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Establishing a Good Working Relationship with Faculty

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1 Establishing a Good Working Relationship with Faculty
Heather Mattie January 22, 2018 TA Orientation workshop

2 Foundation Every good relationship requires a solid foundation and regular maintenance It is essential to think about and discuss your respective roles A general framing of your relationship A detailed breakdown of each person’s roles and responsibilities with regard to the students and each other

3 Framing Your Relationship: Roles
Teaching assistant professor Senior Learner Little experience as a teacher or researcher Basic abilities (operating in survival mode) Colleague-in-training Some experience as a teacher or researcher Ready to think of new ways to teach or do research Junior Colleague Significant experience as a teacher or researcher Ready to make his/her/their own decisions Manager “Do the task my way and check back with me” Expectations should be as clear and detailed as possible Role Model Think about the problem, generate options, and let’s discuss potential outcomes Mentor You make the decision. Let me know if I can be of help to you. I’m interested in the outcome

4 Reflection What stage of development are you in?
What role would you like your professor to adopt? Note that this might not be adjustable What might happen if you two aren’t on the same page? How would you tell your professor that you would like more guidance or more independence?

5 Clarifying Expectations
You are hired to complete specific teaching-related tasks for a finite number of paid hours You are not required to do absolutely anything your professor asks with no regard to the nature of the task or the amount of time it takes to complete You should meet (early!) with your professor to build a detailed breakdown of your duties What Who How How often

6 Task Questions to Ask Meetings When? Where? Office Hours Lab Materials Who prepares? If TA prepares, should they have it checked by the professor or other TAs? Should they be posted online? When/where? By who? Should they be printed out for students before the lab session? What if a TA is unable to cover all of the material in lab? What if a student asks a question I don’t know the answer to? Homework and Exams Grading rubric? Who prepares? How are grades recorded? If a student has an issue with the due date or grade, who should they go to? Should the assignment/solutions be posted online? When/where? By who? How often is homework assigned? When should TAs have the grading done by? Are there students with accommodations TAs should be aware of? Student Issues When should a TA handle a problem themselves, and when should they refer the student to the head TA or professor? Availability If a TA has questions or concerns, should they the professor? What is the preferred type of communication?

7 Reflection What would you do if your professor asks you to work extra hours during a certain week and you have your own papers to write or exams to study for? What tasks are you good at and would like to continue doing? What tasks require improvement? What is my overall goal for my own development ?

8 Maintenance

9 Maintenance

10 Maintenance

11 Maintenance

12 Communication

13 Communication Communication should be frequent and open
If regular meetings haven’t been set up, suggest that they be or stop by your professor’s office or send them an with any updates, questions or concerns you may have Open communication can be difficult, but it’s necessary Staying silent can allow problems to escalate Give yourselves permission to make mistakes

14 Reflection Reasons you might not communicate openly with your professor? Reasons your professor might not communicate openly with you?

15 Being Proactive Keep track of tasks you complete and how long it takes to complete them Keep track of particular situations that have been interesting or challenging With the students With teaching/leading a lab Ask your professor to do an informal mid-semester evaluation for your own benefit What you are doing well What you could improve Shows that you are committed to your professional development

16 Reflection How would you like them to give this feedback?
What parts of your TA duties would you like to get your professor’s feedback on? How would you like them to give this feedback? In-person Survey

17 References [1] Nyquist, Jody D. & Donald H. Wulff. (1996). Working Effectively with Graduate Assistants. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. [2] Arbach, Marla. (2010). Professor and Teaching Assistant: Building a Good Relationship. Center for University Teaching, University of Ottawa.

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