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Cells The basic unit of structure and function in living things

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1 Cells The basic unit of structure and function in living things
All living things are made of ______________. Plant Cell Animal Cell

2 Unicellular Multicellular Organism made of many cells Human Frog Worm
Organism of one cell Amoeba Paramecium Yeast Algae Organism made of many cells Human Frog Worm Chicken Tree The smallest and _______________ organisms are unicellular which means they are made of ___________. Large and __________________ organisms are multicellular which means they are made of _____________________ cell.

3 The parts of a cell are called organelles (tiny organs).
Nucleus Golgi Bodies Cytoplasm Endoplasmic Reticulum Cell Membrane Vacuole Ribosome Chloroplasts Cell Wall Lysosome Mitochondria Organelles carry out all the activities that a cell must do to __________________.

4 Controls which materials enter and exit the cell.
Cell Membrane Animal Cell Plant Cell Protects the cell. Controls which materials enter and exit the cell. The cell membrane is like a _____________________________________________________.

5 Nucleus Directs and Controls cell activities.
Animal Cell Plant Cell Directs and Controls cell activities. Contains all information for cell function Contains the chromosomes The nucleus is like the __________________ for the cell. Without a nucleus, the cell would not be able to _______________________________________________. (that contain the genes) (that are made of DNA)

6 Cytoplasm Animal Cell Plant Cell Fluid between nucleus and membrane (fills cell like water in a water balloon). Most life functions take place here. Allows things to move through Cytoplasm supports the rest of the organelles in the cell, like the ________________ in a pool supports the ___________________.

7 Controls which materials enter and exit the nucleus.
Nuclear Membrane Animal Cell Plant Cell Protects the nucleus. Controls which materials enter and exit the nucleus. The nuclear membrane surrounds the ___________ and controls what enters and leaves the _________________. It provides extra protection for the _______________________.

8 Bigger in plant cells than animal cells.
Vacuoles Animal Cell Plant Cell Space (surrounded by a membrane) that stores materials (ex. food, water or wastes). Bigger in plant cells than animal cells. Vacuoles are like bubbles filled with liquid. The cell uses vacuoles for _________________.

9 Mitochondria Animal Cell Plant Cell Releases energy (by cellular respiration) for the cell from nutrients. “Powerhouse” of the cell. The Mighty Mitochondria The mitochondria are shaped like jelly beans. They perform ____________________ __________________ using digested ___________________ and ___________________. Cells that need a lot of ____________________ have a lot of ____________________________.

10 Endoplasmic Reticulum
Animal Cell Plant Cell The endoplasmic reticulum extends from the _______________ out into the cell. The ER is used to ______________________ material through the cell. “Roadways.” Paths for moving materials within the cell.

11 Grain-like structures.
Ribosomes Animal Cell Plant Cell Grain-like structures. Make and use protein. Ribosomes are tiny spheres that make ___________________. If they are found on the endoplasmic reticulum, it is called __________________ endoplasmic reticulum. After the ribosomes make ___________________ , the __________________ travels through the ER to other parts of the cell.

12 Lysosome Membrane package of digestive enzymes Destroy Clean up
Animal Cell Plant Cell Lysosomes act as the custodians of the cell. The digestive enzymes in lysosomes breakdown material that needs to be digested or destroyed. If the __________________ ruptures, the enzymes will digest the cell. Membrane package of digestive enzymes Destroy Clean up

13 Golgi Bodies Prepare and Package material for transport or storage
Animal Cell Plant Cell Once the _________________ have made the proteins, the Golgi Bodies package the proteins so they can be ___________________ or ___________________.

14 Cell Wall Animal Cell Plant Cell Surrounds cell membrane (whole cell) of plant cells only (not present in animal cells). Made of cellulose, which makes it rigid Gives it shape and protection. Animal cells do not have ________________________. Plant cells have ________________ for ____________________ and _____________________. Cell walls act like an exoskeleton for plant cells. When you bite into raw vegetables, the crunch comes from biting through the ___________ __________ of the cells.

15 Chloroplasts Found in plant – not animal cells.
Plant Cell Found in plant – not animal cells. Contain green chlorophyll for photosynthesis make food from sunlight Chloroplasts are only found in organisms that can perform _____________________. These organisms are called ____________________ because they produce food. Animal cells do not have chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are ___________. They take in oxygen, water and ________________. They store energy in ___________________ and produce __________________ and ___________________ as waste products.

16 Endoplasmic Reticulum
Chloroplast Ribosomes Endoplasmic Reticulum Nucleus Cytoplasm Nuclear Membrane Golgi Body The 2 organelles that are in plant cells and not animal cells are __________________ and ___________________. The other difference between plant and animal cells is that the ________________________ is usually larger in a __________________________. Vacuoles Lysosome Plant Cell Animal Cell Mitochondria Cell Wall Cell Membrane

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