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Prescription Drug Abuse Awareness Curriculum

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Presentation on theme: "Prescription Drug Abuse Awareness Curriculum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prescription Drug Abuse Awareness Curriculum
Created by: Geremi Boom, Cathie Scherr and Ryanne VanSciver and Allyson Pugh for the JP Prescription Drug Awareness Foundation

2 Schedule Introduction to the foundation Curriculum overview
PowerPoint walkthrough and teaching strategy explanation Project Based Learning

3 The JP Prescription Drug Awareness Foundation
Check us out!!

4 The JP Prescription Drug Awareness Foundation...
Meet JP…

5 Curriculum Overview Day One Overview: Pre Assessment
Students answer questions about prescription drugs via paper and pencil, If using technology teacher can display data anonymously and compare the data to actual statistics related to the questions. Group discussion on what surprises students and what they think they already know. Introduction to topic via PowerPoint presentation where activities are embedded. Exit Card would be a (further explained in subsequent slides). Three things that the students learned, two questions that they have, and one thing that is on their mind.

6 Curriculum Overview Day Two Overview:
A personal reflection/story to connect and build relevance to the learning about to take place and help to convey why this learning is relevant. PowerPoint presentation where activities are embedded.

7 Curriculum Overview Days Three through Eight:
This can be structured activities for the next 3-5 days. Or students can engage in a project based learning opportunity as decided by the teacher. The Project Based Learning (see subsequent slides for detailed description) would consist of students researching an issue, based around prescription drugs that would be of interest to the individual student. Examples are: School student health fair Video Song or Skits Create health magazine Post Assessment based off the questions on Day one. If technology used can compare the growth of their knowledge on the subject.

8 Guidelines for ‘Hard to Answer Questions’
PharmD student can answer question to the best of their abilities. Encourage general questions and not specific names: Example: I know a girl who goes home and takes…. VS. My friend Sarah goes home and takes….. Encourage teacher participation in these questions to create a safe and confidential environment Offer to get back to the teacher with a more detailed answer. Refer questions that necessitate further (more private) discussion to teacher. Ensure that teacher is present for these questions Anonymous question box

9 Rx Abuse Prevention PowerPoint
PowerPoint presentation and all subsequent information provided separately.

10 Cooperative Learning Structures
Turn-and-Talk Purpose: Generate ideas and common questions amongst students Have students turn and talk to a neighbor before each interactive question in the powerpoint presentation. Example: Why do teens abuse? Before sharing answers on the ppt slide have the students turn and talk to their neighbor to generate conversation. Option to voice over explaining each of these teaching methods to pharmD students if needed

11 Cooperative Learning Structures
Pick a Side Purpose is to help students differentiate between terms centered around prescription drugs. Students are divided into 2 different groups with different scenarios. Students determine if each scenario illustrates misuse, abuse, appropriate use, or a solution. Students then create a scenario poster with the definition and ideas for solution. At the end of this activity students should be able to understand the difference between responsible and irresponsible use of Rx drugs

12 Cooperative Learning Structures
3-2-1 Have students reflect on: Three things they learned Two questions they have One thing that is on their mind PharmD students will collect and compile this information to use and tailor future sessions. All compiled data should also be shared the JP Rx Drug Awareness Foundation (contact info provided).

13 Cooperative Learning Structures
Snow Ball Fight Students will write down a reason why teens might choose to use Rx medications in 10 words or less. Students then crumple paper into a ball and toss across the room. Students will pick up a ‘snowball’ read and reflect, crumple it back up and toss again. Continue for ~20-30 seconds At the end of the snow ball fight form groups of 3-5 and reflect on themes that were common on snowballs that they read.

14 Project Based Learning
Below are a variety of topics that students may choose from to further explore about the growing epidemic of prescription drug abuse. Students may also choose a topic not listed below that is of interest to them. · What are the five most abused medicines? · What does medicine abuse look like? · What can I do to help prevent drug abuse and misuse? · What is the difference between misuse and abuse? · What are the side effects of commonly abused medicines? · What are the dangers of mixing medicines? · Facts vs myths · How can I help this problem in my community? · How to talk to friends and parents about drug use.

15 Project Based Learning
Once students have picked a topic they can begin researching and creating a project. Resources for each of these topics will be provided or students can feel free to gather research on their own. Now that students have a topic and their research is complete. It is time to let the fun begin! Have students find a creative and relevant way to share their information. See the following slide for ideas!

16 Project Based Learning
School student health fair PowerPoint presentation Video Prezi Song or skit Informational poster Health magazine Write a letter to a governmental official about your topic and how change could be made Create Webquests for future learners Create a documentary helping spread the awareness on your topic Create a brochure And MANY MORE!!!

17 Questions? Please forward any questions or suggestions to Karol Kendall:

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