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AAC FOR VERY YOUNG CHILDREN Lauren Everley and Emily Markov.

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Presentation on theme: "AAC FOR VERY YOUNG CHILDREN Lauren Everley and Emily Markov."— Presentation transcript:

1 AAC FOR VERY YOUNG CHILDREN Lauren Everley and Emily Markov

2 Definitions Special Characteristics Varying Etiologies Introduction

3 Definition- Very young refers to children 0-5 years of age Special Characteristics of Population- Literacy Little reading and/ or writing ability Speech Pre-lingual Vocabulary Often limited

4 Introduction Varying Etiologies Autism TBI Genetic Conditions (ie Down Syndrome) Cerebral Palsy Sensory Deficits (ie Visual, Hearing)

5 Communicative Abilities Motor Abilities Cognitive Abilities Sensory Functioning Behavioral Issues Characteristics Affecting Device Usage

6 Communicative Abilities How does the child currently communicate? Does the child engage in intentional communication? How well does the child understand the communication of others? (receptive communication)

7 Motor Abilities What are the childs current speech and oral motor abilities? What movements does the child have sufficient control over that can be used for AAC activation and control? How does the child move from place to place? Characteristics Affecting Device Usage

8 Cognitive abilities What cognitive abilities does the child have? Does the child engage in intentional communicative behavior? Does the child appear to understand the concepts of causality, means-end and symbols? Does the child do better utilizing recognition versus recall memory?

9 Sensory Functioning Does the child have and vision difficulties? Does the child have any hearing difficulties? Is the child overly sensitive to stimuli? Characteristics Affecting Device Usage

10 Behavioral Issues Does the child engage in inappropriate or challenging behaviors? Unwanted movements Attention span

11 SGD Voice Output System No tech, low tech, mid tech, high tech Speech Generating Devices

12 Voice output system- Electronic systems used to replace speech for individuals with speech impairments Allows individuals to actively participate in communication interaction Produce electronic voice output through speech synthesis or natural speech Often takes time to prepare responses SGD

13 does not require a power source requires a power source requires extensive training to program and maintain the device. No TechHigh TechLow Tech requires a source of power very easy to program Mid Tech requires a power source requires training to program and maintain

14 Communication Devices Available for Children

15 Picture based systems Three dimensional objects Wearable communication systems Gestures/ Sign Types of Communication Devices


17 Picture Based System The use of pictures to facilitate communication Child chooses a picture to make a request System can range from no-tech to high-tech

18 Picture Based System- PECS Picture Exchange Communication (PECS) The individual gives a picture of desired item to communicative partner who then honors the request 6 phases ( discrimination, sentences, answering questions, etc.)

19 Affordable Effective for multiple etiologies Allows for social communication Can be used even after young child years Requires a lot of attention to learn Communication limited to pictures available PROSCONS Picture Based System- PECS

20 Picture Based System- M 3 Dynavox M 3 first speech-generating device to feature touchscreen technology Prerecorded messages Ideal for young children because no literacy skills are needed

21 Messages sorted by situational context Provides verbal feedback via digitized feedback Visual AND auditory feedback Multiple access methods Mid-tech, so requires some training to use and program Must be charged to work Costly No room for error correction PROSCONS Picture Based System- M 3

22 A wide array of clients would benefit from the use of Picture Based Systems Low tech systems- ideal for any level of cognitive function, easier to use with high motor ability. High tech systems- can be more suited for children with low motor abilities because of the multitude of access methods Both require a higher attention span Picture Based System


24 Three Dimensional Object A tangible, often large, object children can use to communicate Has dimensions unlike a flat screen or flat pictures Often a switch

25 BIG Mack A single message can be recorded (up to two minutes in length) Once the client presses the button, the message will play back Three Dimensional Object

26 Ideal for communication for individuals that need a larger target area Low tech, so easy to program and use Can hook up to other devices Only has one recorded phrase at a time Costly Not very durable PROSCONS Three Dimensional Object- BIG mack

27 A smaller clientele would benefit from using a BIGmack than Picture Based Devices Provides a larger target for those with low motor ability or visual impairments Allows those with low motor ability to play with toys or make requests For those with low cognitive function, can be taught to use the BIGmack to make requests Three Dimensional Object


29 Wearable Communication System Portability Has a mechanism to attach it to the child to take with them anywhere they go Offers consistent voice output for users

30 Lingo A low-tech communication tool that helps students remember important details, follow step-by- step instructions and focus their attention in the classroom and the home Wearable Communication System

31 Allows kids to communicate quickly in the classroom and at home On the go Durable Low tech – easy to manage and maintain PROSCONS Wearable Communication System Limited responses Pricey

32 Clients that would benefit Children in the classroom People on the go who need to communicate quickly Ideal for those with behavioral issues because it does not require a large attention span. Wearable Communication System


34 Gestures/ Sign Gestures are communications like facial expressions, hand signals, eye gazing, and body postures. Examples: smiles, handshakes, waving, and raising certain fingers to say something.

35 American Sign Language (ASL) A language that uses a system of manual, facial, and other body movements as the means of communication Gestures/ Sign

36 Easy to learn Promotes language skills Many gestures are easily understood Inexpensive Quick and effective* PROSCONS Gestures/ Sign Not everyone understands ASL Clients must be mobile Limited vocabulary

37 Clients that would benefit Deaf and hard of hearing Anyone who does not have speech capabilities Anyone can use gestures and signs to enhance oral communication Gestures/ Sign

38 Conclusions Dont let your dreams be dreams

39 Sources

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