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Dynamic Differentiation for ELLs

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamic Differentiation for ELLs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamic Differentiation for ELLs
Todd Zollinger ELL Instructional Coach/Director Jefferson Joint School District #251

2 Warm Up Turn to your partner and share what you did over Christmas vacation Repeat, but now do it without the letters “N” or “S”… What did you learn from this activity? How does it feel to be limited in your English ability?

3 Welcome!  Today’s Learning Objectives:
Teachers will plan lessons that are differentiated for ELL students.

4 Supports vs Scaffolding

5 Student Data Need to understand language assessment and WIDA’s CAN-DO Descriptors to understand what language our students are capable of!



8 LESSON PLANNING When we plan lessons for ELL students, we need to consider three things: Language function (what type of language are they expected to use?) Content (what are they supposed to learn?) Supports (what types of supports will they need to be successful?) GET UP AND MOVE!!! Find two people who do not have the same color card as you. Organize yourselves by language function, content, and supports.

9 What this all means…

10 You practice (as a group!)

11 You practice (individually!)

12 ELL Instructional Coach/Director
Wrapping up! Questions/Comments: Todd Zollinger ELL Instructional Coach/Director JSD #251 (Rigby, Idaho) ext. 1123

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