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Fostering Tomorrow's STEM Innovators and Leaders

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1 Fostering Tomorrow's STEM Innovators and Leaders
Madison Highland Prep Fostering Tomorrow's STEM Innovators and Leaders

2 MHP’s Instructional Program
MHP’s Curriculum & Specialization: PLTW Engineering and Computer Science Program NGSS Science program SpringBoard Mathematics SpringBoard English Language Arts Social Studies Fine Arts MHP also offers Honors, Advanced Placement (AP), Dual College Enrollment opportunities, and Senior Internships.

3 MHP Enrollment 2015-2016 2016-2017 Freshmen 150 Sophomores 80 Juniors
Freshmen 150 Sophomores 80 Juniors 20 Seniors -- 153 148 80 75

4 2016-2017 Local High School Comparison
ELA Pass Percent Math Pass Percent Madison Highland Prep 64% 69% Chaparral High School 51% 61% Sunnyslope High School 46% 53% State Average 39% 40% Arcadia High School 31% 37% Shadow Mountain High School 27% 29% North High School 25% Central High School 17% 22% Camelback High School 13%

5 State Accountability Summary
Proficiency School ELA Proficiency State Proficiency Rating for ELA 9 State Proficiency Rating for ELA10 State Proficiency Rating for ELA 11 97% 77% 70% School Math Proficiency State Proficiency Rating for Algebra I State Proficiency Rating for Geometry State Proficiency Rating for Algebra II 99% 75% 86% State Proficiency Rating for All Students 85%

6 2016-2017 AzMerit ELA & Math Rankings for MHP
Subject Ranking Percentage ELA 40th out of 1102 Top 4% Mathematics 27th out of 1102 Top 3%

7 State Accountability Summary
Growth Student Growth Percentile (SGP)* ELA Average or Above Average SGP Math Average or Above Average SGP    84% *SGP % represents students with growth at or above their academic peers. MHP students performed on average 84% better than all academic peers in ELA and 84% better than all academic peers in Math. Student Growth to Target (SGT)* ELA At or Exceeds SGT Math At or Exceeds SGT 75% 80% *SGT % represents students with growth necessary to be proficient or highly proficient in ELA 11 and Algebra II. 75% of MHP students are on target to be proficient in ELA 11 and 80% of MHP students are on target to be proficient in Algebra II.

8 State Accountability Summary
Graduation Rate 4-year Graduation Rate 100% *MHP does not meet the requirements set by the Arizona State Board of Education to receive an accountability rating for graduation rate.

9 State Accountability Summary
College and Career Readiness Meets of Exceeds College Readiness Meets or Exceeds Career Readiness 100% 82% *MHP does not meet the requirements set by the Arizona State Board of Education to receive an accountability rating for college and career readiness.

10 Honors Program 2017-2018 Honors Program Participation 9th Grade
9th Grade 10th Grade English Honors 47% 51% Math Honors 28% 45% Science Honors 39% 59% Social Studies Honors 61% All Honors Program1 1All AP Courses indicates the % of students enrolled in the STEM Honors or Humanities Honors track.

11 Advanced Placement Curriculum
Advanced Placement Participation 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade AP English courses1 2% 47% 51% AP Math / DE Math courses2 36% 53% AP Science courses3 21% 68% AP Social Studies courses4 -- 15% 20% All AP Courses5 61% 72% 1AP English courses include English Literature & Composition; English Language & Composition 2AP Math / DE Math courses include Statistics; MAT 187 Pre-Calculus 3AP Science courses include Environmental Science; Biology; Chemistry; Physics 4AP Social Studies courses include United States History 5All AP Courses indicates the % of students enrolled in one or more AP courses.

12 College Readiness Graduating Class of 2018 Graduating Class of 2019
100% meet or exceed 4-year college prerequisites 90% (10/17) applied for early admissions to state universities 60% (11/17) accepted to state universities under early admissions program* Graduating Class of 2019 100% have taken the PSAT/NMSQT to prepare for college entrance examinations 100% have attended college recruiting visits to assist with college selection process 100% have identified three or more colleges and universities for application *as of November 1, 2016

13 Academic Highlights Madison Highland Prep was recognized as one of America’s Best High Schools by US News & World Report, earning a bronze medal, based on year 1 data. 2 students were recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Program 1 student named as a National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist National Honor Society has 110 members. It began in with 3 members. 28 members were added in , 40 members were added in , and 42 members were added in Over 30 colleges and universities have presented to juniors and seniors at MHP 100% of 2017 graduates were accepted to 2 or more universities 1 graduate accepted to 12 colleges/universities 1 graduate accepted directly to the College of Medicine at University of Arizona

14 Extra-Curricular Celebrations
MHP will host its 4th Annual VEX Robotics State Qualifying Competition to be attended by 38 high school teams from Arizona and California in January 2017. Men’s and Women’s Track and Field took 1st in the state championship Men’s Cross Country took 1st place in the state championship Ana Foley named Women’s Runner of the Year and placed 2nd overall in the state championship. Jay-ar Gloria placed 3rd overall in the state championship Men’s Varsity Soccer claimed the Division 1 Conference title and advanced to the state final of the CAA Division 1 Men’s Soccer State Championships. Men’s soccer finished the season undefeated for the 1st time in MHP history 1st Academic Decathlon team will compete in AZ Regional Competition in February 2018

15 Extra-Curricular Celebrations
MHP’s SeaPerch Robotics Team took 1st Place at the San Diego invitational Spring 2017 1 graduate awarded over $40,000 in athletic scholarship from Ottawa University for soccer Women’s Basketball were runner-up at the CAA state championship Women’s Softball named East Conference champions JV Women’s Basketball named North Conference champions Women’s Varsity Basketball named West Central Conference champions Cheer placed 3rd in the State Cheer Competition Advanced Division Women’s Volleyball named East Conference Champions for the 2nd year in a row

16 MHP Student Life


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