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Microsoft Office Illustrated

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1 Microsoft Office 2013 - Illustrated
Unit O: Customizing Excel and Advanced Worksheet Management

2 Objectives Audit a worksheet Control worksheet calculations
Group worksheet data Work with cell comments Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

3 Objectives (cont’d.) Create custom AutoFill lists
Create and apply a template Customize Excel workbooks Customize the Excel Screen Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

4 Audit a Worksheet Auditing feature: helps track errors and check worksheet logic Helps ensure worksheet is error free and the data is arranged sensibly Error-checking tools: Formula Auditing group on the FORMULAS tab Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

5 Audit a Worksheet (cont’d.)
Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

6 Audit a Worksheet (cont’d.)
Worksheet with traced error Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

7 Audit a Worksheet (cont’d.)
Watching and evaluating formulas Display the Watch Window: Select the cell (s) to watch, click the FORMULAS tab, click the Watch Window button, click Add Watch in the Watch Window, then click Add Display Evaluation Window: select a cell with a formula, then click the Evaluate Formula button in the Formula Auditing group Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

8 Control Worksheet Calculations
Automatic recalculation: all values recalculated if data changed (default setting) Manual calculation option: data recalculated only when specified Note: setting applies to all open workbooks Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

9 Control Worksheet Calculations (cont’d.)
Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

10 Group Worksheet Data Grouping: helps manage data and make it easier to work with the data Outline symbols: expand and collapse grouped data Show or hide selected worksheet data Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

11 Group Worksheet Data (cont’d.)
Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

12 Group Worksheet Data (cont’d.)
Applying and viewing advanced workbook properties Summary information in a workbook Click the FILE tab, click Info, click the Properties list arrow on the right side of Backstage view, then click Advanced Properties Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

13 Work with Cell Comments
Document: add notes about basic assumptions, complex formulas, or questionable data Cell comments: notes attached to specific cells Add a comment: select a cell, click REVIEW tab, then click New Comment button Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

14 Work with Cell Comments (cont’d.)
Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

15 Work with Cell Comments (cont’d.)
Working with Excel files Personalize the way recently used files and folders appear in Backstage view, e.g., pin or unpin a file Enable AutoRecover: allows file recovery if accidentally closed without saving Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

16 Create Custom AutoFill Lists
Custom AutoFill: enter frequently used lists in a worksheet Select the cell range containing the list, click the FILE tab, click Options, click Advanced, scroll down to the General section, then click Edit Custom Lists and Import Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

17 Create Custom AutoFill Lists (cont’d.)
Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

18 Create and Apply a Template
Template: workbook containing frequently used text, formulas, macros, and formatting Serves as a model for creating new workbooks .xltx extension To apply a template: means to create a workbook based on the template Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

19 Create and Apply a Template (cont’d.)
Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

20 Customize Excel Workbooks
Customize Excel Options to meet individual user needs Examples: default number of worksheets in a workbook, default worksheet view, or default font Click FILE tab, then click Options Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

21 Customize Excel Workbooks (cont’d.)
General category of Excel options Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

22 Customize Excel Workbooks (cont’d.)
Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

23 Customize the Excel Screen
Excel Options dialog box: allows customizing the Quick Access toolbar and the Ribbon Can be applied to all workbooks (default) or for a specific workbook Examples: add commands to the Quick Access Toolbar; add a new custom group to the Ribbon Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

24 Customize the Excel Screen (cont’d.)
Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

25 Customize the Excel Screen (cont’d.)
Workbook with new toolbar button and Accessibility tab Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

26 Customize the Excel Screen (cont’d.)
Customizing the Quick Access toolbar Right-click on a button on the Ribbon and select Add to Quick Access Toolbar Other customization: Change Quick Access toolbar’s default position Minimize the Ribbon Microsoft Office Excel Illustrated

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