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Presentation on theme: "CUSTOMER VALUE AMONGST WELLNESS TOURISTS"— Presentation transcript:

Ana Težak Damijanić Ninoslav Luk Mirjana Kovačić

2 Introduction Customer value Customer value and travel motives The goal
the foundation of effective marketing activities represents a trade-off between what customer gives up or “sacrifices” (e.g. price, time, effort, risk) and what customer receives (e.g. benefit, quality) Customer value and travel motives perceived preference for and evaluation of those products attributes, attribute performances and consequences arising from use … (Woodruff, 1997) The goal to determine the relationship between dimensions of customer value and attributes of wellness tourist product presented as pull motivation factors

3 customer value in tourism
Utilitarian point of view Dimensions of customer value consumption value transaction and acquisition value consumption experience multi-dimensional scale for measuring the perceived value of a service combination of various theoretical approaches Theory of consumption value functional value (hotel, personal, quality and price), social value emotional value

4 The theory of push and pull motivations
The most widely applied theory push factors - refer to internal forces that motivate or create a desire to satisfy a need to travel, pull factors - recognized as destination attributes Pull factors of wellness hotels sauna, solarium, swimming pool, beauty treatments relaxation, surroundings, atmosphere

5 SAMPLE Tourists staying in wellness hotels
65 wellness hotels in Croatia in 2012 Regional dispersion (10 regions) Istria and Kvarner region (16 hotels in each region) Dubrovnik and Split region (9 hotels in each region). Hotel category three-star hotels (8 hotels) four-star hotels (40 hotels) five star hotels (17 hotels) 15 wellness hotels A minimum sample size of 300 responders

6 QUESTIONNAIRE and data collection
Pilot research - from 23rd December 2011 to 6th January 2012 Main research - May through June in 2013 Self-complete questionnaire 15 questions which, four sections healthy lifestyle perceived customer value travel motives respondents’ characteristics 5-point Likert scale Designed in Croatian, back translated into: English, German, Italian, Russian and Slovenian language

7 DATA ANALYSIS 548 responders
Univariate analysis - general description of the sample Multivariate statistics Factor analysis for determining dimensions principal axis factor analysis direct oblimin rotation with an eigenvalue of 1.00 or more ; Cronbach's alpha Regression analysis for determining the relationship between dependent and explanatory variables Dimensions of customer value - dependant variables Travel motivation factors - explanatory variables Composite variables - a mean value for each respondent

The proportion of male responders (43.6%) was slightly lower than that of female (56.4%) Most of the responders were older than 44 years of age. The majority of responders obtained some kind of higher education level. Most of the responders stated that they were employees, while 16% were self-employed/freelance and about 14% were managers. Most of the responders were from Austria (22.6%) and Germany (22.6%), about 10% were from Italy and about 10% United Kingdom as well, while a bit more than 8% were from Slovenia. Most of the responders stated that their monthly net income was between €1,000 and €2,000.

9 CUSTOMER VALUE 28 items measuring the customer value
Factor groupings (Cronbach's alpha coefficients) Personnel - interaction of hotel staff with guests and their knowledge about various services (0.92) Value for money - appropriateness of prices compared to the services (0.92) Hotel quality - consistency and quality of hotel (0.91) Prestige - status symbol, social approval (0.86) 64.43% of accumulated variance

10 TRAVEL MOTIVES 24 items measuring motivation factors (attributes)
Factor groupings (Cronbach's alpha coefficients) Basic wellness - massage, sauna (0.91) Intangible wellness - atmosphere, interactions (0.80) Extra wellness - detoxification, Tai Chi, ect. (0.88) 58.85% of accumulated variance

Variables Model 1 (personnel) Model 2 (prestige) Model 3 (value for money) Model 4 (hotel quality) Constant 2,763*** 2,085*** 2,185*** 3,064*** Basic wellness -0,031 0,053 0,055 0,015 Extra wellness 0,278*** -0,013 -0,019 Intangible wellnessalni: 0,335*** 0,377*** 0,287*** F statistics 18,45*** 22,98*** 30,027*** 11,51*** R2 0,126 0,118 0,142 0,113 RESET test 2,45 3,19* 2,00 5,19**

12 CONCLUSION Intangible aspects increase positive perception of value
Extra wellness was important in relation to prestige Basic wellness was not important in relation to customer value Hotel quality and Prestige  additional variables

13 Thank you for your attention


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