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Published byAshlyn Golden Modified over 6 years ago
Accountability and the Fall 2017 California School Dashboard Release
2017 Assessment and Accountability Information Meeting Cindy Kazanis, Director Jenny Singh, Education Research and Evaluation Administrator Analysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting Division
California Department of Education
Topics Covered Overview of Indicators and Design Updates for the Fall 2017 Dashboard Review of State Indicators Review of Local Indicators Safety Net Methodology Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) Technical Assistance Rollout of Fall 2017 Dashboard California Department of Education
Overview of Indicators and Design Updates for the Fall 2017 Dashboard
California Department of Education
California Department of Education
Indicators by Priority Area Priority Area State Indicator Local Indicator Priority 1: Basic Services Basics Conditions at School Priority 2: Implementation of State Standards Implementation of State Academic Standards Priority 3: Parent Involvement Parent Engagement Priority 4: Pupil Achievement Academic Indicator English Learner Progress Indicator Priority 5: Pupil Engagement Chronic Absence Indicator Graduation Rate Indicator Priority 6: School Climate Suspension Rate Indicator Local Climate Survey Priority 7: Course Access College/Career Indicator New Local Indicator in 2018 Priority 8: Pupils Outcomes Priority 9: Coordination of Instruction if Expelled Pupils Coordination of Services for Expelled Students* Priority 10: Coordination of Services for Foster Youth Coordination of Services for Foster Youth* * Applies to County Offices Only California Department of Education
California Department of Education
The Dashboard Journey Date Activity January 2017 Dashboard Coordinators Enrolled in System March 2017 Dashboard Launch Field Test April 2017 Release Detail Reports July 2017 Release Local Indicators Functionally November 2017 Dashboard Fully Operational California Department of Education
Design Updates for Fall 2017 Dashboard
Design Updates for Fall 2017 Dashboard: Link to Five-by-Five
California Department of Education
Design Updates for Fall 2017 Dashboard: List of Schools
California Department of Education
California Department of Education
Student Groups For the Status and Change Report and the State Indicator Reports, data will be reported for two new student groups: Foster Youth and Homeless. California Department of Education
N-Size for Foster Youth and Homeless Student Groups
Different N sizes apply at the local educational agency (LEA) and school levels for these student groups: LEA-level: N = 15 School-level: N = 30 Note: Charter Schools will be treated as schools (not LEAs) for reporting these two student groups. California Department of Education
Review of State Indicators
California Department of Education
State Indicators in the Fall 2017 Dashboard
Chronic Absenteeism Suspension Rate English Learner Progress Graduation Rate College/Career Academic: English Language Arts and Mathematics California Department of Education
California Department of Education
Chronic Absenteeism In November 2017, the State Board of Education (SBE) may determine: Calculation method for this indicator Data to be reported in the Fall Dashboard California Department of Education
Suspension Rate Indicator
LEAs and schools with 30 or more students who are cumulatively enrolled in kindergarten through grade twelve in both the current and prior year will receive results for this indicator in their Fall Dashboard. California Department of Education
Suspension Rate: Cumulative Enrollment
Total number of students who, at any time during the school year, enrolled in a school. Example: A student enrolls in a school on March 7 and transfers out of the school on March 10. The student would be counted as part of the school’s cumulative enrollment. California Department of Education
Suspension Rate: Calculation Formula for Status
Based on the unduplicated number of students suspended within the 2016–17 school year. Number of Students Suspended divided by Cumulative Enrollment Multiplied by 100 California Department of Education
Suspension Rate: Calculation Formula for Change
Difference between the current and prior year suspension rates. Status (2016–17 Suspension Rate) minus 2015–16 Suspension Rate California Department of Education
Suspension Rate: Common Questions
Q: Do “in-school” suspensions count as suspensions? A: Yes. Students with “in-school” suspensions are captured in the numerator and included in the calculation of the suspension rate. Q: What impact do students who are suspended multiple times have on the calculations? A: None. If a student is suspended multiple times, the student is counted as suspended only once. California Department of Education
Graduation Rate Indicator
Based on the four-year graduation cohort. Example: Students in the Class of 2016 (the –16 graduating cohort) first entered grade nine in fall 2012. California Department of Education
Graduation Rate: Calculation Formula for Status for Class of 2016
Number of students who earn a regular high school diploma by the end of 2015–16 school year divided by Total number of students in the 2015–16 four-year graduating cohort California Department of Education
Graduation Rate: Calculation Formula for Change
The Graduation Rate Indicator is the only state indicator to use a three-year weighted average, using the prior three years of data. This average is used to calculate change. Current Year Status minus Three-Year Weighted Average California Department of Education
English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI)
