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Fig. 3 Infrared Components

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1 Fig. 3 Infrared Components
ECE Computer Engineering Design Project Duck Hunt Game Jesse Larson, Qingqing Liu, and Jing Lu 2014 Game Overview The simple purpose of this game is to “shoot” the duck toy as quick as possible to win the game. However “shooting” a stationary duck would be too easy, so to add some difficulty, the duck moves. The duck swings left and right by using stepper motors to vary the length of the two strings the duck is connected to. Additionally, the game can detect two different styles of infrared hits so it can be played in 2 teams. The target itself must be hit by an infrared shotgun pulse three times to finish the game. Therefore once a player or team hits the target twice they will win the game. KEY 3 – Starts the game immediately KEY 2 – Starts the game after a delay of 10 seconds KEY 1 – The duck becomes invincible for a minute shoot as many times as you can to record your high score! KEY 0 – Shuts off the game and returns the duck to its start position Component Overview Stepper Motor Overview The stepper motor is controlled by half step wave forms for smoother motion then offered by full step control. The DE2 performs calculations while moving the sensor bar to insure the velocity and acceleration of the bar do not exceed the stepper motors torque limit. This calculation minimizes the number of lost steps thus allowing the DE2 board to know the location of the sensor bar to a reasonable accuracy. Infrared Communication Overview The infrared communication consists of 3 main components. The gun, sensor bar, and a receiver on the DE2 board. The Gun The gun interface consists of two buttons and one switch, the gun can emit 2 different length 38 KHz infrared pulses. One button loads the transmitter , while the second button serves as a trigger to fire the transmitter. The switch serves to select which gun id to shoot at the transmitter. The Sensor Bar The sensor bar serves to change the 38KHz infrared pulse transmitted by the gun into a 56 KHz pulse the infrared receiver on the DE2 can detect. The DE2 Receiver Simply consists of a 56 KHz infrared receiver coupled with some supporting hardware to eliminate spurious outputs from the receiver. Motor controller components Top left – DE2 board Top right – Stepper motor amplifier circuit Bottom – Stepper motors Fig. 2 Motor Controller Components The infrared components. Top right – the sensor bar Top left – the 56 KHz receiver for DE2 Bottom – the gun infrared transmitter Fig. 4 How the sensor bar works DS 1077 TSOP 853 NOR 38 KHz infrared pulse from gun 56 KHz infrared pulse to DE2 For colour ideas, University Visual Identity Guidelines can be found here: Fig. 3 Infrared Components Fig. 1 Duck Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

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