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The Life of a Lead BREAKOUT SESSION Gary Weber

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Presentation on theme: "The Life of a Lead BREAKOUT SESSION Gary Weber"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Life of a Lead BREAKOUT SESSION Gary Weber
Welcome! Thank you all for being here. UMBFS is proud of the year we have had and we credit much of our success on our clients who motivate and inspire us every day and we thank you. We know you are looking forward, evaluating your business model, market trends, new products, and you’re making some big decisions in a challenging marketplace. This year we strategically focused our sessions on the issues impacting product development and insight on asset raising. I am thrilled with our fantastic line up of presenters with perspectives from across the investment management industry and I look forward to learning along with all of you today. Gary Weber President & CEO AccuPoint Solutions

2 The Life of a Lead October 2017
This document is intended for the agreed upon use by specified recipients only and may not be distributed externally or reproduced for external distribution in any form.

3 The Life of a Lead It is more than just the attributes of the Advisor or Firm

4 The Life of a Lead – Advisor

5 The Life of a Lead - Advisor & Firm

6 The Life of a Lead has many more Considerations
ADVISOR & FIRM ATTRIBUTES Sources Profile AGING Updating Validating Measuring Modifying

7 The Life of a Lead has many more Considerations
ADVISOR & FIRM ATTRIBUTES what data points help you best target Sources consider all data sources you have, but do not over complicate what data points are in these combined sources not all matter Profile what is the profile of your lead for a given campaign what data points return leads based on this profile consider standalone and combined - cross pollination opportunities what data points are most important - remove the “noise”

8 The Life of a Lead has Many Considerations
AGING how old are the data points in these databases - one by one Updating how often are these data points updated Validating are the leads chosen validated; how frequently Measuring what are your success metrics what impact does the lead list used have on this success - positive or negative Modifying ongoing success WILL diminish based on the ever changing “life” of your leads continuously modifying will keep up with the lead’s life journey don’t throw away the good leads

9 Advisor & Firm Attributes
It’s About Balance Advisor & Firm Attributes Aging Modifying Measuring Validating Updating Profile Sources

10 Campaigns Sourcing / Profiling / Aging / Updating / Validating
2 Weeks Prior Must be Defined, But Finite Advisor & Firm Attributes Sources Profile Finalize Campaign List *Lead Life Sourcing / Profiling / Aging / Updating / Validating Measuring / Modifying * From time uploaded / excludes updates

11 Risks – Declining Results
Overall results WILL diminish based on the ever changing “Life” of your leads Over Exposure (tiring your lead list) - blended reduction of 20% in delivered rate over time trickles down to all other categories - opens, clickthroughs, replies increased permanent suppressions Impact to new campaigns Missed Opportunities lack of exposure to “new” entrants matching your profile new Advisors / Firms / Branches Advisors / Firms changing status – “Inactive”; RR now “Active” IA Waste – resources & money using old leads / data - retired, left industry using mismatched leads / data – inactive ; new profile Domain Blacklisted effort to remedy Decreased Exposure websites; social media

12 What Can You Do Ensure data points are updated and validated on a consistent, continuous and balanced schedule ask the right questions Update your lead list on a consistent, continuous and balanced basis only you can define this, campaign by campaign Define the risk vs. reward Set clear internal and external expectations

13 This document is intended for the agreed upon use by specified recipients only and may not be distributed externally or reproduced for external distribution in any form.

14 Welcome! Thank you all for being here.
UMBFS is proud of the year we have had and we credit much of our success on our clients who motivate and inspire us every day and we thank you. We know you are looking forward, evaluating your business model, market trends, new products, and you’re making some big decisions in a challenging marketplace. This year we strategically focused our sessions on the issues impacting product development and insight on asset raising. I am thrilled with our fantastic line up of presenters with perspectives from across the investment management industry and I look forward to learning along with all of you today.

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