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Protect Yourself From the Flu Naturally

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1 Protect Yourself From the Flu Naturally
Every year we are reminded to update our flu shots. Often we are reminded several times due to the different strains that tend to appear. What if there was a natural way to strengthen your immunity before the Flu ever becomes an issue or a natural way to fight through it with minimal time out and no side effects from chemicals in pharmaceutical remedies?

2 Creating a strong immune system
Food is medicine Exercise is essential Making time for sleep and rest Listening to your body and understanding what its telling you Finding a balance between stress, down time and fun Identifying what vitamins and minerals you are low on and correcting One of the first steps in improving your immune system is understanding that there is a relationship between nutrition, exercise, rest, emotional balance and listening to your body. Having a clear understanding form blood work what your vitamin and mineral deficiencies/overages are is also important to keeping a good healthy balance. Viruses, toxins, fungus, bacteria, parasites, germs, pollution and carcinogens as depicted in the picture on this slide, are attacking us on a daily basis and if we don’t have a strong immune system then we will be prone to getting sick often, not just with the flu.

3 Creating a strong immune system
Food is medicine Food is more than something we need for energy, food heals and gives out bodies what it needs to heal Exercise is essential Exercise may help flush bacteria out of lungs and airways It causes changes in antibodies and white blood cells that fight disease Raise in temperature during and after exercise helps prevent fungus from growing It helps slow down the release of the stress hormone into our systems Making time for sleep and rest During sleep our bodies reboot themselves much like a computer does when you turn it off. Heals and regenerates during sleep hours Your body releases cytokines during sleep that fight infection & inflammation Mind rests and allows for better more clear thinking the following day Listening to your body and understanding what its telling you Finding a balance between stress, down time and fun Identifying what vitamins and minerals you are low on according to blood work and taking measures to correct Vitamin D Magnesium *One of the first steps in improving your immune system is understanding that food is not only yummy but it can be medicine. Nutrition is one of the first lines of defense as it give our bodies what it needs to fight off environmental attacks. *Exercise a few times a week for at least 30 minutes will improve your chances of fighting off diseases of all kinds not just the flu. *Most adults will need about 7 to 8 hours of sleep on a regular basis to maximize on the health benefits of sleep. Recently we have heard that women need more sleep than men do to the multi-tasking habits that women tend to engage in *Listening to your body, making sure you are drinking the amount of water recommended for your body. Take your weight and divide by 2 that gives you the number of ounces of water your body needs to be hydrated on a daily basis. Example – if you weigh 180 = 180/2=90, you should drink at least 90oz of water per day and if you work out add 8oz per 30 min of work out. *Yearly when you have your wellness check with your Dr. and they order a blood panel and make sure that your vitamins and minerals are all in line. Keep in mind that Vitamin D is a vitamin that is being identified as one that most are now deficient in as is magnesium.

4 Hydration!!!
Up to 60% of the human body is water. Men have a higher percentage of water due to the fact that they have more lean tissue than women. Women have a higher percentage of fat because they are the child bearers. Women are usually about 55% water.

5 BRAgg apple cider vinegar
Dr. Axe explains why Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is so great for you – Click on the picture for audio A good detox drink from one of Dr. Axe’s recipes is as follows: 2 table spoons of ACV 2 table spoons of Lemon juice 1 teaspoon of cinnamon A pinch of cayenne pepper Raw honey or organic stevia Mix and drink. You can drink this up to 3 times a day before a meal to also help balance your blood sugar and cholesterol. ACV is great to help your digestive system due to all the enzymes and probiotics in it. If our colon is gunked up then we can’t absorbed nutrients properly. Apple Cider Vinegar has been highly regarded throughout history. In 400 B.C. the great Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, used it for its amazing health qualities.