In September 2017, the SBE approved the following addition to the ELPI formula: “Extra credit” (an additional full weight) is provided for long-term English learners (LTELs) who advance at least one level on the California English Language Development Test (CELDT). California Department of Education
California Department of Education
ELPI Formula Annual CELDT Test Takers Who Increased at least 1 CELDT Level Plus Annual CELDT Test Takers Who Maintained English Proficiency in the Early Advanced/Advanced CELDT Levels ELs Who Were Reclassified in the Prior Year LTEL CELDT Test Takers Who Increased at Least 1 CELDT Level (new criteria) Divided by Total Number of Annual CELDT Test Takers in the Current Year plus ELs Who Were Reclassified in the Prior Year California Department of Education
ELPI: Common Questions
Q: Which Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) students are included in the ELPI? A: Students who were reclassified in the prior year (July 1 through June 30) will be included. California Department of Education
College/Career Indicator (CCI)
Based on the four-year graduation cohort. Designed to encourage high schools to provide all students with a rigorous broad course of study that will lead to likely success after graduation. Contains both college and career measures and allows for fair comparisons across all districts and schools that serve high school students. California Department of Education
California Department of Education
CCI Measures Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathway completion Grade 11 CAASPP in English language arts (ELA) and Mathematics Advanced Placement (AP) Exams International Baccalaureate (IB) Exams Dual Enrollment a-g Completion California Department of Education
CCI Status Reported for First Time
Only Status will be reported this year: For 2015–16 four-year graduation cohort (Class of 2016) Change and performance levels (colors) will not be reported until the Fall 2018 Dashboard. California Department of Education
California Department of Education
CCI Cut Scores In September 2017, the SBE approved the following revisions to the cut scores for Status: Includes the 2015 Smarter Balanced assessment results for grade eleven students (Class of 2016). California Department of Education
Revised CCI Cut Scores for Status
Level Percent of Prepared Students Very High 70% or more High 55% to less than 70% Medium 35% to less than 55% Low 10% to less than 35% Very Low Less than 10% California Department of Education
CCI and the Dashboard: Timeline
Fall 2017 Fall 2018 Data for Class of 2016 Status Only—no performance level (i.e., color) Breakdown by Number/Percent: Prepared by Student Group, Measures Met Approaching Prepared, by Student Group, Measures Met Not Prepared, by Student Group Status for Class of compared to the Class of for Change Status and Change— performance level (i.e., color) will be assigned California Department of Education
CCI and Levels of Preparedness
The Fall 2017 Dashboard will detail how the Class of 2016 performed across all three levels of the CCI: Prepared Approaching Prepared Not Prepared The criteria for each performance level is available in the CCI Web page at California Department of Education
Calculation for Percent Prepared
Students who take the California Alternate Assessment (CAA) are not included in the CCI and are removed from the calculations. Class of 2016 Graduates Who Meet the “Prepared” Benchmark divided by Class of 2016 Graduation Cohort minus Students Who Take the CAAs California Department of Education
Sample CCI Report for Fall 2107 Dashboard
California Department of Education
Sample CCI Report for Fall 2017 Dashboard (Cont.)
California Department of Education
California Department of Education
CCI: Common Questions Q: Which courses count for dual enrollment? A: All except Physical Education courses. As long as the student receives college credit, the course counts. Q: Do summer classes or night/weekend classes count for dual enrollment? A: Yes, as long as the student receives college credit. California Department of Education
CCI: Common Questions (Cont.)
Q: Is there a set number of courses required for the CTE Pathway? A: No, but the pathway must consist of at least 300 hours. Also, students must complete the Capstone course with a “C” or better. Q: Who provides the data on the AP and IB exams? A: The testing vendor. California Department of Education
California Department of Education
Academic Indicator Based on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) ELA and mathematics results. Applies to districts and schools with grades three through eight. California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) will not be incorporated into the Academic Indicator for Fall Dashboard. SBE may take further action on this indicator in November 2017. California Department of Education
Reporting of CAA Results
For the Fall 2017 Dashboard, the percent of students who achieved Levels 1, 2, and 3 on the 2017 CAAs will be reported separately on two reports: English Language Arts Assessment Report Math Assessment Report California Department of Education
Academic Indicator: Status
Based on the distance between student scale scores on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments and the lowest scale score for Level 3: Level 3 is the Standard Met Achievement Level on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments. Scale score ranges for each achievement level vary by grade and content area. California Department of Education
Calculating Distance from Level 3
Each student’s distance from the lowest scale score for Level 3 is calculated separately. All of the distances are then combined to determine an average. California Department of Education
Calculating Distance from Level 3 (Cont.)
