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RUBE GOLDBERG A Mini-STEM Unit for Gifted 4th and 5th Graders.

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Presentation on theme: "RUBE GOLDBERG A Mini-STEM Unit for Gifted 4th and 5th Graders."— Presentation transcript:

1 RUBE GOLDBERG A Mini-STEM Unit for Gifted 4th and 5th Graders

2 What IS a Rube Goldberg?

3 Additional Rube Goldberg Videos

4 Who was Rube Goldberg? Rube Goldberg

5 What does all of this mean for ME???
You will be working within teams to create your very own Rube Goldberg. Each person will have a specific job. Design Leader Construction Manager Materials Manager Presentation Leader Director of Video

6 What is the objective for each Team?
To build a working Rube Goldberg that will successfully solve a problem that is decided upon by the team. The Rube Goldberg must use at least four simple machines and contain five chain reactions. A banner must be created to advertise the Rube Goldberg and each team will need to use technology to create a commercial that will include all required elements: Name of machine Purpose Simple machines used in the machine Chain reactions Discuss the audience it is intended for

7 Let’s Get Started! Divide into teams and complete the following tasks:
Create a Team Name Decide upon who would be best at which job REMEMBER…Everyone participates in each part of the job!

8 Step 1: Research Complete Handout
Great site with examples of each:

9 Work with your team and brainstorm a problem that you would like to solve
EXAMPLES: Turning your light off from bed after reading your book Turning the music on without having to get up Turning the light on to help you wake up in the morning Putting your money into a piggy bank Picking something up from across the room - ANY IDEA IS ACCEPTABLE AS LONG AS YOU CAN EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER 

10 It’s Your Turn! Use your knowledge of simple machines and chain reactions to sketch out your own Rube Goldberg You will collaborate and combine ideas after the sketches are complete Remember these important Requirements: There must be at least four different simple machines There must be at least five chain reactions It needs to have a specific purpose The machine should be created for a particular audience The sketch must be an accurate blueprint of the contraption that is created

11 Divide and Conquer Presentation Leader Design Leader
Look at the sketch and ideas of your group. Collaborate with team and decide how you can best create a poster and a skit to advertise the Rube Goldberg that will be created. Collaborate with team to decide how to combine, eliminate or choose and idea from the group for the construction of the Rube Goldberg machine Begin sketching the group sketch so the construction leaders can begin building. Materials Manager: Create a list of supplies with your team that will be needed for the sketch, the construction of the device and the skit.

12 Director of Video Construction Manager
Work with your team to figure out which type of movie maker or filming you would like to do to present your commercial Construction Manager Collaborate with your team to make sure you have the supplies gathered by the materials manager that you will need. Discuss the order in which each piece of the machine should be put together. Begin constructing!

13 REMINDERS Must have 4 different simple machines
Must have at least 8 chain reactions Commercial must cover all required elements and be created with technology Advertising Banner created Sketch must be accurate to the machine Teams must collaborate together to get the job done

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