6 Preparations to fight seasonal yuck
Ingredients 1 large horseradish root, about 7 inches long (scrubbed very well) 1 large ginger root, about 7 inches long 1 large onion, root and stem end removed and peeled 1 large orange 1 lemon 16 cloves of garlic, peeled 2-4 habanero peppers, stems removed 1 tablespoon ground turmeric raw apple cider vinegar raw honey This should be prepared about 1 month before your anticipating Flu season to hit. It will last for about a year stored in a cool dark place like your kitchen pantry. In the next few slides you will learn what makes this such a great tonick

7 This is Why this is a Healthy and Homeopathic Remedy
Fresh horseradish is known to be effective against the flu and common cold, tonsillitis, respiratory disorders, urinary tract infections, and pathogenic fungus. Ginger is used to treat arthritis, muscle pain, upset stomach (motion and morning sickness and general nausea), gas, upper respiratory tract infections, and cough. Onions are used to boost cardiovascular health, bone and connective tissue benefits, and as an anti-inflammatory agent. Garlic is used to treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, heart attack, atherosclerosis, asthma, building the immune system, help level blood sugar, and is used topically to treat fungal infections. Habanero peppers boost your metabolism, and offer headache, sinus, and arthritis relief as well as releasing endorphins. Oranges are great for heart health, as part of a best-case-scenario-anti-cancer-diet, fighting cholesterol, to help in weight loss, and to break up or prevent kidney stones. Lemons are known to aid in digestion, alleviate Meniere’s Disease, kidney stones, and ringing of the ears, cure scurvy (chronic lack of Vitamin C), treat colds and flu, improve the function of blood vessels, and reduce inflammation and retention of water.

8 This is Why this is a Healthy and Homeopathic Remedy
Turmeric is pretty much the be-all and end-all of health foods. It’s known to delay liver damage, reduce carcinogenic compounds in other foods, make cancer cells more vulnerable to chemo and radiation, inhibit the growth of malignant melanoma and breast cancer, alleviate arthritis symptoms and skin conditions. Heck, maybe I should let the experts describe what the main compound in turmeric -curcumin- does. Advanced Experimental Medical Biology in 2007 states that, “Curcumin has been shown to exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anticancer activities and thus has a potential against various malignant diseases, diabetes, allergies, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and other chronic illnesses.” Raw apple cider vinegar (not plain old cider vinegar!) is known to be a good source of acetic and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), mineral salts, amino acids, and other key components of good nutrition, but it is also a well-loved folk remedy thought to ease digestion, fight obesity and diabetes, wash toxins from the body, kill lice, and reverse aging. Does it do all of that? I don’t. But it surely tastes good and it’s nutritional value is undisputed. Raw honey (locally produced) is a fantastic, all-natural fighter of seasonal allergies. Because bees collect pollen from flowers in your area and then convert it to honey to feed their hives, eating raw, local honey is like a tasty allergy shot. It’s also full of vitamins and minerals, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and makes a great, non-narcotic cough suppressant and throat soother. The beauty of this, beyond its all-star cast of healthy ingredients, is that it just plain tastes wonderful. We drink a tablespoon (or more!) every morning to maintain health. Well, okay, we MAINLY drink it because we like it, but the health benefits are nice. When you feel ill, take a slightly larger dose to help boost your immune system. Word has it on the street that it’s an extremely effective hangover cure. So, I want to know… are you curious enough to try it? What do you think?

9 When the Flu hits what do I do?
When the aches and pains hit and the fever sets in you have no choice but to rest and HYDRATE!! You have worked hard to build up your immune system so let it do its job. A fever begins when our bodies detect a virus or a bacteria present. The fever triggers white blood cells to come and help fight the bacteria. Monitoring a fever but letting it do its job is very important. Please get advice from your Dr. as to what is a safe level for your fever to be without medication. The more you learn your body the better you will understand how your body responds to fevers.

10 Natural remedies for cough
Pineapple Juice Is 5 Times More Effective Than Cough Syrup Pineapples contain bromelain, an enzyme with anti-inflammatory properties. It fights infections and kills bacteria. The juice from fresh pineapples can suppress coughs five times more effectively than cough syrup. Research found that raw extracts from pineapple could decrease mucus five times faster than over-the-counter cough syrups. Patients recovered 4.8 times faster and exhibited a decrease in all symptoms related to coughing, especially hacking. Most of us do not need additional sugar in our diets, so look only for natural unsweetened pineapple juice and stay away from canned. If you can juice the pineapple yourself, that would be far superior to any store bought. Pineapple Cough Suppressant Recipe - 1 cup of fresh pineapple juice - 1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice - 1 piece of ginger (about 3 inches) - 1 Tbsp raw honey - 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper Combine all ingredients and take 1/4 cup, 2-3 x/day and repeat recipe daily By Karen Foster

