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Whiteboard / blue corner

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1 Whiteboard / blue corner
Adult initiated activities WC 01/03/10 Goldilocks Lotto Play lotto game, up to 4 children. Encourage participation, sharing, understanding of rules. Discuss the size of each picture chosen. - Who does this….belong to? Which is the smallest / largest / middle sized / largest? Main LO – SSM6 Related LO – SD1,2,3,5,7,9. LCT 1,2,3.SSM1,2,3,4,5. Extend - by playing another lotto/matching game. Whiteboard / blue corner Sizes power point show. Sign language Goldilocks story. Goldilocks songs on current CD – use the laminated sheets as prompts for song. Alternative fairy story. Compare heights / feet /hands/ sizes of children & compare to adults. Goldilocks Story Read story, ask children about events that happened during the story – who’s porridge did she eat up? Who had the biggest bed? Etc. Encourage role play of the story, children taking parts once the story has become established. Main LO – LCT5 Related LO – R 1,2,3,4,6,7,8. SD1,4,7,8. CD1,2,3,6,7.ED2,4 Extend – ask children would they go into the house of a stranger? Why should they not? How would they feel about someone eating their breakfast? Rhyme words – Chair / bear / hair. Bed / said / wed. spoon / moon / soon. Bowl / hole / mole. Comb / home / dome . Top / pop / hop. Goldilocks and 3 Bears Phonics – initial sounds – who’s name starts with sound….draw grapheme, lower case, who’s name starts with this sound. Make porridge Encourage the children to make some porridge as their snack, develop their pouring, mixing and measuring skills. Discuss – What will happen when…? What does porridge taste like? Do we need more/less? Main LO –KUW3 Related LO – SD1,3,8. DA1,3,4,5. KUW1,2,4,7. CD5,6,7. SSM 3,4,5,6,7. Extend – Use left over porridge as an activity to explore the feel of porridge / discuss texture / look / smell. Record children's language used Time Fillers Talk about feelings, how Goldilocks would have felt? How the bears felt? Collect a selection of objects in a box and ask the children to sort them into a variety of sizes. Draw the 3 bears – remember the different sizes. Alphabet dough mats Use alphabet laminated sheets on wall as dough mats to encourage children's recognitions of graphemes. Encourage children to choose their own letter of their name so they can compare lower case to upper case. Can they make a play dough shape like their letter - Discuss graphemes in their name, the initial sound of the grapheme with the picture prompt on the card. Main LO – NLC1 Related LO – NLC2,4,5,8. KUW4,7,8. CD2,7. Extend – use the initial sound of their first name when they are to sit down, go outside etc.

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