Sum of All Grades 3 through 8 Students’ Distance from Level 3 on the 2016 Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments divided by Total Number of 2016 Grades 3 through 8 Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments Test Takers California Department of Education
Academic Indicator: Common Question
Q: For the Academic Indicator which students are included in the EL student group? A: All current EL students and students who were reclassified within the past four years (e.g., after April 15, 2013) will be included in EL student group. California Department of Education
Local Indicators and the Fall 2017 Dashboard
Basic (Teachers, Instructional Materials, Facilities) Implementation of Academic Standards Parent Engagement Local Climate Survey California Department of Education
Completion of Local Indicators
Submission due December 1, 2017 Rating status will be locked after the submission window closes Default Rating will be “Not Met” Priority 7 Indicator-In progress for Fall 2018 Dashboard California Department of Education
Dashboard Coordinators
Each year, the Dashboard Coordinators ListServ is purged. Therefore, districts must resubmit the names of coordinators for the Fall Dashboard release. Only approved Dashboard Coordinators may upload the data for local indicators. California Department of Education
Safety Net Methodology
California Department of Education
Safety Net for Graduation and Suspension Rate Indicators
Schools and districts with small student populations were over-identified in both the Red and Blue performance levels for: Graduation Rate Indicator Suspension Rate Indicator A new methodology, called the “Safety Net,” prevents large swings in the results triggered by a few students. California Department of Education
Defining N Size at Indicator Level
N size is less than 150. N size is based on the number of students at the indicator level rather than the number of students enrolled. Graduation: Number of students in the cohort Suspension: Number of students cumulatively enrolled California Department of Education
Safety Net Methodology
Removes the “Increased Significantly” and “Decreased Significantly” Change levels from the performance level determinations. Small student populations will only receive one of three Change levels for the graduation and suspension rate indicators: Increased Maintained Decreased California Department of Education
Adjusted Grid for Small Populations
California Department of Education
Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS)
California Department of Education
California Department of Education
DASS Participation The SBE approved the DASS criteria and the application process to replace the Alternative Schools Accountability Model (ASAM). (See DASS Web page at Schools that participate in the DASS will not receive a Fall Dashboard. Their data will also not be included in their LEA’s Dashboard results. There are two ways to be eligible for DASS: Schools are automatically identified for DASS. Schools are eligible to apply for DASS status. California Department of Education
DASS Eligibility Criteria
Schools with a “school type” Identified in Education Code (EC) Section 52052(g) District-operated special education schools (i.e., schools that only provide services to students with disabilities) that have at least 70 percent of the students enrolled in grades three through eight and grade eleven participate in the California Alternate Assessments. For the Fall 2017 Dashboard only Any school that was approved for ASAM from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 will automatically be assigned an alternative status and: (1) will not receive a Fall 2017 Dashboard (2) be held accountable to the alternative indicators. Automatically DASS Schools that do not meet the criteria at the left can apply for DASS. They must demonstrate that at least 70% of their enrollment is comprised of high-risk students. Need to Apply for DASS
Applying for DASS To be approved for DASS in 2017 (i.e., to be excluded from the Fall 2017 Dashboard) schools must submit an application by October 6, 2017. Schools approved for DASS do not need to reapply for three years (i.e., reapply for the Fall 2020 Dashboard).
Withdrawing from DASS To withdraw from DASS for 2017 (i.e., to receive a Fall 2017 Dashboard), schools must submit a Withdrawal DASS Participation Form to the CDE by October 6, 2017. Schools that withdraw from DASS: Will receive a Dashboard in the fall of each year. Will be held accountable to the standards set for traditional schools. Are ineligible to participate in DASS for three years.
Same Indicators, Modified Methods
DASS schools will be held accountable for meeting the same state indicators set for traditional schools. However, modified methods will be used to calculate the results of DASS schools in order to fairly evaluate their performance and progress. California Department of Education
Modified Methods Will Be: Will Not Be: Current Dashboard Indicators
The same indicators apply to alternative schools Performance for alternative schools will be reported using the same five performance levels. Will Not Be: Different from the Current Dashboard Indicators The only difference may be how the indicators are measured (e.g., a one- year graduation rate vs. a four-year cohort rate).
DASS: Common Questions
Q: How do I know if my school has been approved for DASS? A: Please check the DASS Active List at Q: What is holding up my DASS application? A: Check to see if you have completed Parts 1 and 2 of the application. Both parts must be completed before the application can be processed. California Department of Education
Technical Assistance (TA) for LEAs and Schools
Under LCFF California Department of Education
California Department of Education
LEAs Eligible for TA LEAs will be identified for TA based on student group performance in each Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) state priority area. LEAs will be identified for TA for the first time in fall 2017. California Department of Education
LEA Criteria for TA in Fall 2017 (Cont.)
The same student group must meet the following criteria for an LEA to be identified for Technical Assistance in the fall of 2017. Priority Area 4: Meet One of the Following Criteria: Both ELA and Math = or ELA/Math = ELPI = and PLUS Meet One of the Following Priority Areas Priority Area 5: Graduation Rate = Priority Area 6: Suspension Rate = OR California Department of Education
California Department of Education
Example: Performance of EL Student Group In Springfield School District Priority Area 4: ELA = Math = ELPI = Priority Area 5: Graduation Rate = Priority Area 6: Suspension = Springfield Unified is Not Identified for Technical Assistance California Department of Education
Lowest Performing Five Percent of Title I Schools Under ESSA
Identified for TA for the first time in 2018. The SBE will be making further decisions on the criteria for identifying these schools at its January 2018 meeting. California Department of Education
Rollout of Fall 2017 Dashboard
California Department of Education
Tentative Release Schedule for the Fall 2017 Dashboard
Early November 2017 LEA private preview begins Rolling weekly release of indicators November 8 and 9, 2017 SBE meeting – Potential action on Academic and Chronic Absenteeism Indicators Week of November 27, 2017 Tentative public launch of the Dashboard California Department of Education
Contact Information Academic Accountability Unit Analysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting Division California Department of Education California Department of Education
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