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SWBAT: October 27, 2016 Identify geographic feature of Greece

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1 SWBAT: October 27, 2016 Identify geographic feature of Greece
Evaluate the influence of geography on the political development of Greece. Analyze the cultural significance on the predecessors of classical Greece DO NOW: List as many Greek things you know.


3 Geography- 3 major geographic features that influenced Greek Civilization
Mountains How do you think Mountains affected the development of Greece? Politically? Socially? Economically? Pindus Mountains covered ¾ of Greece. A1. Significantly influenced Greek political life A2. Divided the land into many different regions. A3. Mountains made it difficult to trade and unite the area.

4 B. Climate- Mild Climate, b/w 50 & 80 degrees C
B. Climate- Mild Climate, b/w 50 & 80 degrees C. Bodies of Water- Sea shaped Greek life (similar to rivers in other civilizations) Aegean Sea, Mediterranean Sea & Ionian Sea C1. Peninsula with 2,000 miles of coastline. C2. Offshore islands provided stepping stones to other areas C3. Greeks became skilled sailors, Sea travel important to trade.

5 The Minoans BCE

6 The Minoan World: mid-2M B.C.E.

7 Writing System - Linear A
Minoan Crete Palace culture b.c.e. King Minos Knossos Merchant Culture Extensive trade throughout the Mediterranean Writing System - Linear A wine, olive oil, wool for grain, textiles & manufactured goods. Writing system- Linear A- written symbols represented syllables.

8 Artist’s Recreation of Knossos

9 Palace of King Minos – North Entrance

10 Palace of King Minos – Throne Room

11 Bull Cult

12 Minoan Trade Coast of Crete “Bireme” ship

13 Early Writing System: “Linear A” (Undecipherable)


15 Decline Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tidal waves. Achievements:
1628- most destructive eruption b.c.e rebuilt luxurious palaces Achievements: indoor plumbing -drainage system some had a flushing toilet!

16 The Mycenaeans (Achaeans)

17 The Mycenaean World: mid-2M B.C.E.

18 Became most powerful people in the region
II. Mycenaeans Indo- European, settled in Southern Greece. 1200 b.c.e. attacked the city of Troy, fought the Trojan War for ten years. Became most powerful people in the region C1. Attacked the city because The Trojan price had kidnapped Helen, the wife of a Greek King.

19 The Trojan War Mid 12 Century b.c.e.

20 E. Iliad heroes: Achilles and Hector of Troy.
D. Homer D1. Iliad and the Odyssey, E. Iliad heroes: Achilles and Hector of Troy. E1. Story shows Greek heroic ideal of virtue and excellence. F. Odyssey- adventures of Odysseus G. Mycenaean civilization collapsed after the war with Troy. Stories of this written in an epic by a blind poet named tales of the 10 year Trojan war

21 Helen of Troy, the face that launched 1000 ships

22 Plan of the City of Troy


24 Mycenaean Writing System: “Linear B”
Earliest form of Ancient Greek dialect

25 III. Dorian 1200 b.c.e Dorians moved into the area of Greece and settled Had no writing system all records disappeared trade stopped, The economy collapsed. B1. Greece entered a Dark Age- lasted for 450 years They did not paint pictures or their life or create art, but they did pass on oral history

26 SWBAT: Identify the differences between Athens & Sparta, and explain how these values led to different forms of government. Analyze the cause and the effect of the conflict between Athens & Sparta Do Now: What do you think is the most important responsibility of government?

27 III. Development of the Greek polis
Small, independent city-states Geographical constraints on centralization Colonization Cultural unity: -common language, religion, festivals

28 IV. 2 Main City-States A Sparta- located in the Southern part of Greece. A1. Dedicated to build a strong city-state, everything was done for the military A2. Military training began at an early age A3. Spartans valued strength duty, and discipline over individuality and beauty. Age 7- boys left home to train as soldiers Age 20- became full soldiers Could marry, but must live in military barracks Age 30- became full citizens and could live in own homes. Continued to serve in military until age 60

29 B1. Athens- Located on the Southeastern tip of Peloponnesus Peninsula B1. Created the worlds 1st democracy- direct democracy. B2. Citizenship requirements: 1. Male 2. Born in Athens 3. Must own property B3. Important people of Athens; Draco- wrote 1st written code of laws Harsh penalties for people of Athens Solon- Ruler that made laws less harsh, allowed people to vote

30 B4. Democracy was not a complete success 1. Restricted citizenship 2
B4. Democracy was not a complete success 1. Restricted citizenship 2. Slavery - 1/3 Athenian population 3. Restricted freedom of speech 4. Must go to Athens to vote 5. Practiced called Ostracism - Once a year Athenian citizens voted to banish people from the city-state.

31 Persian Wars a. Athenian interference in Persian affairs b. 490 b.c.e. invasion- Battle of Marathon c. 480 b.c.e. invasion- Battles of Thermopylae, Salamis Delian League- alliance between the poleis to discourage further Persian actions in Greece. Athens is the leader of the league Other poleis resented giving money to Athenians.

32 Peloponnesian War: Sparta v. Athens
( b.c.e) 2 most powerful city-states in Greece Other poleis chose sides Conflict went back and forth

33 SWBAT 1. Evaluate the ideas of the Classical age of Greece and their influence on Western civilization Do Now: name as many Greek influences in the United States.

34 The Cultural Life of Classical Greece
I. Rational thought and philosophy The formation of Greek cultural traditions: philosophy based on human reason B. Socrates ( B.C.E.): "An unexamined life is not worth living" Encouraged reflection on questions of ethics and morality Was condemned to death on charge of corrupting Athenian youths C. Plato ( B.C.E.): A zealous disciple of Socrates The theory of Forms or Ideas--world of ideal qualities This world is imperfect reflection of world of Forms His Republic expressed the ideal of philosophical kings

35 Devised rules of logic to construct powerful arguments
D. Aristotle ( B.C.E.): Plato's student, but distrusted theory of Forms Devised rules of logic to construct powerful arguments Philosophers should rely on senses to provide accurate information E. Legacy of Greek philosophy Intellectual authorities for European philosophers until seventeenth century Intellectual inspiration for Christian and Islamic theologians Aristotle Politics

36 II. Popular religion and Greek drama
A. Greek deities: Zeus and scores of subordinate deities B. Various types of religious cults; Cult of Dionysus most popular C. Drama was performed at annual theatrical festivals Great tragedians explored the possibilities and limitations of human action Comic drama took delight in lampooning the public figures Aristophanes – Greek Comic Play write

37 III. Hellenistic philosophy and religion
A. The Hellenistic philosophers: search for personal tranquility Epicureans: identified pleasure as the greatest good Skeptics: doubted certainty of knowledge, sought equanimity Stoics: taught individuals duty to aid others and lead virtuous lives B. Religions of salvation spread through trade routes Mystery religions promised eternal bliss for believers; like Cult of Osiris Speculation about a single, universal god emerged

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