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Performance Case Studies 1.

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1 Performance Case Studies 1

TRANSFORMING ACCOUNT CONSISTENTLY FOR 14+ MONTHS Strategy Overview With 5 active websites/brands in the industry this project has been a vital part of our larger search saturation strategy where we dominate the front page of google with multiple websites in a specific geographical area. Despite being able to deliver Australia wide, we have focused predominantly on local Queensland traffic to begin with as this always represents the highest converting traffic when selling bulky goods that can incur large freight costs to some areas and often have the perception of large freight costs regardless of actual price. We implemented a 3 stage Strategy to increase the traffic for this site. Each step directly relates to increasing the sites relevance with Google. Step 1 Brand Relevance Step 2 Industry Relevance Step 3 Geographical Relevance Client Summary Strategy Search Engine Optimization Search Saturation Results 262% Increase In Organic Sessions 250% Increase in tracked enquiries. Kept Bounce Rate within 10% Range. Growth Planning The goal now is to continue growth across non QLD States with the goal to reach 10,000 organic users per month within the next 12 months. Results Analysis Traffic has seen continual growth over the last 14+ Months which is projected to continue as we take advantage of more opportunities. Similar Increases in tracked enquiries paired with bounce rates remaining similar prove the quality of the new traffic has not deteriorated despite the impressive growth.

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