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Teachers' Domain: Human Genome Project

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1 Teachers' Domain: Human Genome Project
Biotechnology Teachers' Domain: Human Genome Project



4 DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
DNA molecule Chromosome


6 The Tools of Molecular Biology

7 DNA fingerprinting is a method
of identification that compares fragments of DNA.

8 What is the importance of DNA fingerprinting?


10 Who is the father? Male 1

11 You are the father!!!

12 Evidence of the crime : Suspects

13 Restriction enzymes are used to cut and edit DNA sequences forming DNA fragments.

14 Stem Cells
Undifferentiated Cells ex. Stem Cells -Cells that are not specialized (do not have a job. Differentiated Cells ex. Heart Cell -Cells that are specialized (have a job


16 Recombinant DNA Before 1922, diabetes was a death sentence. Scientists can now insert genes that make insulin (the hormone needed to balance blood sugar) into a bacterial DNA, called a plasmid, to make insulin rapidly.

17 Geneticists helping farmers
Segments of DNA can be removed and replaced with different segments of DNA. For farmers this can result in crops that are bigger and better.

18 Cloning

19 What kinds of jobs involve working with DNA?

20 Careers in Molecular Biology
Genetic engineers can change gene sequences, or insert new genes to improve organisms. Microorganisms can be genetically engineered to produce pharmaceuticals. For example, the human insulin gene is inserted into bacteria to mass produce insulin for diabetics. Genes are inserted into crops to make them mold and pest resistant

21 Careers in Molecular Biology
Because we inherit genes from our parents, we can use DNA sequences to determine how organisms are related. Ecologists and conservation biologists use DNA to understand population structure: this can help identify and protect endangered species Animal breeders use differences in DNA to determine parentage.

22 Crime Scene Investigation

23 WHO DID IT? Careers in Molecular Biology
There are slight differences in the DNA sequences between different people. Forensic scientists and crime scene investigators use these differences to help match DNA found at a crime scene to a suspect. Found at the crime scene Suspects: A B C WHO DID IT?

24 Careers in Molecular Biology
Medical professionals and gene therapists use DNA sequences to understand the variation between people in terms of health and disease. This is important in the study of heritable disease (such as breast cancer), organ transplants, and fertility. Pharmaceutical scientists also use DNA techniques to understand how drugs work in the body, which helps them develop new and better drugs.

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