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Twentieth Century City: economy and social life

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Presentation on theme: "Twentieth Century City: economy and social life"— Presentation transcript:

1 Twentieth Century City: economy and social life

2 Urbanization and de-urbanization
1870s-1960s: an era of expansion. 1960s-XXI century: a period of some urbanization but also selective de-urbanization. The leading role of Western European cities. The impact of the two World Wars. A new urban geography. The emergence of Northern European cities.

3 Urban industry The eclipse of rural industry. Effects of the second industrial revolution. The role of electricity. Building industry and post-war reconstruction. Urban de-industrialization. Impact of ICT and new leading urban areas.

4 The surge of service sector
Retailing: department stores, chain stores and indipendent retailers. The development of shopping malls. Hotels, restaurants and entertainment venues. Education and professions. Media industry. Banking and financial services.

5 Immigration Demographic growth and immigration. The falling of urban mortality rates. Better living standards. Native rural migration and large scale ethnic migration. A multiplicity of minorities. The impact of the globalization. Urban transformations.

6 Middle class and working class
A growing sense of working class identity. The role of the socialism. Housing as a public concern. The increase of social segregation. A new mass society. Car, media and consumerism.

7 Women and cities The status of women. Political and social rights. Decline of female employment in manufacturing and in domestic service. A new access to education. High schools and universities. Domestic model and emancipation after 1960s.

8 Milan Symbol of modernity and efficiency since the Unification of Italy. Economic dynamism and urban growth at the beginning of the XX century. The Fascist plan for a «Grande Milano». Reconstruction and expansion after the Second World War.








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