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Cold War And 1950s culture.

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1 Cold War And 1950s culture

2 Cold War Definition Ideological differences: USSR vs. US political
Democracy vs. communism/totalitarianism Describe the differences Different ideas of freedom: describe economic Capitalism: define and describe Communism: define and describe

3 Q. List the following presidents in order from the earliest to the most recent.
a. Kennedy b. Truman c. Johnson d. Eisenhower


5 Q. Place the following Soviet leaders in order from earliest to most recent
a. Nikita Khruschev b. Joseph Stalin c. Mikhail Gorbachev d. Leonid Brezhnev

6 Cold War Terms Iron Curtain Containment Truman Doctrine
The Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift June 1948-May 1949 NATO and Warsaw Pact Domino Theory


8 Cold War and Hot War in Asia
China goes Red under Mao Tse Tung Korean War Division North Korea attacks UN (US led) intervention Chinese intervention Stalemate and end 1953


10 Cold War Korean war dead: Nuclear weapons as deterrent: MAD Space Race
37,000 US dead 1-2 mil S Koreans dead 1.8 million N Korean, Chinese dead Nuclear weapons as deterrent: MAD Space Race Sputnik Laika



13 CIA and covert interventions Peacetime draft 1948 1952 election
Iran, Guatemala Peacetime draft 1948 1952 election Eisenhower Doctrine

14 McCarthyism Definition Causes: Recent communist gains – esp. China
Fear turned inward Politically useful Richard Nixon’s election vs. Helen Gahagan Douglas

15 Pre-McCarthy Spy trials: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Loyalty Oaths
High profile hearings before HUAC, Senate Job Losses and black listing

16 Joseph McCarthy High profile accusations and hearings
Edward R Murrow: See It Now Mar 9, 1954 (Recent film: Good Night and Good Luck) Army McCarthy Hearings (April-Jun, 1954) McCarthy censured by Congress

17 Results of McCarthyism
National Security trumps civil liberties Job Losses and Ruined Reputations Cultural Conformity “Subversive” organizations targeted

18 1950s culture When are the ‘50s? GI Bill: Baby Boom TV
What were the Reasons? effects/impacts of the GI Bill? (see sidebar in textbook) Baby Boom TV Consumer culture Credit cards Two income family


20 What happened to Rosie the Riveter? (see sidebar in book p 962):
What were employment stats and trends? How did women feel about it? How did employers respond? How did unions?

21 Social Changes in Post War US
“the problem that has no name” Betty Friedan The Feminine Mystique Suburbs: Why was there such a housing demand? What are characteristics of suburbia? Interstates built Polio vaccine 1954 Sun belt: What is it? Why was there growth and migration?

22 1950s people Alfred Kinsey: sex surveys
Jackson Pollack

23 Beatniks

24 Beatniks Describe the culture: style, outlook, activities
Jack Kerouac: On the Road Allen Ginsburg: Howl William S Burroughs: Naked Lunch

25 Music Chuck Berry
Elvis Presley

26 More Cold War under Kennedy
Eisenhower’s exit warning of the Military Industrial Complex: Why We Fight clip: Aid to non-communists in 3rd World Peace Corps Cuba: Fidel Castro takes over 1959 Bay of Pigs invasion and results Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 Berlin Wall 1961

27 Where was JFK assassinated?
a. Nashville b. Washington, DC c. Los Angeles d. Dallas

28 Kennedy’s Assassination
Lee Harvey Oswald Jack Ruby Warren Commission










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