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8th Grade Pre-Registration

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1 8th Grade Pre-Registration
Welcome to DHS Class of 2022 8th Grade Pre-Registration

2 DHS Counselors The following will be your counselor for the four years that you will be attending DHS. A – K: Mr. Hodson L – Z: Mrs. Ebert

3 Terms to Know Semester – The school year is made up of two semesters.
Credits – You receive .5 credit for each semester class that you pass. Graduation Requirement – Specific courses that you must pass to graduate. Electives – Courses that are not specifically required to graduate (i.e. Foreign Language).

4 Graduation Requirements
English 4 credits US History 1 credit Social Studies Elective 1.5 credits Civics credit Math 3 credits Science 3 credits Computer Tech credit Consumer Ed or Econ .5 credit Health credit PE credits Electives 6 credits TOTAL CREDITS NEEDED 24 credits

5 English Options English Honors – A challenging class for self-motivated readers and writers. Summer reading is required and students must purchase the novels. This is a weighted course with a .5 GPA bonus. English 9

6 Social Studies You can choose any or all of the 3 social studies classes. However, it is not required that you take S.S. your freshman year.

7 Math Algebra I (Formerly Math I)
Geometry (Formerly Math II) - If you took Math Some students will be recommended for a Double Block Algebra I class.

8 Science Options Biology – This is your only option for Science as a Freshman.

9 PE Must pick at least one semester of the following: PE
Intro to Weightlifting Total Body Fitness (Must provide your own Yoga Mat)

10 Health Health is a graduation requirement that is typically taken as a Freshman.

11 Computer Tech Computer Applications I is a graduation requirement that is typically taken Freshman year.

12 Driver’s Education If your student turns 15 during Freshman year, they are eligible for Driver’s Ed. Please pick the appropriate quarter for your student. This is considered an elective and they will receive .5 credit.

13 Spanish I Spanish is considered an elective and not required to graduate. However, some colleges may strongly recommend foreign language. Currently, the U of I is the only public university in Illinois that requires at least 2 years to get in. There are now two levels of Spanish. Either of which will count toward college. Spanish I Honors is a weighted course with a .5 GPA bonus. Should you choose not to take Spanish, we strongly recommend that you take 2 years of Art, Band or Choir in order to meet most college entrance requirements.

14 Study Hall Study halls are not worth credit, but it gives students a class period to get homework done and/or prepare for test/quizzes. Some students will be placed in a study hall based on PSAT 8/9 data to receive help through Khan Academy.

15 NCAA Division I or II Athletics
If your student has their eye on NCAA Div. I or II athletics please be sure to pick up a sheet that shows what DHS courses are NCAA approved.

16 7 Periods DHS has 7 periods per day.
As your picking your classes, be sure that you count up 7 courses per semester. A year long course is technically 2 semester courses.

17 Example of Freshman Year
English 9 – 1 credit Modern / Contemporary History – 1 credit Algebra I – 1 credit Biology – 1 credit Health / PE – 1 credit Computer Apps 1 / Art – 1 credit Spanish I – 1 credit TOTAL OF 7 Credits

18 IEP or 504 Plan If your student has an IEP or 504 Plan we will be in contact with the case managers to help plan Fresman year. If you have questions about that, see your counselor.

19 Questions? ?

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