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52. HERO “A hero is the classic protagonist in a work of literature.”

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Presentation on theme: "52. HERO “A hero is the classic protagonist in a work of literature.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 52. HERO “A hero is the classic protagonist in a work of literature.”

2 Heroes are important because they embody our understanding of strength and courage in both literature and life.

3 A hero is a person admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievement, or noble qualities. Often they are otherwise normal people, but have a great talent.

4 Heroes teach us how to live, how to be brave, and what is right and wrong.

5 In Western Mythology there is the Greek Classical Hero
He is of royal birth or very often: Half mortal, half god. He must perform amazing feats. He is a noble character which is close to perfect except for one fatal flaw. His suffering is physical

6 Classical Example: Hercules and His 12 Labors

7 Another example would include Achilles from Homer’s The Iliad

8 And Homer’s other epic story, Odysseus from The Odyssey

9 Often, the hero is who you don’t expect.

10 Who are some of your favorite heroes in literature?
What qualities do you think make a good hero? Who is a hero in your life and why? BRAINSTORM

11 Writing #52: What is a hero and what are some classic examples?
(Define) A Hero is ________________________________ . (Explain) Heroes are important because ______________ _______________________________________________. (Example) Some classic examples of heroes ___________ , _______________, and ______________. In classic myth, Heroes were ______________ , _____________________ , And _______________________. (Describe) People need heroes because __________________________________ . My hero is _____________ because __________________ .

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