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Transforming Schools: The Limits and Possibilities of Reform

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1 Transforming Schools: The Limits and Possibilities of Reform
Pedro A. Noguera, Ph.D. Graduate School of Education and Information Studies UCLA

2 A Generation of Reform: Lessons Learned?
Reforms as fads – not enough alignment between remedy and need, not enough follow through or evaluation Too much focus on assessment for ranking, not enough on assessment to guide teaching and learning Too top down accountability - insufficient “buy-in” and input from school staff Insufficient attention to school culture Insufficient attention to social needs of students Insufficient attention to real examples of success

3 Narrow vs. Broad Approach Narrow Broad
Use pressure/closure to foster accountability Focus exclusively on achievement Use test scores to rank Adopt scripted teacher-proof curriculum Hold principals/teachers accountable Treat parents as consumers Punitive approach to discipline Encourage competition among schools Focus on learning conditions/capacity building Use assessment to diagnose Develop teacher skills continuously Focus on “whole child” Hold all stake holders accountable Treat parents as partners Use discipline to develop character Expand learning opportunities Promote cooperation among schools

4 Premise of the Broad Approach: Schools are Influenced by their Environment
Safety, health, culture, political economy of local community have an impact on schools Broader demographic and economic trends also influence schools – immigration, globalization Schools must devise strategies to mitigate harmful effects of the environment and must draw upon community resources for support Schools must be organized to meet student needs

5 Building School Capacity in the Pursuit of Equity
Teaching and Learning Extended Learning Safety, mentors Community partners Family engagement Health and Nutrition

6 Building Capacity Requires:
Clear understanding of student needs Academic and non-academic needs Ability to align staff skills with student needs Ability to identify, access and utilize resources to meet student SEL needs Ability to create a culture aligned to a school’s goals A plan for engaging your parents and community as partners in pursuit of educational goals

7 We have been asking the wrong questions.
INSTEAD OF: ASK: How do we raise achievement? How do we get students excited about learning? How do we hold teachers accountable? How do we hold everyone accountable – Governors, Presidents, superintendents, teachers, students and parents? How do we close the achievement gap? How we expand and enrich learning opportunities? How do we create schools where a child’s race and class are not predictors of outcomes?








15 Agency vs. Grit Hard work, persistence Individual attribute
Ignores contextual barriers Hard to measure except after outcomes are achieved Based on critical thinking Includes help seeking, social capital Can be individual or collective in form Recognizes barriers and strategizes to confront Measureable through observation of actions and attitudes

16 Time for a Paradigm Shift
Old Paradigm Intelligence is innate Schools sort based on measures of ability Students must adapt to expectations of school Success is defined by grades and test scores Inequity in resource allocation Discipline used to weed out the “bad” kids New Paradigm Intelligence and ability are influenced by opportunity Schools cultivate talent and foster creativity and critical thinking Schools adapt to needs of students Success is defined holistically Resources allocated based on student need Discipline used to reinforce values and ethics

17 Next Steps: From Reform to Transformation
Pedro A. Noguera, Ph.D. UCLA

18 Three Horizons Transformation Innovation within The system
The schools we have

19 Work of the center Disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline
Operationalizing an Equity Agenda Policies and practices Building networks of schools - LASIN Monitoring, illuminating and guiding research, policy and practice related to the education of vulnerable youth

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