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Spectator Religion James 2:14-26.

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1 Spectator Religion James 2:14-26

2 Introduction Observations
Chinese study of Christianity: “It was a wonderful system of ethics, but it doesn’t work” D. Elton Trueblood, a Quaker author: “Religion is the largest spectator sport in the world”

3 Gallop Poll (1985) 48%: is having an increasing influence
56%: is very “important” 61%: “can answer all or most problems” 71%: claim church membership 81%: relied on prayer 95%: believed in God

4 Gallop Poll (2012) 24%: is having an increasing influence
58%: is very “important” 55%: “can answer all or most problems” 59%: claim church membership ? %: relied on prayer 92%: believed in God

5 Changes Increasing influence: 48% to 24% Very important: 56% to 58%
Can answer …problems: 61% to 55% Claim church membership: 71% to 59% Belief in God: 95% to 92%

6 Commitment or Guilty Conscience?
Might seem like “commitment” Gallup- “…at Christmas time people put aside some of their selfish motives…and move into a area of greater commitment (to spiritual values)” However, this is “seasonal” Such is not real commitment

7 Commitment or Guilty Conscience?
Commitment involves… Knowledge of proper course, determination to follow the course, and follow through (Acts 4:18-20; 5:29) There is no other valid form of commitment

8 Commitment or Guilty Conscience?
Faith must be a working faith Some did not demonstrate their faith (John 12:42; James 2:14-26) Some Christians don’t either Forsaking the assemblies Worldliness Apathy

9 Paradox of “Committed People”
Comparison First, 92% believe in God, and 59% are church members Yet only 31% attended a service in the past week

10 Paradox of “Committed People”
Further comparison 58% feel religion is “very important” to in their lives, and 55% say, “religion can answer all or most of today’s problems” Yet, crime, sexual promiscuity, and business fraud are flourishing Paradox: “Morality is losing ground and religion is gaining ground…”

11 Paradox of “Committed People”
Such is not commitment to Christ Crime has no place among true followers of Christ (Ephesians 4:25-5:5; Colossians 3:1-3) Sexual promiscuity would disappear (Matthew 19:9; 1 Corinthians 7:2) No more fraud (Romans 12:17; Colossians 3:5-9)

12 Why The Paradox? Gallup cited three reasons
Difficulty of bridging the gap between belief and action The superficiality of faith in some people Failure of organized religion to make a difference in society

13 Why The Paradox? Why is this failure real?
Social gospel (John 6:26; 1 Timothy 3:15) Modernism (1 Corinthians 1:18-25) Lack of a “thus saith the Lord” (Colossians 3:17; 1 Peter 4:11) We are not immune from these problems

14 Why The Paradox? Only the Gospel can change lives
Gallup suggested the prime task of religious leaders is to inspire deeper spiritual commitment among the members Further, he said, “I think the emphasis of the church should be on the how of religion…how to bring the Bible into one’s life, how to pray.”

15 Why The Paradox? Only the Gospel (conclusion)
The Gospel is “God’s power unto salvation” (Romans 1:16) Gallup suggested things would be worse if religion were not “acting as a brake or an inspiration” (Matthew 5:16; Philippians 2:14-16)

16 Conclusion Are we truly committed? (Ezekiel 33:31-33)
Nothing less than total commitment will suffice

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