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ISR/QED Section Editors BaBar: Fabio Anulli Belle: Galina Pakhlova

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Presentation on theme: "ISR/QED Section Editors BaBar: Fabio Anulli Belle: Galina Pakhlova"— Presentation transcript:

1 ISR/QED Section Editors BaBar: Fabio Anulli Belle: Galina Pakhlova
Theory: Name B-factories Legacy Book Meeting SLAC, Oct 30-31

2 Papers BABAR - e^+e^- --> light hadrons argument topics technique
Reference/status e+e-  mumu J/psi, ISR technique ISR tagged PRD69:011103,2004 e+e-  pi+pi- hadronic cs Under PRL review, arXiv: v1 [hep-ex] e+e-  pi+pi-pi0 Hadronic cs, spectroscopy PRD70:072004,2004 e+e-  h+h-h’+h’- (h,h’=pi/K) PRD71:052001,2005 e+e-  KKpi/eta PRD77:092002,2008 e+e-  5 hadrons PRD76:092005,2007 e+e-  6 hadrons PRD73:052003,2006 e+e-  phi f0(980) Y(2175) PRD74:091103,2006 Spectroscopy, Y(2175) PRD76:012008,2007 e+e-  pi+pi- pi0pi0 Prelim. ICHEP08 e+e-  p anti-p Hadronic cs, FF PRD73:012005,2006 e+e-  L anti-L, S0 anti-S0,.. PRD76:092006,2007

3 Papers BELLE - e^+e^- --> open charm topics technique
Reference/status e+e-  D(*)+D(*)- near threshold Cross section, charmonium spectroscopy ISR untagged PRL 98:092001,2007 e+e-  D anti-D near threshold PRD77:011003,2008 Psi(4415)  D anti-D*(2460) charmonium spectroscopy PRL 100:062001,2008 e+e-  D0 D*- pi+ arXiv: [hep-ex] to appear in PRD(RC) e+e-  L_c+ L_c- PRL 101:172001,2008 BABAR - e^+e^- --> open charm topics technique Reference/status e+e-  D anti-D Cross section, charmonium spectroscopy ISR untagged PRD76:111105,2007 e+e-  D(*)+ D(*)- PRD79:092001,2009

4 Papers BELLE - e^+e^- --> Y family via ISR topics technique
Reference/status e+e-  pi+ pi- J/psi Cross section, Y(4260) ISR untagged PRL 99:182004,2007 e+e-  pi+ pi- psi(2S) Cross section, Y(4260), Y(4320) PRL 99:142002,2007 e+e-  K+ K- J/psi PRD77:011105(R),2008 e+e-  phi pi+ pi- Cross section, phi(1680), Y(2175) ISR untagged ? PRD80:031101,2009 BABAR - e^+e^- --> Y family via ISR topics technique Reference/status e+e-  pi+ pi- J/psi Cross section, Y(4260) ISR untagged PRL 95:142001,2005 e+e-  pi+ pi- psi(2S) Cross section, Y(4320) PRL 98:212001,2007

5 Papers Belle BaBar Published Published 1) Reference 1) Reference
2) ... Foreseen papers in time to be included in the book: # Belle Published 1) Reference 2) ... Foreseen papers in time to be included in the book : # Summary of papers (BaBar+Belle): 1) PRL: 8 2) PRD: 16 3) Preliminary to be completed: 1

6 Section subdivision Section (Title) Subsection(Title)
Subsubsection (Title) Approximate expected # pages needed for whole section: ??

7 Inter-correlation Foreseen resolution: related to Section (Title)
cross-referencing? division of topics? ... Section (Title) (Subsection (Title)) (Subsubsection (Title)) (Paper (Reference)) related to Section (Title) Foreseen resolution: cross-referencing? division of topics? ... Section (Title) (Subsection (Title)) (Subsubsection (Title)) (Paper (Reference)) related to Section (Title)

8 Contributors Confirmed (beside section editors)
BaBar: (ISR g-2) M. Davier, E. Solodov, V. Druzhini (ISR charm/charmonium) Belle: Names Un-confirmed BaBar: # Belle: #


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