11 Ingredient for Bone Broth Getting your strength back Naturally
Serves: 16+ Ingredients 2 pounds (or more) of bones from a healthy source 2 chicken feet for extra gelatin (optional) 1 onion 2 carrots 2 stalks of celery 2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar Optional: 1 bunch of parsley, 1 tablespoon or more of sea salt, 1 teaspoon peppercorns, additional herbs or spices to taste. I also add 2 cloves of garlic for the last 30 minutes of cooking. You'll also need a large stock pot to cook the broth in and a strainer to remove the pieces when it is done. Author: Wellness Mama I like to add Cilantro to my bone broth. Cilantro is great for detoxing the body of heavy metals plus it is very yummy. Parsley is also great but I just prefer the taste of Cilantro. I also add about 10 cloves of garlic to the broth vs. the recommended 2. I like the flavor and garlic is packed with goodies such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and selenium, vitamin C, and B6. Garlic can help reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, helps prevent dementia because it helps prevent your brain against oxidative damage. Garlic also helps improve athletic performance by helping cardiovascular performance. It detoxifies heavy metals as well and it strengthens bones. So I do load up on my garlic, not only when I am sick but when I am well and trying to maintain a strong immune system.

12 Instructions for Making Bone Broth
If you are using raw bones, especially beef bones, it improves flavor to roast them in the oven first. I place them in a roasting pan and roast for 30 minutes at 350. Then, place the bones in a large stock pot (I use a 5 gallon pot). Pour (filtered) water over the bones and add the vinegar. Let sit for minutes in the cool water. The acid helps make the nutrients in the bones more available. Rough chop and add the vegetables (except the parsley and garlic, if using) to the pot. Add any salt, pepper, spices, or herbs, if using. Now, bring the broth to a boil. Once it has reached a vigorous boil, reduce to a simmer and simmer until done. During the first few hours of simmering, you'll need to remove the impurities that float to the surface. A frothy/foamy layer will form and it can be easily scooped off with a big spoon. Throw this part away. I typically check it every 20 minutes for the first 2 hours to remove this. Grass-fed and healthy animals will produce much less of this than conventional animals. During the last 30 minutes, add the garlic and parsley, if using. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Strain using a fine metal strainer to remove all the bits of bone and vegetable. When cool enough, store in a gallon size glass jar in the fridge for up to 5 days, or freeze for later use. Author: Wellness Mama

13 Oregano essential oil Uses of Oregano Oil
I highly recommend adding oregano oil to your arsenal of natural healing tools, as it has a wide range of uses. This herbal oil is a powerful antimicrobial that can help fight off infections. Oregano oil also has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Other ideal uses for oregano oil are: • Treating foot or nail fungus. Put a few teaspoons of oregano oil in a basin of water and soak your feet in it. You can also dilute the oil (mix a drop with a teaspoon of olive or coconut oil), and then apply it on your nails or skin. • Help in killing parasites and easing infections. Dilute the oil (mix a drop with a drop of a carrier oil such as coconut oil), and place it under your tongue. Hold it there for a few minutes, and then rinse it out. Repeat this at least four times a day. • Alleviating sinus infections and colds. Put a few drops of oregano oil in a pot of steaming water, and then inhale the steam. I also encourage using the antiseptic powers of this herbal oil to clean your home. Here's one way how: combine four drops of oregano oil with 10 drops of lemon oil and a quarter-cup of white vinegar, and then add to a bucket of water. Use this mixture to wipe and clean surfaces. I also diffuse oregano oil in the room when someone is sick or sage to help purify the air. Oregano oil is very pungent so Sage may be a little nicer to diffuse. Also make sure that the oregano oil you are using is organic and comes for a trusted source. I rely on Young Living for my oils.

14 Final thoughts… Nature is well rounded and balanced. There is no reason to think that if we keep our bodies healthy and balanced that our bodies can’t fight off most and some believe all illnesses/disease. It is up to each of us to determine how much natural science vs. man made science we allow to heal us. I hope this presentation has provided you with some alternatives to traditional health care. It is important to keep in mind that the healthiest of us, can allow ourselves to get out of balance and get sick. When that happens you can be certain that your body will know how to fix itself if you have been working towards strengthening your immune system. Disclaimer… All suggested remedies should be discussed with your Dr. and should not be used in place of Dr.’s recordation's.

15 References

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