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LYMPHATIC SYSTEM -2 Learning Objectives

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1 LYMPHATIC SYSTEM -2 Learning Objectives
Explain the functions of the spleen. Describe the structure of splenic pulp, its stroma, and the organization of the parenchyma within the red and white pulp. Explain the structure of the blood filtration barrier. Describe the blood circulation of the spleen during closed and open circulation. Describe the lymphatic circulation of the spleen. Mimi Jakoi, Ph.D.

2 SPLEEN Secondary lymphoid organ Filter of blood
Removes particulate matter & effete cells Immune response to blood-borne antigens

3 ORGAN STRUCTURE Capsule, mesothelium & hilus
Parenchyma = small lymphocytes Divided into red & white pulp Capsule & mesothelium White pulp Red pulp Hilus MCP28C

MCP28C_2X White pulp Trabeculae Red pulp Capsule, trabeculae and stroma = reticular cells & fibers

5 BLOOD FLOW Capsular artery Splenic vein Capsular vein
(hilus) Splenic artery (hilus)

6 Periarterial Lymphatic Sheath (PALS = T lymphocytes)
WHITE PULP STRUCTURE 2o Nodule = Follicle (B lymphocytes) Periarterial Lymphatic Sheath (PALS = T lymphocytes) Central artery is eccentric to the follicle

7 MARGINAL ZONE White Pulp Follicle Red Pulp Entry site for lymphocytes
from blood Red Pulp

8 BLOOD FLOW Capsular artery Splenic vein Capsular vein
(hilus) Splenic artery (hilus)

9 RED PULP Cords of Billroth contain reticular cells,
(VM Slide 025) RED PULP Cords of Billroth contain reticular cells, blood cells and many macrophages. Venous Sinus is lined by littoral cells which form the filtration barrier.

10 RED PULP SINUSES Littoral cells line venous sinuses
Endothelial cells line veins (VM Slide 025)

from Wheater’s Functional Histology Pore Diagram of littoral cells Taken from Ross & Pawlina, Histology A Text and Atlas Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 5th ed.

From Tissues and Organs: a text-atlas of scanning microscopy

13 VENOUS SINUSES & TRABECULAR VEIN VS: Venous Sinus T: Trabecular Stroma
TV: Trabecular Vein Splenic Vein – exit at hilus from Ross, Kaye & Pawlina, Histology a text and atlas

14 LYMPHATICS EXIT ONLY Efferent lymphatics start
at the marginal zone, exit along the central artery to the capsule and out the hilus. LYMPHATICS EXIT ONLY

Lymph Node Thymus Spleen Capsule Yes Yes Yes Cortex-medulla Yes Yes No Nodule Yes No Yes Subcapsular sinus Yes No No Afferent lymphatic Yes No No Hassall’s Corpuscles No Yes No Nodule with artery No No Yes Red and White pulp No No Yes

16 QUESTIONS 1. How do cancer cells enter the spleen in metastasis?
A. From the blood B. From the lymph C. Excluded from the spleen always 2. If the spleen is removed, then what organ removes “aged” red blood cells from the circulation? A. kidney B. liver C. lymph node D. lung

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