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Sentence-Composing Toolbox: Use it to build better sentences

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1 Sentence-Composing Toolbox: Use it to build better sentences
Opening Adjective Adapted from Grammar for High School: A Sentence-Composing Approach By Don and Jenny Killgallon

2 Opening Adjective Definition:
An adjective at the beginning of a sentence An adjective is any descriptive word that that can fit into this blank: Sam is a __________ student. An adjective phrase begins with an adjective and then continues the description. Examples of adjectives: happy, sad, angry, sneaky, polite, discouraged Examples of adjective phrases: happy to be home angry about his bad grade polite to everyone but her mother sad because her pet died

3 Examples of opening adjectives
Happy, the young actress accepted the audience’s cheers. Disappointed that they lost, the team trudged off the field. Opening adjective phrase

4 IMPORTANT NOTES Put a COMMA after the opening adjective, whether it is a single word or a phrase. Happy the young actress accepted the audience’s cheers. 2. The adjective or adjective phrase MUST describe the subject of the sentence. Disappointed that they lost, the team trudged off the field. The subject of the sentence is “team”.

5 Opening Adjectives: Practice
Choose the best adjective/adjective phrase to complete the sentence. 1. ____________, the bearded old man pounded his fist on the table and shouted at the cowering waiter. a. Sleepy, b. Angry, c. Thankful, d. Agreeable, 2. _____________, the ancient book caused her to sneeze. a. Heavy as a sledgehammer, c. Dusty as farmland in a drought, b. Weak as a month-old baby, d. Shiny as a new penny, YOU TRY IT: On separate paper, write two sentences with opening adjectives and two sentences with opening adjective phrases

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