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EGYPT Dr. Shadia Elshishini

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1 EGYPT Dr. Shadia Elshishini
SwitchMed Connect 2016 Policy Instruments Proposals for RECP Drawing on the outputs of the Policy Baseline Review and Policy Instruments Proposals EGYPT Dr. Shadia Elshishini

2 Status of CP implementation
Large number of CP audits: mainly water and energy conservation Majority of projects for SMEs and Low Cost/No Cost projects Limited replicability of projects except when Cost Benefit is high (Fuel switch to NG, PBP <1 year) SMEs interested in Process modifications and increased efficiency Demand for financial support (WHR to Electricity: high cost) No regulatory requirements Key performance indicators, KPIs not applied.

3 Drawing on the Policy Baseline Review
Measuring progress (key performance indicators) and reporting – relation between facility, sector and national targets. Including BAT requirements in the Law and differentiating between Existing and New facilities. Incentives for implementing RECP (Access to finance)

4 Policy Instrument Proposals
Sector based BAT approach to promote RECP (Resource Efficient Cleaner Production) through voluntary activities of industry supported by legislative requirements Financial mechanism to support investments needed to implement RECP measures in industry Institutional support of RECP program by creating two SD entities: one at MoE and the other at MoI

5 Selected Policy Instrument
Sector based BAT approach to promote RECP through voluntary activities of industry supported by legislative requirements including the following: Develop data base for selected sectors Identify KPIs and develop Egyptian Benchmarks Develop an eco-label based on best KPI Legislative requirements Reporting KPIs Introducing BAT into EIA guidelines Develop New regulation for Resource Conservation

6 Impacts that can be achieved
Building knowledge about the industry at the policy maker and regulator level Build awareness within the sector by disseminating results Identify the most effective and applicable CP measures in collaboration with the industry Identify national benchmarks for the KPIs based on local conditions Building trust with the sector through the relevant chambers at the Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI) Develop a solid ground for proposing new emission standards or revising existing ones based on acquired knowledge Propose incentives to promote implementation of CP measures based on actual field data and industry experts Build a data base for each sector Identify the facility within the sector which has the best environmental performance based on the locally identified benchmarks Impose some regulatory measures to push companies to achieve RECP

7 Main Barrier RDF and TDF are co-processed in cement kilns as alternative fuels to reduce CO2 emissions. The impact of allowing the import of RDF and TDF has obviously a negative impact on local production. Morocco allows the import of such fuels, it was temporary at the beginning but has lasted apparently till now. It would be interresting to know about this experience

8 Identifying support for policy implementation
Ministry of Trade and Industry EIA department of EEAA Waste Agency at MoE IFC representative Experts in finance ENCPC Environmental Consulting firm

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