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The Supernova-Pulsar Connection

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Presentation on theme: "The Supernova-Pulsar Connection"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Supernova-Pulsar Connection

2 We Understand Pulsars …but can we prove that they are made in supernova explosions, as I have been claiming?

3 The Link Made Manifest The Crab nebula (remnant of a supernova in 1054 AD)

4 ..and at Its Heart, a Pulsar on and off 30 times a second

5 Seen at All Wavelengths

6 Question: Is This Fast? 30 rotations per second = 30 x 60 rotations per minute = 1800 rpm. That sounds very fast! What else rotates at this rate?

7 Under Your Hood!

8 The Difference. Scale. Engines will destroy themselves if ‘red-lined’
The Difference? Scale! Engines will destroy themselves if ‘red-lined’! Neutron stars are enormously larger – but hang together thanks to the enormous gravity!

9 Pulsars in Two Other Contexts

10 GPS!

11 Pulsars as Interstellar Beacons?

12 Pulsars as Tests of General Relativity

13 Testing GR Where Gravity is Much Stronger

14 The Binary Pulsar Energy is being lost in the form
of gravitational radiation: ‘ripples’ in space and time. The stars are spiralling together and will merge in a mere 300 million years. Visit

15 Learn All About It! Visit to learn about the discovery.
to learn about the discovery. This research led Hulse (a graduate student! – lesson learned?) and Taylor to the Nobel Prize.

16 Gravitational Radiation
In early 2016, the LIGO experiment finally found the first positive signal directly indicative of the merger of two mid-sized black holes, an event indicated by a particular pattern of gravitational waves detected on Earth.

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