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Web Metrics Stats ’n Stuff.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Metrics Stats ’n Stuff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Metrics Stats ’n Stuff

2 Global Internet Penetration 9/2017

3 Top Domains By TLD 1/18

4 U.S. Weekly Time Spent on Internet

5 Americans’ Time Spent on Mobile
In Minutes

6 Americans’ Daily Online Activities
In Minutes

7 Daily Online Activities by Age
In Minutes

8 Daily Online Activities by Gender
In Minutes

9 U.S. Online Time Spent by Platform

10 An Internet Minute July 2017
Amount per minute Spam s sent 103,447,520 Forecast requests received by The Weather Channel 18,055,556 Text messages sent 15,220,700 Videos watched by YouTube users 4,146,600 Searches conducted via Google 3,607,080 GB of data used by Americans 2,657,700 GIFs served by Giphy 694,444 Photos shared on Snapchat 527,760 Tweets sent by Twitter users 456,000 Sales revenue generated by Amazon in USD $258,752 Calls made by Skype users 154,200

11 Multimedia Websites

12 Social Networking Social Media Population Today
Same as Total World Population in the 1950s

13 Social Networking

14 Social Networking Demographics
Pew Internet 4/16

15 Social Media Use

16 Social Media Use

17 Preferred News Source

18 Happy Holidays 2017

19 M-Commerce Terrible UX Don’t Follow E-Commerce Usability Guidelines
Result is Worse on a Small Mobile Screen Many Don’t Have a Special Mobile Design Show Same Design Regardless of Platform Ignore Additional Guidelines for Mobile Usability

20 M-Commerce Terrible UX
Mobile (Smartphones): 40.6% of Traffic and 15.9% of Sales Ratio of Sales-To-Visits = 0.39 Tablets: 15.9% of Traffic and 18.4% of Sales Ratio of Sales-To-Visits = 1.16 Desktop: 42.9% of Traffic and 65.2% of Sales Ratio of Sales-To-Visits = 1.52 288% Higher Conversion Rate on Desktop vs. Smartphones Dollars Per Visit Were 372% Higher For Desktop vs. Mobile

21 M-Commerce

22 M-Commerce

23 M-Commerce

24 Top U.S. Web Properties Companies People/mo 1. Google 2. Facebook
3. Yahoo 4. Microsoft 5. Amazon 6. Comcast 9. Apple 23. Walmart People/mo 241,433,000 203,915,000 185,577,000 183,814,000 180,032,000 155,300,000 140,939,000 89,322,000 comScore 6/17

25 Smartphone OS Servers that web sites reside on. StatCounter 10/17

26 Server Platform Servers that web sites reside on. NetCraft 11/17

27 Browser Use Worldwide Browsers (Desktop/Tablet)
Chrome IE / Edge Firefox Safari Worldwide Browsers (Mobile) UC Opera Android 59% 17% 13% 3% 28% 4% NetMarketShare 12/17 These numbers indicate the percentage of browser usage. NetMarketShare 12/17

28 1,734,290,608 U.S. Hostnames NetCraft 12/17

29 171,959,694 Active Sites NetCraft 11/17

30 1,123,650 Number of unrelated web pages an average Internet user will drudge through in his or her lifetime

31 1/3 Fraction of their lives Millenials will spend on the Internet

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