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CKI Meeting February 7, 2013.

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1 CKI Meeting February 7, 2013

2 Rhinoceros and Hippopotamus Icebreaker

3 Carolinas CKI DCON February 22-24 Embassy Suites Colombia, SC
If 4 more people go, price will be $85 per person It’s going to be super FUN

4 Upcoming Service Projects
Walhalla Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast THIS SATURDAY February 9th 7am-10am We will be serving pancakes and helping set up/clean up the event FREE PANCAKES

5 Other Upcoming Service Projects

6 Leadershape FREE six day intensive leadership program for Clemson students May 6-11th Interest meetings: Feb.13th ASC rm 313 6pm and Feb. 21st 5pm Union Student Org Conference room 7th floor Applications due March 4th!

7 Feed the Hunger Pack-a-thon
New Clemson CKI lead project Goal is to package 50,000 meals and raise $13,500 Bringing together the entire campus for this cause October 2013

8 Feed the Hunger Video

9 Interested in helping with the planning?
Planning Committee will consist of organization reps (max 2) and any CKI members First planning committee meeting Feb. 21 7pm Hendrix Ballroom A

10 Miscellaneous Pay your dues if you haven’t! Its $25 for the year
Like us on Facebook Join on Orgsync Have a great week!! Next meeting: Feb 19th Meeting Room B 7pm

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