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Honors Chemistry December 17th.

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1 Honors Chemistry December 17th

2 Do Now: What are you going to do to study for tomorrow’s test?????

3 Agenda LT: I can review. Do Now Agenda REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HW: Study for your Test……,

4 TEST VOTE RESULTS In light of recent events and the large number of people who will be absent on Thursday, and the overwhelming majority vote, 86% voted in favor, the test is now FRIDAY December 18th.

5 Things you should know for Thursday’s Test
How to determine the valence electrons of an element How to draw the Lewis dot structure of an element How to determine if a bond is ionic or not How to name ionic formula’s How to determine the charge based on the ionic formula The properties of ionic compounds The way metals bond and their properties How to determine if it is a metallic bond How to determine if a bond between two atoms is polar, or nonpolar covalent? How to determine if a bond is sigma or pi How to determine the hybridization of an atom in a molecule How to determine the shape of a molecule and draw it in 3D How to name a covalent compound How to find the formula based on the covalent name How to determine the types of intermolecular forces a molecule will exhibit The difference between an intermolecular and intramolecular force How to determine if a molecule will be polar or not How to draw the dot structure for any compound How to identify a substance based on its physical properties

6 Review Time On your LLP answer the following questions with your table. Answer in complete sentences and explain your answer for any multiple choice questions.

7 Question 1 Identify the bond types based on properties
Compound 1 dissolves, and has a high melting point Compound 2 dissolves, and has a low boiling point

8 Question 2 Define intermolecular bonds:
These are the bonds that hold different molecules close to one another, examples would be ionic, hydrogen, dipole-dipole, and london dispersion bonds.

9 Question 3 Which of the following is a nonpolar molecule? CO2 H2O NH3

10 Question 4 How do you determine if something is a polar molecule?

11 Question 5 Fill in the blanks Compound Dissolves Melts Boils
Conducts electricity Physical Appearance Type of Bond A Yes Low (10) Blue Diamond Shape Covalent B (1) High (11) (21) Metallic C (2) (12) Yellow opaque cube Ionic D (4) (7) No (14) (16) E (5) (13) (15) (17) F (6) (8) White looks like broken glass (18) G (3) Low (liquid at room temp) (9) Shiny, weird balls (19)

12 Question 6 Please draw the VSEPR structure for the following molecules, identify the molecular geometry and electronic geometery, indicate polarity of bonds, label each bond as sigma or pi, label dipole any dipole moments and dipoles, and determine the polarity of the molecule. CO2 CH4 SF4 NaCl

13 Question 7 Questions 1-3 refer to the following: X+ X+2 X+3 XO3-2
A type of ion found in sodium acetate A type of ion found in aluminum oxide A type of ion found in potassium phosphate

14 Question 8 On the next slide determine whether each statement is true or false. If both statements are true, determine if the second statement explains the first.

15 The ionic bond is the strongest intramolecular bond bond II
Ionic bonds have electrostatic attraction due to the loss and gain of electrons BECAUSE Atom A with 7 valence electrons forms AB2 with atom B with two valence electrons B donates its electrons to fill the outer shell of A BECAUSE Density T,F F,T

16 Question 9 How many atoms are present in the formula KAl(SO4)2? 7 9 11
12 13

17 Question 10 Element X forms the compounds XCl3 and X2O3. Element X would most likely belong to the group called Alkali metals Alkaline earth metals Group 13 Halogens Noble gases

18 Question 11 A nonmetal (X) reacts with a metal (M) to give the formula M2X. Which pairing below is most like elements represented by M and X? Ca and N Li and S Si and O Rb and F Mg and Cl

19 Question 11 In which of the following compounds are hydrogen bonds between molecules the strongest? HF HCl HBr HI HAt

20 Question 12 How many sigma and pi bonds are found in the following molecule? H—C C—CH2—CH=CH2 6 sigma, 2 pi 2 sigma, 6 pi 10 sigma, 3 pi 5 sigma, 3 pi 11 sigma, 2 pi

21 Question 13 How many single bonds are in a molecule of carbon dioxide, CO2? None One Two Three Four

22 Question 14 The shape of a PCl3 molecule can be described as Bent
Trigonal pyramidal Linear Trigonal planar Tetrahedral

23 Question 15 Which of the following is a nonpolar molecule? CO2 H2O NH3

24 Question 16 When is a bond ionic?

25 Question 17 Which bonds are ionic? I. HCl II. SCl III. CsF I only
III only I and II only II and III only I, II and III

26 Question 18 I The boiling point of H2O is higher than the boiling point of H2S II H2S has a greater molecular mass than H2O BECAUSE Density T,F F,T Bromine has a higher boiling point than chlorine Bromine has higher dispersion forces than chlorine BECAUSE

27 Question 19 Which of the elements below is most likely to form compounds in which it has an incomplete octet? B C N O F

28 Question 20 Which compound below has a bent molecular geometry? H2SO4

29 Question 21 When is something polar covalent vs. nonpolar covalent?

30 Question 22 Questions 1-5 refer to the following: Hydrogen bonding
Ionic bonding Network bonding London dispersion force Metallic bonding Chiefly responsible for the relatively high boiling point of water Is present in liquid oxygen Is primarily responsible for the hardness of diamond Allows copper to conduct electricity Is present in solid KCl

31 Question 23 Which compound is not paired with its correct name?
FeCl2 / iron(II) chloride K2O / potassium oxide NO2 / nitrogen dioxide PCl3 / potassium trichloride NH4Cl / ammonium chloride

32 Question 24 What are the prefixes used in covalent naming?

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