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Supernovae and Neutron Stars

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Presentation on theme: "Supernovae and Neutron Stars"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supernovae and Neutron Stars

2 Specific textbook sections
Evolution after the main sequence: Section 19.4 White dwarf stars: Section 20.1 Supernovae and neutron stars: Section 20.2

3 Core collapse of a massive star has two consequences
Massive explosion (1044 Joules) Production of a neutron star

4 Formation of a neutron star from stellar core
As core collapses, matter becomes compressed Electrons and protons forced together e+p > n + nu (neutronization) Core of the becomes a neutron fluid Neutronization produces a burst of neutrinos Neutron fluid in core becomes degenerate and rigid

5 The physics of a self-gravitating neutron blob (neutron star)
Radius versus mass relation for neutron star Notice size of neutron star Masses extend above Chandrasekhar limit

6 Theoretical prediction of the existence of a neutron star
The remnant after the explosion of a massive star An object having the mass of the Sun (or more) but in an object with the diameter of Iowa City! An equivalent to the Chandrasekhar mass (largest possible mass of a neutron star) Do they exist?

7 The problem of the Crab Nebula…the remnant of the supernova of 1054 AD
Even today,something is powering the Crab Nebula, causing it to shine at x-rays

8 1968: The Discovery of Pulsars: Rotating Neutron Stars

9 Highly regular pulse properties PSR0329+54, P=0.714519699726 sec
Pulsar properties Highly regular pulse properties PSR , P= sec PSR , P= sec What in nature could provide such a perfect clock? Demo

10 Pulsars as rotating neutron stars

11 The Crab Nebula Pulsar

12 How many pulsars (neutron stars) are there in the sky?

13 Neutron stars: from exotica to numerous astronomical objects

14 A final mystery…pulsar masses are nearly all AT the Chandrasekhar Limit

15 Periods and Period Derivatives for Pulsars

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