of 40). Answers might not be in the same measurement units used in the graphs and tables. PAY ATTENTION.

75 Strategies Look at… the questions before you read the experiment summaries or graphs/charts Most questions require you to interpret a graph or chart. Don’t get lost in numbers, jargon, or details. Focus on the MAIN IDEAS first, and see how many questions you can answer by looking at graphs/charts.

76 Strategies Look at… graphs and tables carefully to identify the following: what labels mean what the table shows trends units of measurement

77 Strategies Look for patterns: extremes
critical points (points of change) variation (the way two things change in relation to each other)

78 Strategies Know the types of passages and develop strategies for each:
data representation research summaries conflicting viewpoints

79 Any Questions?

80 Please… Turn off your phones. Take out your #2 pencils. Turn your desks forward. Use the answer document to record your answers (not the booklet). NO TALKING throughout the DURATION of the exam. 5 minute warning.

81 Scoring Time

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